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United Kingdom · From October 2010

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Happily married 🎉

24 July, 2011

4981days 22hours


Bad Hitcher
Ohwhatatuesday, 3 October, 2014 at 08:09

I've been a bit MIA recently so feel the need to say hi as I try to sneak back in. I've only been dipping in and out of here for the last few months due to wedding, New house, New job. I'm hoping...

(Claire), tuesday 7-Oct-14 9
Guests outstaying their welcome (RANT)
Meltdown, 15 September, 2014 at 21:14

OH has a friend J who comes over most Mondays to go play badminton for an hour, our house is on his way home from work so he is here when I get home from work at 5.15, (he has his own key) The boys go...

Chucklevision, thursday 18-Sep-14 50
Feeling very scared...
daisymoo86, 16 September, 2014 at 16:01

Bit of background... When I was younger I noticed a lump in my left breast. It was hardish and moved a bit when I poked it. Anyway, I went to get it checked out and was sent for an ultrasound to...

kharv, friday 3-Oct-14 26
Location Dilemma
(Claire), 31 July, 2014 at 11:36

Sis lives in the north east, we are in the west mids, we are planning to meet this Sunday somewhere in the middle, and I’m struggling to think where, it must be child and dog friendly, nothing too...

(Claire), friday 1-Aug-14 12
Jelly shoes
Pompey, 30 July, 2014 at 09:26

Appropriate office wear? Discuss.

Pittabre, saturday 2-Aug-14 49
***GOOD LUCK ATB!!! - 2nd August***
*J9*, 25 July, 2014 at 12:06

I had a search and didn't see a thread for you so apologies if I'm duplicating! Can't believe your day is finally here! Wishing you all the luck in the world, hope you have an amazing day!

MOMB, friday 1-Aug-14 65
(Claire), 23 June, 2014 at 15:10

I woke up Thursday morning in agony with cramp in my leg, H woke up to me screaming and quickly raised my leg, gave it a really intense rub and then the pain stopped, but since then my calf is still...

Ali_G, tuesday 24-Jun-14 6
Air con
*J9*, 23 June, 2014 at 13:48

Our office air con is FINALLY working... and I'm now cold ? That is all

Erin8, wednesday 25-Jun-14 7
Big Brother
(Claire), 17 June, 2014 at 09:55

Can someone kindly enlighten me as to why on earth some of the housemates are being awful to Jale? I’m thinking I must have missed an episode where she did something outrageously wrong to warrant the...

H3LEN, tuesday 17-Jun-14 4
Football Chat - World Cup 2014
lil_2014, 13 June, 2014 at 10:46

Hi lovely hitchers I know I have been absent, but with 6 weeks to things are getting super hectic here That said, I couldn't resist the temptation to chat about the World Cup, haven't seen any thread...

lil_2014, tuesday 17-Jun-14 7
Lady Gardening
Panjita, 12 June, 2014 at 16:39

After the waxing post, I was wondering... does anyone just leave themselves Jackson 5 style these days? Do we all partake in some form of "management" down there?

Mellow_Yellow, tuesday 17-Jun-14 47
Male Grooming
ATB, 13 June, 2014 at 10:03

What does he do? MF is of a certain age where he has nose and ear hair - he's got a wee trimmer thingy that he uses to get rid. I'm not sure if he uses this on his pubes or not but they are also...

Erin8, friday 13-Jun-14 18
The shame
SillyWrong, 6 June, 2014 at 14:00

Last year we moved in to our new house and all the furniture was new, it all came covered in cardboard and polystyrene, even the hand made stuff. There was miles of cardboard! It wouldn't fit in to...

Arpee, saturday 7-Jun-14 10
Weekly good/bad thread...
Rod, 6 June, 2014 at 08:48

Its been a while since I started this! Good - Half day today and the sun is shining! Good - Big family wedding tomorrow, really looking forward to it. Good - Family from Oz over, they land today! Cant...

yorkshirekiwi, monday 9-Jun-14 29
(Claire), 3 June, 2014 at 10:33

Has anyone used this website? I am about to order some Touche Eclat at a discounted price but I've never used this site before and wondered if anyone had any experiences of ordering and what you...

(Claire), wednesday 4-Jun-14 6
Do you let your pets sleep on your bed?
smilesjp, 2 June, 2014 at 16:32

We recently got an adorable 10 week old kitten who I just adore, however, our previous cat never showed any interest in sleeping on our bed, but this one does and will cry and claw at the door until...

kharv, wednesday 4-Jun-14 37
How long is your commute to work?
bliss_balloons , 3 June, 2014 at 13:43

Just wondering how long it takes everyone to get to work? We're house hunting at the moment and only have a small budget but if we move a little further away we can get so much more for our money...

Mrs C, wednesday 4-Jun-14 60
Dog Behaviour
(Claire), 30 May, 2014 at 10:11

I’m just pondering , not concerned just curious as to why when family come and stay with H and I that Ray completely blows us out and wants to spend all of his time with anyone but us, whether that be...

(Claire), friday 30-May-14 11
I've snooped on my fiance's facebook, need your advice please
Clara63, 28 May, 2014 at 18:11

Hello everyone I got engaged a couple of months ago and have been reading this forum ever since - amazed at a whole new world I've stepped into! I wish my first post could be more positive, but you...

Clara63, friday 30-May-14 21
How did your parents meet?
Erin8, 24 May, 2014 at 11:58

My Mum's best friend was going out with my Dad's oldest brother, my parents met on a blind date on New Years Eve 1970 when all 4 of them went out for the evening. My Mum thought my Dad was a drunken...

mooshy, wednesday 28-May-14 27
Weekly good/bad thread!
Holey, 23 May, 2014 at 08:24

I've never started one before but thought I would start one as I'm in work early, so here goes: Good - My dad is finally home from hospital and healing well Good - Only half a day at work today,...

Erin8, sunday 25-May-14 28
Hair Inspiration!
(Claire), 19 May, 2014 at 16:47

Help me Otters I need some help with my hair. So I went back to being a red head, massive deal for me with being blonde for the last 16 years! Anyway I like the colour but it's long and boring with no...

(Claire), wednesday 21-May-14 13
**** Icklefee's wedding report**** complete with ridiculous amount of photos!
Icklefee, 18 May, 2014 at 22:44

I thought when I joined Hitched a year ago the day would NEVER come that I would be writing this, but here I am 15 days after becoming an OM ready to share my day in all it's sun-shiny glory! The...

MrsCWB, saturday 24-May-14 47
Do you get told you look like someone famous?
Panjita, 20 May, 2014 at 12:00

I've had various ones over the years (mainly Colleen Rooney and Nicole Appleton when I was younger) but recently got told I look like Alanis Morrissette!!?? Who do you get told you look like? Flash if...

overtherainbow, friday 23-May-14 36
Do you like how you look?
*Mini*, 16 May, 2014 at 21:48

I am the biggest I have ever been weight wise, I cannot seem to lose weight despite the fact I am now (badly) running and have starved myself for the last week. None of my clothes fit. despite this I...

kharv, tuesday 20-May-14 60
Ladies day at the races
loves-young-dream, 18 May, 2014 at 17:18

Has anyone been to one? I'm thinking of going to goodwood races ladies day for my hen do, then a meal out after. has anyone been to the one at goodwood? Any tips? Do you think it's a good idea for hen...

cinnamon009, tuesday 20-May-14 23

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