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United Kingdom · From January 2005

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Happily married 🎉

7 September, 2007

6398days 18hours


Tinted windows in cars
Redbedhead, 6 May, 2009 at 19:58

Can I ask if there is a reason for doing this? I understand celebs do it because they don't want people to see them / privacy etc but I mean tinted windows on day to day cars.

Keelz, thursday 7-May-09 16
Ironing/Steaming the dress........
Smelly_Kelly, 9 April, 2009 at 20:01

Where can I get it done???? And what are the chances on a Bank Holiday???

teeheeyoucrazyguys!, friday 10-Apr-09 3
I need some URGENT Dress help PLEASE........
Smelly_Kelly, 25 February, 2009 at 20:26

Right my cousin has just decided that she wants to get married. She has been with her fiance for years, she is pregnant with their 1st child and was planning on waiting til after the baby was born....

blossom, thursday 26-Feb-09 5 1,449
Mrs M
February Challenge
Mrs M, 6 February, 2009 at 10:31

Sorry its so late ladies, having children and H home from the snow has played havoc with my surfing. I've updated from the Jan feb and as always anyone who didn't post an aim last month has been...

sweetersong, wednesday 4-Mar-09 90
I'm so pleased with ME (Updated)
Smelly_Kelly, 2 February, 2009 at 18:21

I've now lost 3 stones. I now have 2.5 stones to go, I am so so pleased ? And believe me when I say, that does not happen very often! I needed to loose 5 & 1/2 stones to get treatment that I want,...

GMT, thursday 26-Feb-09 10
O/T(ish) - Tog's Details needed
Smelly_Kelly, 22 February, 2009 at 22:50

Evening All, 18 months after my wedding I can get back into my dress (finally). I am looking at doing a "Trash the Dress" type of shoot and would like the details of anyone who does this. Also if and...

Smelly_Kelly, monday 23-Feb-09 5
SW Password
mrs_dann, 10 February, 2009 at 21:32

Hi guys, I have just got back from SW (having loast 1/2 pound- still thats 1/2 lb in the right direction!) but I forgot to ask my consultant for this weeks password. Does anyone have it to hand?...

Smelly_Kelly, tuesday 10-Feb-09
Giving myself a big pat on the back
Bowski, 3 February, 2009 at 20:41

I weighed myself today and I have lost exactly one stone in one month! Yay me! Ok part of it has been due to being ill and not having a great appitite but I think I've changed my thinking on food,...

kr, sunday 8-Feb-09 3
Any one who does Wii Fit & Slimming World
Smelly_Kelly, 4 February, 2009 at 11:14

Not sure whether this has been posted already, but just got this off of the SW members area. Whether you’ve done it at a friend’s house or all on your own, wiggling away on a Wii Fit guarantees hours...

Smelly_Kelly, wednesday 4-Feb-09 1,291
Mrs M
January Challenge
Mrs M, 2 January, 2009 at 08:09

Happy New Year losers old & new. Hope you all had a great Christmas and are raring to go for the start of 2009 As always I'e deleted anyone who hasn't updated for a while but if you want back in...

Royalty, thursday 5-Feb-09 133
Why are you overweight?
Dot., 30 January, 2009 at 20:32

I don't eat much in one go but I eat frequently and I fight the urge for quick meals on a daily basis. If I had my choice I'd have toast and jam for breakfast, cheese on toast for lunch and pizza and...

mrs lilly, sunday 1-Feb-09 25
is / has anyone taking reductil?
Ginger, 27 January, 2009 at 19:27

Any experiences?

sweetersong, saturday 7-Feb-09 6
WW leader want a chat to discuss where I want to go with my weight next week...
Puss, 30 January, 2009 at 13:00

Am I going to be pushed into a final goal? I really don't want that yet. I know I have approx 5 more stone to lose which is fine but I don't want to focus on the big picture. I have my 10% goals and I...

slimzoe1, friday 30-Jan-09 2
Consuela Banana Hammock
Weigh-in - clothes or no clothes?
Consuela Banana Hammock, 29 January, 2009 at 10:21

I know most of us weigh in at either SW or WW or at the gym so I was just pondering how much weight you think your clothes weigh and whether you wear the same outfit every time? I weigh-in at the gym...

Consuela Banana Hamm, friday 30-Jan-09 12
sw girls.. how are you all doing?
Mad, 28 January, 2009 at 22:04

Well how is everyone then. I managed a 2.5 lbs weight loss this week. (yey), which takes me to 9 pounds in 3 weeks. I now things will slow down soon, but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. We were...

leafy, thursday 29-Jan-09 7
before and after pics
slimzoe1, 18 January, 2009 at 20:53

Oh my god, my sister has found the most fab fat pic of me, i think its 5ish years ago and i had to look twice, i wondered whose lap my daughter was sitting on! so im going to share. before after at my...

Smelly_Kelly, wednesday 28-Jan-09 35
Slimming World Taster Evening - what to take?!
leni, 28 January, 2009 at 12:53

Tomorrow is my 3rd week at Slimming World (lost 8.5lbs in 2 weeks!) anyway, we've been informed it's taster evening and I'm wondering what to take! I don't want to make/take loads as my friends who I...

GMT, thursday 29-Jan-09 5
those who attend a SW class
sparkletoes, 27 January, 2009 at 21:57

Just out of interest: 1. Do you stay for 'image therapy'? 2. How long does your class last for? 3. How many people attend your class?

sparkletoes, thursday 29-Jan-09 4
Yippeee! 2 Stone down!
Puss, 27 January, 2009 at 20:54

Wooo Hoooo! 1 st 4lbs to my next (most certainly not final) goal has been reached!

Smelly_Kelly, wednesday 28-Jan-09 6
Flaming Nora
Todd Carty dancing on ice
Flaming Nora, 25 January, 2009 at 20:20

Is anyone watching tonight? I think that has to THE funniest Dancing on Ice moment ever ? I hope he stays in this week, I'm still crying with laughter ?

Clare _ M, monday 26-Jan-09 29
Oooooh - please help!!! Dress Dilemma!!
happysmee, 10 January, 2009 at 22:44

Hi all, been meaning to join you on here for a while. Today was going to be our wedding day but we postponed it and now it's 9/1/2010!!!! Yayyyyyy!!!! Just went back to the bridal shop and asked...

The Sock Chicken, friday 16-Jan-09 6
People who have been extremely overweight - is excess skin inevitable
Roobarb, 8 January, 2009 at 23:04

After weight loss? I am 6 st above healthy BMI. I have a fat flabby tummy, doesn't help probably that I have had 2 children (both vaginal deliveries if that makes a difference) is it going to be...

Roobarb, friday 9-Jan-09 9
SW girls
Mad, 8 January, 2009 at 21:32

Juss wondering how you're all doing. I've been a bit naughty for a fair few weeks (haven't really attended class since November) which I know is bad, but I got off my lardy bum yesterday and went back...

Mad, friday 16-Jan-09 20
What is/did your H2B do for his stag?
sdaisy22, 7 January, 2009 at 19:17

H is organising a stag for his friend later in the year and he thought he had the perfect plan...suited exactly to his friend's likes etc. However, said friend has just texted to say he's decided he...

Little.Miss-Scatterb, thursday 8-Jan-09 10
Does anyone know what these are called? (x posted) UPDATED
Smelly_Kelly, 15 December, 2008 at 13:17

& where I can get them? I'm melted mine with our George grill and need to replace it. I've searched B&Q website but...

Smelly_Kelly, monday 15-Dec-08 5
Formatting SD Cards
Smelly_Kelly, 20 November, 2008 at 19:29

Does anyone know how to change the format of an SD Card? Its curently formatted in FAT32, but my phone will not recognise it unless it's in FAT16???? Help me please....... Evening All, I don't...

Smelly_Kelly, tuesday 25-Nov-08 5
Hugo Brambles
HRML - WWYD (ex issues)
Hugo Brambles, 20 November, 2008 at 17:56

I was due to attend a reunion this weekend but have found out that an ex is going to be there (well a few ex's will be there but its one in particular that bothers me.) I posted about it ages ago but...

Wordsworth, friday 21-Nov-08 11
I have a packet of the best crisps in the world!
KJX, 20 November, 2008 at 13:46

OK, corn snacks if I want to be accurate! I used to love these when my dad was based in Germany. I used to live off crisps like this...

HaloHoney, thursday 20-Nov-08 33

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