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Can I have some vibes for my mum please? Long and poss sens, sorry

spacecadet_99, 21 August, 2009 at 08:13 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 15

I found out last night that my granddad died on Monday. We've been estranged from him for years - MrSC has never met him and we've been together for nearly 8 years. My mum didn't find out straight away until the hospital got in touch - having traced her details as next of kin from some old details. For the past however many years my mum's cousin has acted as next of kin, helped my granddad out with stuff he needed etc. Don't get me wrong, I loved my granddad when I was little but as I grew up I realised that he might have been an alright granddad, he wasn't a good husband or father. The estrangement happened when my mum contacted the family lawyer to say she no longer wanted to be part of the power of attorney over my nana's assets as she wasn't happy with how he was dealing with my nana's affair (he was planning to buy himself a house in Spain with money that should have been kept aside for my nana's care). She had to do this as she was advised that if he got caught she would be held equally accountable and would be subject to criminal prosecution.

Since then he has told anyone who will listen how she stole money and property from him (she didn't), forced him to sell the house (no, the fact both he and my nana were in care homes forced him to sell the house), how her and my uncle (who he fell out with some time before my mum gave up on him) are b@stards and 'blood will out' (they're adopted). It's a smallish town and therefore it's pretty likely that people who know my mum have heard this and possibly believed it.

The cousin has apparently now washed his hands of the whole thing. Which leaves my mum and uncle to have to deal with the estate - there isn't a will so GOK what will happen there, luckily she's on good terms with the family lawyer so hopefully he will be able to help - and also clearing out his flat, which is appparently in a disgusting state (it's sheltered accom so while someone keeps an eye on them they have to look after themselves for the main part) and most of the contents will have to be disposed of. The one plus side is that they will be able to retrieve such family items eg photos that they want, and there is a picture that my nana painted for me that he took from her nursing home when she died - hopefully I will now get that back.

I just don't know how she's coping with all this and being 150 miles away I can't easily help - although I'll offer to go down tomorrow if she wants me to. It was unquestionably a good thing for her when they were estranged (and all his decision so no guilt), she had a heart condition which magically got better when she wasn't dealing with him anymore. However I'm pretty sure that it doesn't make her feel better about being an orphan. I don't know how I feel about it myself so GOK how she feels.

So I guess I'm asking for 'stay strong' vibes for my mum and uncle while they deal with all this. We're supposed to be going away for the weekend next weekend so I really hope that that can still go ahead - I'd be bloody cross if he had ruined that for us because we've all been looking forward to it so much. Sorry if I sound really cold but it's hard to explain how difficult this whole situation has been over the years - at my nana's funeral last year we all had to sit at the back so that there was no risk of him having a go at us in the middle - he still tried to go for us outside but luckily the church ladies were on the ball and diverted him.

15 replies

Latest activity by Hungry Caterpillar, 21 August, 2009 at 16:22
  • P
    Protostar ·
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    Have a million vibes! ? That sounds awful.

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  • L
    Beginner May 2007
    LittlePeanut ·
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    What a horrible situation.

    Vibes for your mum... and for you as well ?

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  • Zebra
    Zebra ·
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    ? Sounds like a horrid situation.

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  • Purple Pixie
    Beginner July 2012
    Purple Pixie ·
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    Oh sc what a horrible situation. Will your uncle help your mum out with it? Is he fairly local to her or where your grandad lived?


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  • Spring
    Beginner February 2008
    Spring ·
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    Loads of stay strong vibes going to your Mum. I hope next weekend can still go ahead too. I imagine it would really cheer your Mum up too! ?

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  • Daffy B
    Daffy B ·
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    What a stressful situation - lots of vibes heading out to everyone involved.

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  • CelticAngel
    Beginner May 2007
    CelticAngel ·
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    What a lot of stress,

    in an already incredibly tough time.

    ? Love to you and yours.x

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  • Hello Sunshine
    Hello Sunshine ·
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    Oh lovely, I'm so sorry. I remember you told me about the situation when you lost your nana. This must just be such a confusing and stressful time for your mum and uncle and my thoughts are with them. And you too of course! Lots of love to you all, look after yourself ?

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  • lmsunshine99
    Beginner August 2004
    lmsunshine99 ·
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    Masses of stay strong vibes for your mum, sounds like really tough situation. ?

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  • spacecadet_99
    spacecadet_99 ·
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    Thanks all for your kind words, it means a lot because I know that hitched vibes can fix almost anything!

    I've spoken to her this morning and she's going to ring again later. There's a lot of heartache over the funeral because my uncle doesn't want there to be an obituary and doesn't want my mum going to the funeral (he has some major issues over the breakdown of his relationship with my grandad which happened even longer ago and to be honest I think he could do with some counselling about it). My mum of course will be putting an obit in the paper and will attend the funeral because she's the organiser but will be keeping the whole thing very simple. She doesn't want me to come down and doesn't think my brother will go either. It will be hard because of course there is the gossip about her taking his money which some will believe but all she can do is hold her head high and stick to the (semi) truth which is that my granddad was a very confused and angry old man (despite the fact that I think he knew fine well what he was doing when he said these things).

    I feel a bit guilty because I don't really feel anything other than worry for my mum and sadness for the person my granddad became. But I think that's to be expected. Luckily I have excellent surrogate grandparents in the form of MrSC's family (full complement still alive and kicking), we don't see the northern contingent that often but the southern contingent are lovely and treat me exactly the same as their other grandchildren.

    Spring - I still haven't put your package in the post (but then you wouldn't want it sitting there all week tempting you!) but I'm putting it in my bag now ready to post on Monday. I'm hoping that our news next weekend will cheer my mum up a lot!

    HS - thanks lovely, you were so kind during the whole situation with my nana. In a way, it's all over now, we just need the dust to settle and then we can make a semblance of being a 'normal' family.

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  • R-A
    Beginner July 2008
    R-A ·
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    Sounds horrid SC ?

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  • Hello Sunshine
    Hello Sunshine ·
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    Exactly that, hopefully it will allow your mum to draw a line under the whole thing, it sounds like it's been awful for both her and her brother for a long time. And how you're feeling is completely to be expected, it doesn't sound as though you had much of a relationship with him so your first thoughts are going to be with your mum.

    Ah, I bet your news will change everything for her - there's more happiness to come from that than there is sadness from this ?

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  • H
    HappyBlueDiamonds331 ·
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    Ah SC I so feel for you and your family, I am sure your mum will find the strength to see her through all this. She must feel sad because he was her dad after all, but let's hope people will put the gossip to rest because after all the people that matter to you and your family know the truth. I really hope it all goes well for her, here's sending the hitched magic vibes for you, your mum and all your family.


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  • Weather Girl
    Beginner October 2009
    Weather Girl ·
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    What a horrible situation for your mum to be in. I hope she stays strong and keeps her chin up. It sounds like she's been very brave up until now so make sure she continues! And I'm sending lots of vibes to you all x

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  • Hungry Caterpillar
    Hungry Caterpillar ·
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    What a sad situation for your mum - sending vibes that she will be strong and cope well with such a horrible time.

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