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AIBU - Gym Membership for a 5yrold

Mrs JMP, 15 July, 2009 at 14:35 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 14

I'm a member of an Esporta gym. Monthly cost £65 for me.

Now my Daughter is 5, I have to take out a child membership at a cost of £30 per month. The only activity she would be able to do is swimming (not lessons), but with an Adult, who is also a member of the gym (so me) Any sessions that are non paying are for 7yr+

I can understand from 7yrs, but a 5yr old & one who is unable to use club facilities, AIBU in that it's a liberty to charge.

14 replies

Latest activity by Sciver, 15 July, 2009 at 22:16
  • H
    Headless Lois ·
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    How much does going swimming cost at a municipal pool? And is it possible they are not that interested in having 5yr old members, so make it expensive?


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  • B
    bobbly1 ·
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    Is she able to go to the kids clubs, like gymnastics, or football, or the summer clubs? I know at the gym I went to, my son could join in the kids clubs that were cheaper to go to than outside ones.

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  • M
    Beginner November 2007
    MarineGirl ·
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    £30?!!! Have you asked the gym membership manager to explain it? It doesn't sound like they're trying to discourage young children being there, because by the sounds of your post they offer activities for 7yrs+ and (I might be reading too much into the 'now my daughter is...') they are welcome with you under 5.

    Only other thing I can think of to justify it would be creche usage - at my gym (Virgin Active) I have to pay £5 a month for my 6 month old, then pay per use for the creche. But I believe when they're 3 or 5 (not sure!) you have to get them their own membership - but the creche then becomes 'free'. Could it be that?

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  • Sunset21
    Sunset21 ·
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    Fark me, that's a lot. I was at Esporta but it got taken over by Virgin. I was just moaning that I had to pay a monthly fee for MissSun now she'd turned 3 (MrSun was annoyed I'd told them she was 3 but I didn't want them to catch me for back-payments).

    Monthly fee for her is £7 though and that includes use of the Creche. I'll stop moaning now I think. Maybe you should be looking at taking her elsewhere.

    It's annoying at our gym that they run a Club V over the holidays but they don't have any activities for under 5's so why charge when there's nothing put on for them?

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  • Sunset21
    Sunset21 ·
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    I've been at Virgin since having MissSun and use the gym most weeks with her, I have only just started paying. Never heard of having to pay £5 before they were 3, she just used to duck under the barrier.

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  • M
    Beginner November 2007
    MarineGirl ·
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    That's interesting! It's all on direct debit - so I can't sneak her in ? It might only be because we use the creche though? Although that annoyed me - I'd rather they just increased the session cost - I prefer a simple cost, not a x for this, but then y as well. Pah. That said - the creche is £2.60 which is almost half that of the local David Lloyd.

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  • KJX
    Beginner August 2005
    KJX ·
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    Swimming at (a lot of) council pools is now free for under 16s if that helps at all? Although they do get a bit funny when you try and send them in on their own - so you do end up having to pay for an adult swim. Would that approach make it more expensive than the gym?

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  • Iris
    Iris ·
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    Marine girl, are you Derby based? At Virgin when they get to 3 you pay monthly (£11 for my boy) and they can use the creche for 2 hours a day. Under 5s can still go in during the school hols. My gripe is that they close the creche at 7.00 during the hols rather than 8.00, so when you're willing for them to stay up a bit later you can't actually use it!

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  • whirlwind666
    Beginner November 2009
    whirlwind666 ·
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    Its supposed to be free at Coucil run gyms for under16s and over 65s to swim now, I would send her there with a grandparent? I think what you are paying is a bit steep btw

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  • M
    Beginner November 2007
    MarineGirl ·
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    Iris - close! Nottm. And the creche there closes at 5pm, and 4pm one day - so 7pm sounds marvellous! I would love them to knacker her out just before bed time!

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  • Daisy78
    Beginner July 2007
    Daisy78 ·
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    Where are you? I work for Esporta and for a child to join age 5-16 years it's £13 per month then 16-18th birthday it goes up to £27 per month. They can cancel at anytime with no notice. How often would she use it as if it would only be once or twice a month it may be worth buying just a child guest pass. Let me know which club and I can investigate tomorrow when I am back in work.

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  • Irgalite
    Irgalite ·
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    For the people that are paying £5-7 a month then have to pay for the creche, in the monthly payment maybe insurance?

    £30 a month is just rediculous.

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  • M
    Mrs JMP ·
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    Apart from swimming everything else is an extra. I weighed up using the local pool, but the benefit of where we go now is the outdoor pool. I take her 3 times a week & then she has weekly lessons.

    I have spoken tonight to the manager, as school holidays start soon, so want to know what I get for the money, as she can't use the club as such as activities are limited to age groups.

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  • Champagne
    Beginner June 2007
    Champagne ·
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    I'm a Nuffield member, no kids but walk past the creche and was amazed to see that kids have to be members (no idea on cost) and there's a per session charge as well - I thought that was double counting!

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  • S
    Sciver ·
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    I'm an Esporta member. My daughter is 2 so haven't encountered this problem yet. However, I have a friend who belongs to a David Lloyd club and they offer waaaaay more activities than Esporta for children for the fee of about £6 a month (can't remember exact amount). I am giving serious consideration to swapping to DL as I find the kids stuff at Esporta very basic but it is much more convenient for me as it's nearer. I guess you have the same problem - the convenience issue?

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