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United Kingdom · From January 2012

  • Beginner

Happily married 🎉

14 May, 2012

4687days 18hours


July 2012 brides
maxinegallie, 28 December, 2011 at 17:36

Hello to all the brides getting married during July 2012. As I saw threads for the May brides, June brides and August brides, I thought perhaps a July one would be good for us to keep each other...

50's pin up bride, sunday 12-Aug-12 1,022
Help me sleep!!!
findthecolour, 26 June, 2012 at 06:00

I GET MARRIED ON SATURDAY!!!!!!!!! ...and I keep waking up at 5am and not being able to get back to sleep! I am just such a stupid big kid! PLEASE share your ideas for calming excitement and getting...

Jemima Renrut, friday 29-Jun-12 7
Lunch box ideas for kids
lucy_wilson, 9 May, 2012 at 13:01

Hello fellow Brides-to-be! I'm throwing this out there as keen for inspiration/suggestions. Against my will - we're having 19 children at our wedding - to save on costs (and I think most kids would...

SarahThompson, wednesday 9-May-12 7

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