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Beginner October 2010

Do you and your OH have much in common?

shoegal01, 24 August, 2009 at 16:45 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 20

I was thinking about this at the weekend and have come to the conclusion that we dont really have that much in common but our relationship works regardless of this.

We are most certainly a case of oppisites attract.

Some of the things we dont have in common -

1 - I love going out for meals, he absolutly hates it and is totally uncomfortable in restaurants

2 - He likes the cinema, i cant stand it

3 - He is a night owl, i am a morning person

4 - He is irrational with money, i am tight as a ducks arse ?

Do you and your oh have alot in common

what things do you totally differ on?

20 replies

Latest activity by Toriajayne, 25 August, 2009 at 13:25
  • P
    Beginner May 2005
    Pint&APie ·
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    I think we share very similar values and outlooks on life. We're also both quite intelligent and enjoy learning / being challenged. Plus we have broadly the same taste in music / food / art / books / holiday destinations etc.

    But at the same time, we're very different, but in complementary ways.

    I'm a planner, she's a doer.

    I'm too laid back, she can be prone to worry.

    I'm a saver, she's a spender (or would be if I gave her the chance)

    I don't like cleaning the bathroom, she hates hoovering.

    It all balances out - probably why we've managed 14 years together.

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  • FutureMrsCover
    Beginner May 2011
    FutureMrsCover ·
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    We are very similar in some ways and different in others!

    we enjoy doing the same things, planning for the future, want the same things in life and generally have similar interests

    but personality wise we are kind of different,

    he is very laid back apart from wen driving, i have a short temper and get stressed about things like mess

    he is quicker to judge people and sees things in black and white, whereas i see everything in grey and look at things from all points of view

    does he loves footie and i dont count?hehe ?

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  • *
    Beginner July 2010
    *hoppit* ·
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    thats about all we have in common!!

    he likes rock and metal music, i like a bit of everything but mainly chart music which he hates

    I love going out for a boogie, he hates it and is very uncomfortable in places that have large crowds of people

    He likes playing computer games, i dont really.

    I love sweets, chocolate and anything covered in sugar! he doesnt really. will eat it but not in great amounts. he still has easter eggs!!! and some sweets from christmas. I despair!

    Hes tall im short

    i love really bad tv programs like americas next top model, 4 weddings, project runway etc so when i come home from work i dont have to think. he hates these and rarely watches tv.

    he eats helathy and loves cooking, i hate cooking and dont eat healthy.

    i could go on, we some times try and come up with stuff we have in common, but rarely do!

    Oh well we are happy, get along well, hardly argue and are still together after almost 7 years so something must be working!i do think that opposites attract because then you balance each othe out. if one of you doesnt like doing something the other one must!

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  • R-A
    Beginner July 2008
    R-A ·
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    We have similar politics and views on the world.

    We both love making music and we met through a shared love of singing <geek alert>

    We have a very similar sense of humour.

    I guess we're both 'above average' IQ although he's much cleverer than me.

    We both love to be outdoors: hiking, camping etc.

    We're both Londoners through and through and love our city.

    I like to plan and be organised, he's so laid back he's horizontal.

    I enjoy much more 'light' entertainment e.g. musicals. He's keen on avant garde stuff.

    He likes things like Lost, 24, the Wire. I live Everwood, Location Location and Supernanny. We used to both watch ER but that's finished now so the only TV show left we both like & watch together is The Daily Show!

    He is a big sports fan, I am not interested in any of it.

    He runs, I swim.

    I think we complement each other pretty well though. He's put up with me for 8 1/2 years so far anyway ?

    ETA We both had similar upbringings (lower middle class, 'hippy' liberal parents) literally down the road from each other, which means we have lots of shared/common childhood memories and seem (so far) to have similar 'long term views' on life.

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  • essexmum
    Beginner August 2009
    essexmum ·
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    We have very little in common.

    He's fanatical about cycling - I can;t stand it.

    He's very outdoorsy - I prefer to sit indoors with my laptop.

    He is a slob, I prefer a little order in my house

    He is more lax about money than I am (which is why I'm in charge of the accounts at home).

    He is so laid back he's practically asleep whereas I flare up at the slightest thing.

    However we both have the same outlook on life and agree 100% on the way our children are raised, thye say opposite attact and in our respect they are not wrong as we've been together 14 years now and more closer than ever

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  • L
    Beginner May 2007
    LittlePeanut ·
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    We have a lot in common. We share similar hobbies, like similar films, enjoy simple things like getting a coffee and people watching, both play the same instrument, both come from different backgrounds.

    But obviously there are differences as well.

    He is optimistic, I am a born worrier

    He is happy to jump in, I like to plan a bit.

    He is fine with sorting out problems when they happen, I prefer to try to avoid them.

    He enjoys talking to people, I'm a bit of an introvert.

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  • Cosmopolitan
    Beginner August 2010
    Cosmopolitan ·
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    We are complete opposites! I'd say we have a similar outlook on life but I think that will be tested when any children come along....I'll let you know!

    He is very much the outdoors type and I'm a total city girl. I moved from my home city to his town which is dullsville quite quiet compared to home and he just doesn't get why I'd rather live in a polluted city! By the way we don't live out in the sticks, its just not what I'm used to!

    OH loves vegetables. Don't get me wrong I like them but I can't stick meat and two veg for dinner every evening, I'm more of a roasted veg girl!

    He likes rock music, I love pop.

    He watches the Discovery channel, I like anything but!

    I'm a spender, he is a saver.

    I'm optimistic, he can worry and be a bit pessimistic at times.

    I could go on!!

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  • em-ster
    Beginner July 2008
    em-ster ·
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    This can freak me out a bit sometimes as there are several fundamental things where we differ

    aside from the type of things you have all posted, we have v different views on bringing up kids, the postives & negatives of broad regional accents️?️ politics, friends, how to make the best use of spare time / cash........................eek!

    we both like crunchy beef in ok sauce or a good pad thai though ?

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  • WelshTotty
    Beginner December 2014
    WelshTotty ·
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    We often talk about this and we have come to the conclusion we have bugger all in common but our relationship works very well, so it must be a case of opposites attract.

    He loves heavy metal, I love dance music

    he loves computer games, I love crafting

    he loves films, I dont

    he loves sci-fi, I hate it

    I love photography, he has no interest at all

    I love decorating, he hates it

    I love cooking, he doesnt know how to turn the hob on

    Im impulsive, he has to mull things over.......f-o-r-e-v-e-r......yawn

    We really are poles apart......... but we both love cats and each other so I suppose that will do!

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  • spacecadet_99
    spacecadet_99 ·
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    When we got together, probably not - in terms of musical taste, intellectual interests (he's an engineer and I'm working towards an English degree), interest in sports etc we were world apart. On the things that count - very similar. We both wanted to get married and have children. We both come from very similar family backgrounds (lower middle class, both parents still married, both older siblings, both parents always worked) which whilst it isn't everything certainly means you're likely to have similar values. We both love our food and prefer staying home together to a wild night out. We don't have any friends we disagree on (ie he likes and I don't).

    I also think that with the superficial things we have grown together over time. I like a lot more rock/metal type music than I used to and he has softened his attitude towards pop and indie type music. I now actively enjoy a lot of the sports he does (only watching on TV mind!).

    I think the quote from Captain Corelli sums us up well, twee as it may be: 'we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two'. I can't imagine one or other of us with anyone else, I just don't think it would be possible even if we were to split.

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  • S
    Beginner November 2005
    Skittalie ·
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    Yes and no, H and I come from the sameish area, both the eldest of 2 children and met through our county youth orchestra, we frequented a lot of the same places as children though we never met so we had similar childhood experiences but saying that, and though we are both musical, he is brass and prefers jazz and brass bands I play strings and prefer orchestral and celidih. I'm bookish whilst he is scary clever without trying, we share a common outlook on life it's why we got married, we compliment each other, he makes me more laid back when I need it and I kick him into gear when he needs it.

    That quote is lovely, it almost makes me want to embroider it on a cushion?

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  • Amethyst
    Beginner October 2010
    Amethyst ·
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    I suppose the main difference is that I am quite outgoing and he is quite shy! I have to take care not to overshadow him. Also, I'm the drinker & spender and he is the more sensible one for sure. So at least the party girl has someone to make sure she gets home at the end of the evening!

    I think that is one of our strengths as a couple really - I open him up more & he keeps me on the straight and narrow - in ways that don't annoy the other either.

    Mostly in terms of hanging out stuff we both like the same music, watching sport, comedy, holidays, day trips etc. And computers though I am all about the social networking, he likes games and stuff. We find a rare common ground on films, TV and books.

    In terms of values, morals, politics, intellect, education, background - we pretty much mirror each other.

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  • policefox lyn
    Beginner November 2003
    policefox lyn ·
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    We're very alike.

    Similar backgrounds in that our parents were poor, working class and that we were brought up quite strictly.

    We have sort of similar careers in that he was Army for 18yrs and in a related field now in civvy street, I'm police.

    Very similar sense of humour and we pretty much like the same stuff on TV though he likes Sci Fi which I find inane.

    Neither of us has very close friends, neither of us are going out types or drinkers though we like to go out for meals.

    We have virtually identical views on child rearing. We're both easygoing and don't like sulking or sulkers. We like to look well presented but are not into fashion. We like the house to be clean and tidy but we're not obsessed. We're busy people but we're not afraid to slob either!

    We're a good match.

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  • bec84
    bec84 ·
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    We have very little in common, but have found more in common as we've tried more new stuf together.

    OH is very arty (he's a photographer) whereas I'm very analytical (I work in Banking!)

    I'm very level headed and often have to be a realist, he's a dreamer!

    OH is very fussy with what / where he eats, I'll try anything

    OH hates reading, I love it

    BUT - We got 2 cats, which we both love even though I wasn't sure, We've started going to / watching the rugby as part of a group of friends, and we have very similar taste in holidays!

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  • Hepburn
    Beginner August 2008
    Hepburn ·
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    OH and I are very similar really, we have similar jobs, like the same films/music/holidays, have the same tastes in most things really. We're both dog people, want children in the same timeframes, enjoy the same sports etc.

    We tend to differ on the more practical things

    I love to cook, he doesn't and will avoid at all costs
    I am a morning person, he's more of a late night type
    He doesn't read really, I am usually found with my nose in a book
    I'm a spender, he's a saver

    All in all I think we're very similar really, I always thought opposites attracted as all previous relationships had been with my polar opposites but they didn't last, then I met H and we're still going strong almost 6 years on.

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  • Ms. Scarlett
    Beginner April 2007
    Ms. Scarlett ·
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    On the surface, no: we have quite different political views and in a sense that's the most obvious difference, since both of us are quite passionate about it and both seriously considered going into it professionally before we got together (thank goodness we didn't - would have lead to some tricky situations!)

    In terms of musical tastes, I am far from "down with the kids" and my CD collection is firmly stuck in the 80s, but H looked up from the BBC website when Michael Jackson died and asked me who he was - no connection with any popular culture.

    TV we don't really watch, although we do both enjoy shows set in the world of UK politics like Yes Minister (see above!) I have slowly and quite successfully been introducing H to the world of films, working our way through the Best Picture Oscar winners since the 1970s, although I fear he will never share my passion for John Hughes films.

    In terms of what we like to do in our spare time, the main things for both of us are travel and reading, and luckily we share similar tastes there. We're also in the same profession so similar lifestyles. We also share the same faith (although we have quite different theological views) - I don't think that's so important but in practical terms it makes things easier. I think we share some fundamental moral and philosophical views about equality etc. despite our political differences. It's the latter stuff that's more important really.

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  • P
    Beginner December 2006
    Princess2b ·
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    My OH and I seem to have much more in common now than when we first met. We've been together 9 years so I guess we've grown together.

    When we first got together we had different tastes in music, he was active (I wasn't!), liked different foods. Now we share similar music taste, he's introduced me to lots of new foods, same interests in films, both have become quite arty over the years. Its funny to realise how similar we've become. In fact, I like it when we find something we disagree on (nothing serious) so we can have a good debate!

    We've always had the same sense of humour which I think has been most important.

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  • Platty
    Beginner November 2007
    Platty ·
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    That is pretty much us as well apart from a couple of things, I am a planner and Mr P is a wait around long enough for some one else to do it ? And we are both spenders although we are now starting to learn how to save money but took 7 years for that to happen though ?

    We've been together 8 years in September.

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  • MissL
    MissL ·
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    I think we're similar in the important things. We share the same sense of humour and outlook on most things in life. We're both clever (him far more so than me), we both enjoy socialising, we both drink too much, like the same holidays, spemd rather than save and we generally agree on most things.

    We differ in that he loves the Discovery channel and reads either sci-fi or crime books. I watch rubbish TV (soaps, Holby, Britain's Got Talent etc etc) and read chicklit. I'm veggie and he wouldn't / couldn't be. I worry about things, he doesn't see the point. I'm better with money than him and know what's to be paid and when - he just deals with things as they come up. The biggest thing we differ on is that he won't talk things through (emotional things as opposed to everyday problems) and this drives me mad.

    All in all we get on great and we love each other.

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  • T
    Toriajayne ·
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    We had a massive argument about this at the start of his summer holidays as he decided that if we didn't want to do anything together then what was the point of being together. I raised an eyebrow at him and waited for him to calm down before explaining that just because I don't want to climb the monroes doesn't mean we have nothing in common. But then thinking about it...

    While we both like camping he likes to follow it up with a walk/run/rock climb/mountain biking trek whereas I'd like to go home and warm up or go to a beach.

    I'm not a massive drinker but I don't see the problem in a few glasses of wine of an evening whereas if it's not a special occasion he'll rarely have more than one pint or glass of wine and therefore I am an incurable lush.

    I will quite happily sit down and have the TV on in the background running repeats of Friends/Frasier etc on the comedy channels whereas if the TV is on he has to sit and watch it, he then dissects everything he's watching.

    Everything else has been said, I'm a doer, he's a thinker, I'm a spender, he's a saver, I'm a reader while he can't stil still for five minutes etc. But it must balance out because when it counts we agree. We managed to stick together so far (seven years) and in that time we bought a house and a car and now we're working on where we're going to settle down and have kids so the lack of common interest can't be that bad!

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