In case your marriage doesn't work out?
I do, quite a detailed one. I have worked out what my income and expenditure would be, what amount I'd have for rent / mortgage and consequently where I could live, how often H would look after the children etc etc etc.
I am convinced that H would be very hurt if he knew all this, but I can't help myself. If I know there is a viable alternative I feel much happier and more secure. I feel as though I am choosing to stay in the relationship rather than having to because of lack of other options.
I have only discussed this with one friend and she felt it was a self fulfilling prophecy. That said I have a happy marriage and there is no sign we are splitting up. I just had a frightening dream the other night that we did, and I have felt an overriding urge to ensure that I could protect myself and my children by knowing what we could do.
Does anyone else think like me? What are your views on this? I don't like it much, but I am compelled to do it...