So all your hard work and time has been wasted because she fibbed and said the wrong date? No wonder you are furious, I hope you arnt going to re-do them?
OMG! I had not idea people could behave like this? I think it's karma biting her on the ass for being a ***. Serves her right that the date is on everything. What a cow!
I assume you are not altering the dates on the items for her?
Oh, my, god. What a cheeky little b!tch, I would be fuming!!!
What are you going to do then, are you going to do them again with the right date on? If you do I hope you charge her for the ones you have already made!!!
That's bizarre - she must have known the date goes on it?
I've ordered something from a HiB, and naturally I wanted to make sure all was well and would be here on time... so I just called the number on the website and she said it was fine and that's good enough for me - she had all the information required (date, venue, where to send it etc) so I'm just waiting for delivery in due course, as originally agreed.
I know we can get stressed about things we can't do a thing about, such as external suppliers, but to lie about the date to queue jump is just pathetic.
I'm sure most people would go out of their way to help if there had been a genuine mistake or a last minute order, if it was possible - but that bride really makes me angry on your behalf for screwing everyone around.
I agree with Vikster - hope you don't "correct it" given that she insisted on changing the date and rushing it through.
I don't know whether to correct (or even if I have the time to now really). Or should I charge extra for the inconvenience and also for the express postage I spent out out to ensure its arrival? I can't believe how stupid someone would be and I just feel awful that others were patiently waiting and now delayed a day.
I think it annoyed me even more by the tone of her email because she didn't say she was happy to pay the extra etc she just said 'I hope you can change it, thanks!'
In that case I definitely don't think you should do them again for her, especially as you say you have other customers waiting patiently.
Slightly O/T but I have seen your stuff on fb and didn't even realise you were a HIB!! I love your work, how far in advance do you like people to place orders?
WTF?!! Who in their right mind would even thinking about doing that! Serves her right!
As we all know we all get stressed about things not turning up and wanting to check more than is necessary with the order to make sure it will be with us on time, but not once have I ever thought about lying about my date to ensure that something is done!
She needs to pay the extra and I think you need to let her know the effort that you put in!
Just received an email - shes blaming family issues as the reason for lying about the date and isn't prepared to pay extra for the changes so will fix it herself!
It depends what the items are, with invites I need lots of notice, table plans etc are fine a couple of months before the wedding date with the guest list details 3ish weeks before. For items like guest books & post boxes about 3ish weeks before the date is normally ok but its always better to order in advance so I can ensure everything is exactly how you want it. x
I'm so with you working through the night to get orders done. Most of my customers are fantastic but I too have the occasional one that gives me the wrong wedding date. They ring me up almost begging for me to make things extra quick and I almost always say ok and then when the order comes through the site the details for the embroidery are for a couple of weeks later. Really annoying when they know how busy I am, very selfish.
As for your customer it's an awkward one. Have you got any emails with her saying the wedding was for the earlier date or was it all said by phone?
If you have it in writing about the earlier date I would make her pay. Wedding season is stressful enough without customers like that. If you're anything like me when I get a problem like that it upsets everything else and really plays on my mind while trying to get other orders made.
Hope you don't have anymore problems, you've not had much luck lately.
On a slightly different note - I can vouch for Sarah-Jayne's work as she made me some invites a couple of years ago for our Silver Wedding. She also did these as a favour under pressure for me as another stationer messed my order up. Her work is brilliant - I loved my invites!
I can't believe this Sarah. If you were some large faceless company, I would perhaps understand... but if she has been following you on FB then she will know exactly how busy you are and should have some empathy.
Does she want you to re-do her stationery?
Edit- sorry, just seen your posts about re-doing stationery, I am glad that you would only do it with a charge. If it had been me, I would have said that I didn't have time!
What a stupid bint. There's clearly no family issues, she's just a big fat bridezilla!glad she has paid though and accepted that it was her fault and will change the date herself.
There is a suppliers area, probably more suited to venting anger away from public view.
When I quote, I provide the agreed date on the quotation. When I confirm a booking, this also confirms the date.
If the date changes, its then classed as a cancellation, I'll do my very best, to honour it, but there would have been many occasions where the date was mentioned prior to the booking.
My advice would be to ensure your booking procedure covers this, and perhaps have a premium charge for short notice work? The business side of this work is equally as important as the creative side (but not as interesting!)
I fully understand your point of view but I have not said anything that would be considered disrespectful to this bride on a personal level - it is others who have expressed their feelings on that. If something had gone wrong with the order being my mistake it could possibly end up on a forum. I merely wanted to get the view points of others to check that I wasn't overreacting. If this has put any brides off using me then I am sorry about that but I cannot see why it would unless they too planned on trying something similar. The brides who know me and follow me on facebook have an idea about how passionate I am about my work and also how much time and effort that goes into each and every piece and I think this bride showed a total disregard for that which is why I was so upset. I was expecting someone to argue the other side.
Its hard because obviously you dont want her to give you bad press (even though its totally her fault)!
I would only redo them if she paid for everything again.
Have to say I'd recommend you to anyone - I did a N&P for you a 2/3 weeks ago with a major flash of table plan, table names & the bespoke figurine cards you made. Everything was so beautiful & everyone commented on all the detail I had ie the pink on your stationary matching the BM material. So glad I found you! x
... and of course you haven't identified her either, so she remains only known to you rather than the rest of us having the opportunity to point and laugh.
FYI, when I've been looking at HIBS for different things, I've found them and looked at their work/prices, and judged them on that, then seen whether people on here have complained about their work or not. I wouldn't consider someone expressing an opinion or joining in a discussion a deciding factor (and let's face it, we all have different views on things, and I wouldn't consider their opinion on a completely different subject necessarily indicative of the quality of their work.
* The following statement is not aimed at any particular poster who may or may not have posted in this thread *
However, if all I could find for their posts was "Me! Me! Me! I make those, here's some picturers, this is my website, I would love to make those for you" responses to a question and no real community input or helpful advice, then I would wonder whether the enjoyment of making the stuff, or making money, was the more important factor for their business.
**** her! She doesn't deserve for you to sort it out. Maybe if you had the time, but if you have other brides orderes to finish becuase she jumped the queue, then I would explain this to her and as someone else said, make sure it is clear who's fault it is.
Unbelievable. I am sure there are a lot of impatients brides (me included at times!) out there, but there is no excuse for that!
I agree with annie, i find it a little "unprofessional" to air views like this on a forum for brides to be, which she could easily stumble across?!
yes i know customers can be irritating (and "the customer is always right" view is difficult to agree with all the time), but i still think hitched isn't the place to be talking about it. it would make me think twice about using the HIB myself, even if i don't agree with what the customer is doing.
Hi Brenda, this is a different Sarah Jane to the one who did your invitations who incidently gets married in 8 days time but is no longer a hib or on hitched, but is one of my friends