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United Kingdom · From June 2012

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Happily married 🎉

28 September, 2013

4184days 22hours


Bloody Cat *TMI possibly*
Becklarrr, 15 May, 2013 at 12:49

So I arrived home last night to be greeted by my cat, she waits by the front door for me most evenings, I picked her up and gave her a cuddle and walked through my living room and into the kitchen. I...

*Funky*, wednesday 15-May-13 38
Any rabbit owners about?
Holey, 19 April, 2013 at 13:37

Just a quick query, we've got two male rabbits that live together quite harmoniously, however the past couple of weeks they've been behaving a bit strangely and wondered if anyone could shed any...

1234ABC, wednesday 24-Apr-13 17
The disgusting A & E Story
AmnesiaCustard, 10 April, 2013 at 10:50

Separately posted so you can avoid it if you wish. As witnessed first hand by a trustworthy source (ie not me!) Father brings child of about 2 years old intio A & E with breathing difficuklties....

RebTheEck, thursday 11-Apr-13 49
Drugging children??
*Bea*, 8 April, 2013 at 12:11

On the news today , I use the word news loosely I actually mean Lorraine and This Morning. I know this is what maternity leave has done to me! Would you drug/sedate your child on an aeroplane flight...

Agouti, tuesday 9-Apr-13 39
The going home song. UPDATED with sound clip!!
OB, 8 April, 2013 at 17:16

On radio 1. I've just recorded it for tomorrow (my birthday)! I am stupidly excited by this. #sadbastard UPDATE!! Here it is!! ?...

Irisbride, thursday 11-Apr-13 81
Happy Birthday OB!!!
HatTrick, 9 April, 2013 at 05:55

Happy Birthday Mrs! I have cake (bit stale, it's 12months old but I might make you a fresh one for Friday if you're lucky), slush complete with big kids cup and a big slobbery birthday kiss from O,...

3d jewellery, wednesday 10-Apr-13 30
I want to try this
Becklarrr, 9 April, 2013 at 13:47 I love a good Jaffa Cake!

HatTrick, wednesday 10-Apr-13 16
TMI Alert!! Constipation relief....
Rod, 9 April, 2013 at 09:48

People. I have always had dodgy bowels. When I was about 11 I was hospitalised with a blockage because I think I must just have lazy guts. I get a bit bunged up quite often but im used to it. When i...

Alreadymarried, wednesday 10-Apr-13 68
It is flipping well snowing again in London
AmnesiaCustard, 4 April, 2013 at 11:40

And I have had enough of it. That is all.

Irisbride, friday 5-Apr-13 27
JUST OUT OF CURIOSITY - WHAT DO YOU THINK? - Inner Bridezilla - Fess up!!!
slou90, 3 April, 2013 at 11:01

So I just wanted to see - out of curiosity - what are your top 3 materialistic things for your day ! In order! Forget the rings and the vows and the love ... I want to know what your inner bridezilla...

venart, thursday 4-Apr-13 48
I've just been reading an article on men being present at the birth of their children.
kharv, 26 March, 2013 at 11:29

This comment stood out: Michael Sheehan, Hornchurch, Essex: I have been at the birth of all four of my kids. Two natural births and two Caesarean sections. It's all pretty gory and not the most...

Pittabre, tuesday 26-Mar-13 56
Chores that you never do.
OB, 21 March, 2013 at 10:31

Which chores do you never do? I never empty the Hoover. I never put the bins out (though I will bring them in).

flowersinherhair, thursday 21-Mar-13 39
Anyone else on/been on Cerazette?
MrsStobe13, 21 March, 2013 at 04:41

Hey ladies, Just wondered whether anyone else takes/has been on Cerazette (the "mini-pill") and if so, how well it worked for you? I took it for about 6 weeks and started getting violent thoughts, so...

MrsStobe13, thursday 21-Mar-13 11
My upcycling efforts (sort of).
OB, 18 March, 2013 at 17:32

We only have a tiny thin space between our bed and the wall in our room, and needed something really thin to put our TV on. H found a kids shelving unit thing in an Argos clearance centre for £12 and...

Erin8, wednesday 20-Mar-13 16
Q.Q Funerals??? Morbid Monday, Light hearted.
*Funky*, 18 March, 2013 at 17:03

Firstly excuse my ignorance but this is a subject I know very little about. Inspired partly by the frequent debate that occurs over on WP about the use of churches by non religious folk as a wedding...

Mrs Bass, tuesday 19-Mar-13 21
Shaver or a waxer
Becklarrr, 14 March, 2013 at 16:43

What are you? I got my top lip waxed yesterday, more due to paranoia than anything else. I felt like people were staring at the hairs on my lip all the time (which I am sure they weren't), and I also...

Becklarrr, friday 15-Mar-13 36
it's Steak and BJ day
Pompey, 14 March, 2013 at 11:26

So that's why H was being so nice to me last night... Well he can dream on.

pandorasbox, friday 15-Mar-13 47
Savings accounts - can someone please explain them to me.
Ali_G, 13 March, 2013 at 10:44

I think I need to start saving. I've never saved in my life, because I've always had debts. But in 2 months I shall be completely debt free and, instead of spending every penny I earn, I want to save....

Mrs C, wednesday 13-Mar-13 12
Flash of my Phase Eight dress
Agouti, 13 March, 2013 at 11:53

Finally bought my dress! It's taken me ages as I wanted something with sleeves and to complicate matters I really didn't want to go to a bridal shop as I hate the thought of having to try on loads of...

Agouti, wednesday 13-Mar-13 6
Work wear help please (again!)
Holey, 13 March, 2013 at 12:58

I'm due to start a new job in a few weeks time and want to smarten myself up abit and splash out on some new work clothes. Our dress code isn't suits or anything, just smart office wear. Currently I...

sal.san, wednesday 13-Mar-13 12
Your favourite a child
Mellow_Yellow, 13 March, 2013 at 09:31

Mine was anything Enid Blyton, especially the ones that involved the Enchanted Wood and The Faraway Tree. We had a big wood near our house and I used to believe that it was magical, just like in the...

Erin8, wednesday 13-Mar-13 31
HatTrick, 12 March, 2013 at 17:34

Why are they no longer 'flurried'?! Plonking the sauce on top and being too lazy to give it a whirl is just not the same. And false advertising surely?

Agouti, wednesday 13-Mar-13 23
House plants
HatTrick, 12 March, 2013 at 08:20

Do you have any? I can remember it being my job to water all of the house plants on a Sunday when I was little, we used to have a fair few. H was given a Christmas present from his hairdresser...

LoveSka, wednesday 13-Mar-13 33
What was your first impression of your OH?
HatTrick, 8 March, 2013 at 14:56

Had a funny chat about this last night with a pal - what were your first impressions of your OH? I first met mine in year 7 at school so I can't really remember, I'm quite sad about it actually. I...

*Mini*, saturday 9-Mar-13 42
Recommend me some healthy stuff to have with my dinner
Mellow_Yellow, 26 February, 2013 at 14:13

I'm making a concious decision to consume less calories, ideally the 1200 that MFP recommends for me, and I've realised that the main bulk of my calorie count could be dramatically reduced by changing...

clarehj, tuesday 26-Feb-13 17
Dinner tonight?
Storky, 19 February, 2013 at 15:30

Speaking of food, what's on your menu tonight? I've got some mackerel fillets to use so some sort of dish with that, cous cous full of tasty stuff and probably salad.

Erin8, thursday 21-Feb-13 39
Some fluffy pics since it's Hallmark Day
pandorasbox, 14 February, 2013 at 17:10

Agouti, friday 15-Feb-13 8
Air Raid Siren going off
Pittabre, 14 February, 2013 at 11:04

As I was at the chemist collecting meds for my son, as we came out an air raid siren went off. Silence. Then again. They use them round here for industry and it is an incredibly erie sound especially...

Agouti, thursday 14-Feb-13 8
Can someone sensible google for me?
Pittabre, 14 February, 2013 at 11:18

I'm probably asking in the wrong place? But the Dr is very concerned about B's lymph glands and wants to see him again in a fortnight. Don't want to google myself as it is to easy to bring up horror...

Pittabre, friday 15-Feb-13 15
*Bea*, 12 February, 2013 at 18:09

Where do you dry yours? We used to use the larger spare room as a drying room but we are now turning this into a nursery and its currently full of painting equipment unpacked stuff etc. Our other room...

Mrs C, wednesday 13-Feb-13 34
What would you choose?
Storky, 13 February, 2013 at 12:38

The place I'm joining recently ran a scheme whereby if you hit a target that was a certain %age over your quarterly target, not only did they donate to a charity of your choice on your behalf, but...

ashlil, thursday 14-Feb-13 36

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