Surprised myself with a reaction I didn't think I'd have today!
I am in all ways a groovy feminist, at uni I wore the docs and ranted about wimmin, I believe in equality and fairness, I didn't change my name on marriage, I call myself a feminist quite happily etc etc. In short, I'm quick on the draw to spot sexism...or so I thought...
Anyway, a girl at work was bursting to tell me that she'd proposed to her boyfriend and my first thought was "why do you want to force him into marrying you?" ? Why on earth would I think that? There's a deep seam of previously untapped sexism here, clearly! Man proposes: ooh lovely, isn't he romantic? Woman proposes: What's wrong with her?
I congratulated her warmly and went off to have a word with myself ? Betchya some of the sisterhood of hitched did the asking...didn't you?