United Kingdom · From June 2012
- Beginner
Happily married 🎉
14 April, 2012
After popping back yesterday (the day before?), I noticed a distinct lack of Otters here. Despite knowing them all on Facebook, I am now testing them to see how many of them swing by here still.... ?...

I just read an article about a new TV show called The Briefcase, where a struggling family are offered $101,000 then told they can either keep it or give it to another family in need. I find it...

I've not been a regular poster for a wee while now but I do like a lurk, and I am a proper otter. So hope you don't mind the random post. I have recently binge watched all 4 seasons of Scandal and I...

I have difficulty understanding the impact this has on people. it's just four letters?

Sparked by the WP thread (and subsequent otter moan) why did you get married? I got married because I have amazing role models in my parents and grandparents (at the time of our wedding they'd been...
Anyone else as happy as me to discover this will actually exist?? we will actually be able to afford a nice house about four or five years after the wedding :-) I will be 30 then, so it is nice to...

(I know a lot of the regs here don't venture over to WP!) http://www.weddingceremonyexpert.com/real-love-equality-best-kind-wedding/

Ladies (and some gents), I present to you: InkedDoll’s Gretna Green Wedding Report! (Before we start: I apologise that the pics are watermarked. We don’t have the proper ones back from the tog yet,...

So most of you know that we didn't tell many people that we were getting married. Everyone knew we were engaged, but to keep fuss to a minimum we only told the 19 invited guests (all close family) the...

Despite having sky, H and I watch very little telly as not a lot takes our fancy. Can the otters suggest anything worth watching, preferably that we can catch up on via catch up, or any channels to...

Which Roscoe brother out of the Hollyoaks would you choose? I am going for Freddy, l do like his tattoos. Joe gets on my nerve sand Ziggy is dim. The other 2 are too young.

Your maid of honor left your wedding reception 2 hours early to go to a nightclub??? I have been upset about this for ages, am I being a drama queen? Xx

I am from Manchester originally went to Newcastle for university, then moved to London for a long time and l now live in Essex. I have been quite home sick lately which is weird after 15 years. I am...

I would like a dress like this- has anyone found one on there travels?

I haven't seen a thread about this and wondered if people wanted to share thoughts? I freely admit I don't know lots about the issues, only bits and pieces I've seen on sites like Buzzfeed, but would...

They told me 4 excuses on Thursday that the driver was stuck in traffic/gps was broken, driver changed route, too many drop offs and that they'd try and deliver if they could. They have supposedly...

I entered the Itunes festival ticket thing for Kasabian and Elbow and Ive won tickets for Elbow on Friday, not sure I'm a fan of there's but OH is but he is now back working in Scotland so cant come...

We got a map and Lonely Planet Guide to New Zealand. Don't get me wrong l wouldn't mind a trip there but we have no plans to go?! What randomness did you lot get?

Mr Erin is very much in a wind up mood today. He claims l remind him of the female bus driver from South Park, Honey Boo Boo and Honey Boo Boo's Mum?! I told him he reminded me of Sugar Daddy out of...

Following the news that the murder of the american journalist by ISIS was filmed and uploaded to youtube, my son and I had a rather heated discussion about the use of the internet and the need for...
Told my bridesmaid she had to wear these today and she took me serious for a bit her face was great. It's fun being the bride......

My new walking stick arrived today! Here's a picture of it. It's pretty and light and fits in my bag, and I know I'll only need it now and then. But I still feel like an old woman. I kind of feel like...

Which things are common misunderstandings do you think? Why do people think Ian Brady is dead? I did a poll at work today and it was 50/50 whether he was dead or alive Cannabis isn't bad for your...

Hello ladies, I just wanted to gain your thoughts on having real goldfish in bowls, with decorations and a little sand as a centrepiece for a table? We are having a beach theme and this is one of the...

I want to start this by saying that OH and I are completely aware that we are being unreasonable and possibly even a little bigoted. But I kind of want to get your reactions as I don’t feel...

Table plans. You know how they are hell? Why does there have to be that one guest that you know is just going to kick up because xyz is on their table, and you know will moan because it can't just be...

Hi lovely hitchers I know I have been absent, but with 6 weeks to things are getting super hectic here That said, I couldn't resist the temptation to chat about the World Cup, haven't seen any thread...
Happy Friday :-) So this week I was playing around on internet and I saw a pic of Mrs Beckham's wedding dress from all those years ago and it instantly reminded me of my dress. I recall being in my...