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United Kingdom · From April 2011
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Happily married 🎉
8 June, 2012
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I know I'm being a bit wet but there are black clouds out tonight (even before it went properly dark). I haven't seen clouds look this dark before and it's scaring me as I hate storms. Have checked...

I'm having a bit of a bad time at the moment, struggling in alot of areas but I have a couple of things coming up I'm really looking forward to today is my friday tomorrow I'm doing my christmas...

Max finally fits into to gorgeous booties you made him so just wanted to thank you again and flash you a picture. Everyone has commented on them and said how fab they are, you should start taking...

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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Pinky6
1666 days ago
Hi everyone! Just wanted to to thank you all for your words and well wishes on my BA and of course a huge thanks to my lovely PP Flowmo! I ended up contracting regularly throughout the night on Sunday so was already 4cm when I went in to be induced...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Pinky6
1666 days ago
Max finally fits into to gorgeous booties you made him so just wanted to thank you again and flash you a picture. Everyone has commented on them and said how fab they are, you should start taking commissions

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of
1666 days ago
My hair is only shoulder length so i'm a bit limited but this would be my ideal style: Had a play the other day and this is what we came up with, what do you think? I get married June and it grows quick but it won't realistically do the bun: sorry...
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