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United Kingdom · From June 2006

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How do I dry out some rose petals?
Helibop, 19 February, 2010 at 21:14

Hello everyone, Hope you don't mind me posting on here (having now been married 6 years I don't come on WP anymore) but I thought this would be the place to ask. We've been invited to a wedding where...

Helibop, sunday 21-Feb-10 2
Selling house - Registering replacement windows
mrsdogzy, 25 October, 2009 at 11:40

We've got a couple of people interested in our house and both are currently in rented accomodation so want to move in quite quickly. I've just been getting some paperwork together to return to the...

Helibop, thursday 29-Oct-09
Log in
tahdah, 16 September, 2009 at 20:12

I wish everyone would come back now it's faster on here (hopefully if they did it wouldn't slow down again)...I really miss the banter and the threads on this first page have been lingering for days....

spinster chick, saturday 19-Sep-09 12
Blanket trips – Benidorm
sazd, 7 September, 2009 at 11:40

Normal 0 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 My in laws are just back from holiday in Benidorm and were delighted to tell us all about the £1000 worth of Merino wool blankets they had placed an order for....

sazd, friday 11-Sep-09 12
Wills, interfering exes and parents and complicated children set up... help!
Toblerone, 2 September, 2009 at 09:26

Ok so the problem is my husband has a boy (22) and girl(14) from previous marriage, I have 2 boys (20) from a previous relationship and we have a son of almost 4 together. His oldest lives with his...

Toblerone, thursday 3-Sep-09 17
converting back garden to parking space - building regs?
LittlePeanut, 30 August, 2009 at 12:39

Hi, we live on a corner plot and have a small garage at the back of the house BUT no dropped kerb to it and a lamp post almost in front of it (!). We know we could pay to get the kerb dropped and even...

Waqas, wednesday 18-Dec-24 13
Replacing a conservatory with an extension
Croyde, 29 August, 2009 at 17:29

Hi, Our conservatory joins our kitchen (17’5 x 11’8) and we are thinking of replacing it with an extension and knocking out the old external kitchen wall so that we have one large kitchen diner. Has...

Croyde, sunday 30-Aug-09 2
Missus Jolly
WWYD (Sensitive)
Missus Jolly, 24 April, 2008 at 14:30

I have just spoken to my cousin. I haven't had contact with him for about 13 years. Long story short, my Auntie, who I also haven't seen for about 13 years is seriously ill in hospital with not very...

Missus Jolly, thursday 24-Apr-08 9
Shannon Matthews mother arrested
bobbly, 7 April, 2008 at 08:59

On suspicion of perverting the course of justice. I'm not quite sure if it is related to the stepfather case, or Shannon case?

Helibop, monday 7-Apr-08 10
Mrs Magic
Why does death bring out worst in folk?
Mrs Magic, 6 April, 2008 at 18:29

This may be long and rambled, I'm sorry, I just need to get my thoughts down! Mr Magic's grandad passed away yesterday morning, in a quick but less than nice way. MiL found him, we dashed round and...

Zebra, monday 7-Apr-08 46
Anyone else had their gall bladder removed?
Helibop, 2 April, 2008 at 12:11

Hello! Hope its not too personal a question! I had mine out last week and I keep getting a funny bloated indigestion feeling and was wondering if this was normal? I've generally been ok since the op,...

Helibop, wednesday 2-Apr-08 13
hamster - how do i talk him out of it
cariad, 1 April, 2008 at 09:04

Tom has it in his head he wants a hamster what can i do to out him off he is willing to pay for it out of his xmas money etc etc but i dont want one in the house for my own selfish reasons i have...

haagweg, tuesday 1-Apr-08 43

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