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United Kingdom · From August 2004

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Happily married 🎉

4 September, 2007

6402days 6hours


Addressing marital issues
Redbedhead, 18 April, 2009 at 09:50

Can anyone offer suggestions on how to deal with addressing issues in your marriage? They are not really problems as such yet but I want to ensure they don't get to that stage but addressing the...

Pink Han-bag, saturday 18-Apr-09 16
The Hospital: C4
hazel, 14 April, 2009 at 21:10

It's going to be another corking programme. Teenage mums. This second one has done her homework - good on her!

Hyacinth, wednesday 15-Apr-09 47
Joachim Phoenix
barongreenback, 12 February, 2009 at 14:19

Is this a piss take or is he ill?

kjfc100, thursday 12-Feb-09 20
Two new bonkers celeb baby names
HeidiHole, 17 January, 2009 at 12:15

1. Lee Ryan (formerly of Blue) has called his son - Rayn Lee Amethyst Ryan Rayn was picked because it's an anagram of Ryan. I kid you not ?? 2. Bear Grylls has called his son - Huckleberry Edward...

DaisyDaisy, sunday 18-Jan-09 26
IABU - wedding abroad - update on1st pg
Viva Suzi, 8 January, 2009 at 15:43

Well my SIL2B has finally decided about where she is going to have her wedding day. Above all she wants it to be different that other weddings she has gone where does she pick?.....Australia...

Zo�, friday 6-Feb-09 139
Christingle Photos - the shame
MrsB, 30 December, 2008 at 20:43

Okay, these are the best ones we've been sent. sadly the woman who was supposed to be taking a close up for us seemed to disappear. It was hilarious, we didn't have a clue what we were doing....

Ms. Scarlett, wednesday 31-Dec-08 28
The Grouch That Stole Christmas
photobook fabulousness
The Grouch That Stole Christmas, 21 December, 2008 at 17:21

I can highly, highly recommend BobBooks for making photobooks. They are brilliant. I am so impressed at how well ours have come out. They are absolutely stunning. that is all.

kewbride, sunday 21-Dec-08 1
Anyone here ? - I am so angry with H
Pickled Eggnog, 21 December, 2008 at 05:18

Its 5.15am and my husband who has been out drinking with his mates and girlfriends has just fallen through the door, thrown up on my cream living room carpet, the hall carpert and my bed. I have been...

Helen**, sunday 21-Dec-08 38
Could you live on £35 a week? (Asylum related)
Zoay, 19 December, 2008 at 19:42

I have lots of patients who are asylum seekers. They have all got horrific stories to their name, and have fled desperate situations. Imagine a woman coping with a new baby, otherwise alone in the...

kewbride, saturday 20-Dec-08 93
canon 350d with 18 - 55 lens for £90 - bargain?
RuthG, 20 December, 2008 at 13:41

My BIL has upgraded his DSLR camera and is selling his old one, and 350d with 18 - 55 lens for £90, is that a bargain?

RuthG, saturday 20-Dec-08 14
flickr help
Hubble, 19 December, 2008 at 21:44

I just want to order some prints of a few photos in my flickr account. Why is it so hard to do?! I am on a wild goose chase here and even though i have now told my flickr account i am in the UK not...

spot, friday 19-Dec-08 5
Elton John loses libel action
Mr JK, 13 December, 2008 at 08:45

...and, national treasure though he undoubtedly is, I think this was absolutely the right decision - as the piece he sued over was so clearly and unambiguously a piss-take. Put it like this, if he'd...

Mr JK, saturday 13-Dec-08 4
Orange scarves / hats, has anyone seen any?
Rach123, 23 October, 2008 at 10:30

I've got a gorgeous pair of burnt orange coloured leather gloves from cabbages and roses, but they've no scarves or other accessories that go with them. Has anyone any suggestions as to where to look?...

Rach123, thursday 23-Oct-08 4
How do you cook rice?
ClareM, 13 October, 2008 at 16:14

I'm absolutely rubbish at cooking rice because it always ends up really stodgy and horrible but I'm sick of using Uncle Ben's microwave stuff. It's expensive and actually not that nice because it all...

kewbride, monday 13-Oct-08 31
Ugg boots - I know they are not to everyones taste but I want some!
susu, 8 October, 2008 at 21:20

Hi everyone I would like to buy some Ugg boots but there is such a variation on price that I'm not sure of they are genuine or not. How can you tell? I found this website and they look real but I have...

Flump, wednesday 8-Oct-08 4
Lili Donkey
HRML: Holiday booked but can’t be bothered to go – WWYD?
Lili Donkey, 8 October, 2008 at 10:31

Not so much of a holiday but a short break - Mr Lili and I are supposed to be going away next week but I really can't be bothered We booked it a couple of weeks ago because Ryanair were selling...

Mrs Winkle, wednesday 8-Oct-08 122
My mother has cancer
SophieM, 4 October, 2008 at 17:17

Sorry, I am being the most demanding Hitcher in the world, ever atm. Just had an email from mum, she has colon cancer. She's going in to hospital for surgery tomorrow - she says it "doesn't...

Ginger, monday 6-Oct-08 127
Celeb lookalikes or lookanothinglike
cavewoman, 28 September, 2008 at 19:37

Evening everyone. Someone in my family is a celeb lookalike and i have never paid much attention to it really but today he gave me the site he is signed to and i have just spent the past 20 mins...

cavewoman, monday 29-Sep-08 27
I am a rubbish wife [weep]
Knownowt, 29 September, 2008 at 10:24

It's my husband's birthday today and I've just realised that his presents are frankly pathetic. I ordered a DVD box set from, which hasn't arrived, so he's stuck with a shirt, a pair of...

NumbNuts, monday 29-Sep-08 26
Stupidly excited: just got my first film camera
NeoShoegal, 22 September, 2008 at 12:24

And it looks so cool! My first 8mm camera! yay! Weighs more than I thought it would. Can't wait to start using it. The film does more than the camera! About £50 for less than 3 minutes of footage ?...

NeoShoegal, sunday 26-Oct-08 32
Hitched hairdressers: The Posh
Pint&APie, 12 September, 2008 at 10:05

According to the radio this morning, hairdressers across the country are struggling to cope with demand for Victoria Beckham's new crop. Is this true ? Are women really that celebrity-obsessed ? It...

gill670, thursday 18-Sep-08 25
Mrs Winkle
I'm an aunty
Mrs Winkle, 10 September, 2008 at 14:28

We got back from NYC this morning, and whilst we were away my sister developed pre-eclampsia and had to have an emergency c section on Saturday. So, I missed the birth of my first nephew. Not only...

Platty, wednesday 10-Sep-08 20
Eurovision Dance Contest
feathers, 6 September, 2008 at 21:16

Is anyone watching the Eurovision Dance Contest? Some of the outfits are highly dodgy! The judges seem to be quite inconsistent with their marks too.

Treacle tart, saturday 6-Sep-08 15
Think I've screwed up.. Pill and amoxcillin
Violet1, 6 September, 2008 at 21:52

Evening all, I've come down with tonsilitis and my doctor gave me Amoxcillin. I'm currently taking the pill will this inactivate it?My doctor didn't tell me anything and now I'm worried as I have a...

mrs lilly, sunday 7-Sep-08 22
your favourite Greek island and why please.
legless, 24 August, 2008 at 16:30

Which is your favourite and why? we reckon we can do 2 + Rhodes and can't narrow it down.

Flowery the Grouch, sunday 24-Aug-08 16
I've made a mistake haven't I
Bumble_Bee, 23 August, 2008 at 23:04

I've just come across a dating website in the history toolbar from today where my H has emailed a woman saying thanks for getting back to me you look like fun yeah i'm definately up for meeting. So...

Nutsy40, saturday 30-Aug-08 55
People who are "naturally" slim: Qs
Rache, 17 August, 2008 at 22:25

Ie not yoyo dieters, or people who have lost lots of weight What do you eat in a normal day? How often do you eat cakes/ chocolate/ biscuits/ pudding/ alcohol? How often do you skip meals? Do you do...

baublegirl, thursday 28-Aug-08 45
Clothes help for my mum!
maisybelle, 22 August, 2008 at 19:09

My mum needs an outfit for my winter wedding, and we need some inspiration! She's 50, about 5'6", hates her tummy and arms and is about a size 10-12. She refuses to get her legs/top of arms out and...

maisybelle, saturday 23-Aug-08 5
My car's been written off by a drunk driver.
DebbieD, 26 July, 2008 at 12:39

I was coming home at 10pm last night and got hit head-on by a white transit van swerving across the road. I got taken to hospital on a spinal board and kept being told how lucky I was to walk away...

Baby Buns, saturday 26-Jul-08 18
So this is what rock bottom feels like - long
Angel1982, 24 July, 2008 at 19:53

Sorry for the woe is me type post, I think I just need to let it all out So my husband left me at the end of May saying we need a break. Things hadn't been fantastic, but I had twins just before...

KellsBells, saturday 26-Jul-08 52
Mosquito repellent/patches/B1 vitamins - what works?
kewbride, 24 July, 2008 at 08:57

We're off to Corfu and I've heard the mosquito problem is particularly bad this year. Just read about an anti bite patch which contains the B1 Vitamin and wondered if anyone had tried it.

kewbride, thursday 24-Jul-08 8
Dr Doo.Little
The friend saga goes on
Dr Doo.Little, 24 July, 2008 at 08:54

The reply: I think things may turn out ok, assuming you still want to be my friend after all this... It will still take some time I reckon, and texts/hotmail should prob be avoided but Facebook will...

Dr Doo.Little, thursday 24-Jul-08 7

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