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United Kingdom · From May 2009

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Happily married 🎉

29 of March of 2010

5297days 0hours : 49min


celticgoddess, 27 of August of 2011 at 15:18

I've started buying in a few things as there's not many monthly pays left to go. Anyone else started?

*JLS*, tuesday 30-Aug-11 27
I'm not stupid but....
teeheeyoucrazyguys!, 27 of May of 2011 at 09:11

Taken from the Chris Moyles show. Admitting things you didnt know. sarah cox for example said she's always said 'Orangutang' when its actually 'Orangutan' I didnt know that.... So, I'm not stupid but...

ScillyB2B, sunday 29-May-11 32
The Sock Chicken
Want to see something very very cute?
The Sock Chicken, 27 of May of 2011 at 14:31

*Liz*, sunday 29-May-11 10
Emmerdale Fans
overtherainbow, 27 of May of 2011 at 14:26

So is tonight the night for Jackson? It's a biggie in Corrie tonight too I think - must admit, I can't wait to see the back of John Stape/Colin Fishwick. He's doing me head in!

Mynnie the Moocher, friday 27-May-11 11
When to stop
Johners, 29 of November of 2010 at 00:23

So I have been dieting and have managed to loss 43lbs, which I am thrilled about. My original goal was to loss three stone which I have managed now, but am considering whether to stop or continue. My...

Mellow_Yellow, friday 18-Feb-11 2 796
Ooop watch out Hitched is on the wonk again!
tahdah, 15 of September of 2010 at 16:26

Not sure what's going on but it's definitley not right!

Johners, wednesday 15-Sep-10
Rusty the Clown
Any Avon reps here?
Rusty the Clown, 24 of August of 2010 at 11:33

Anyone do Avon? I am tempted but wonder if it's more hassle than it's worth?

Rusty the Clown, tuesday 24-Aug-10 4
Rusty the Clown
How many people do you buy Christmas presents for?
Rusty the Clown, 24 of August of 2010 at 11:58

Yep, I am going to talk about it! I think I have 13 to buy for this year. My Mum has something silly like 40 people to buy for. Nightmare!

HavanaBaby, tuesday 24-Aug-10 12
What do you eat when you're feeling ill
Deedee75, 24 of August of 2010 at 11:37

I'm feeling particularly rubbish today, I have a feeling I might have hand, foot and mouth from my symptoms, and feel a bit flu like. I'm working from home as I didn't want to risk infecting anyone...

Petal, tuesday 24-Aug-10 12
Crafty thread..
slightlymad, 23 of August of 2010 at 12:57

Show me what you have made recently, come on Petal you know you want to, your things are fab!

crafty em, tuesday 24-Aug-10 15
Chocolate Button
Please can someone tell me about slimming world....
Chocolate Button, 4 of February of 2010 at 21:32

I NEED to diet ? I amd FED up with my muffin top and am desparate to lose weight, I am considering slimming workd but dont know anything about it apart from red and green days - i did it a long while...

Johners, tuesday 9-Feb-10
Debbie Graham Jewellery
Debbie Graham Jewellery, 30 of December of 2009 at 17:15

I have decided to have a go at the "celebrity slim" diet, after doing some reading up on it. Have just ordered my start up pack & a weeks worth of meal replacements along with a recipe book for...

Debbie Graham Jewell, saturday 27-Mar-10 20
I wish men wouldn't .........
Johners, 6 of December of 2009 at 15:47

Thought we could have some fun finishing off the sentence! So here is mine ... get so stressed when friends are coming over! ?

Mrs Margaret, saturday 9-Jan-10 13
Johners, 23 of September of 2009 at 19:32

Is anyone else getting loads of e-mails from hitched all of a sudden, about 25 this afternoon, on treads I commented ages ago??

groomwithaview, thursday 24-Sep-09 520
*Sensitive* re my cat
Highlandgirl72, 22 of September of 2009 at 18:45

My 5.5 year old cat suddenly collapsed today and had to be put down. It was completely out of the blue and happened so quickly. He was fine this morning and at lunchtime. After lunch, I went out to...

moomin8804, thursday 24-Sep-09 10

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