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Friday good/bad

SophieM, 27 March, 2009 at 11:32 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 66

? for me today.

15k run yesterday didn't hurt too much so Marathon de Paris next sunday is ON like a SCONE, as they say (or do they?) It will hurt and I might not finish but at least I am fixed enough to try
Fab weekend with almost no plans, just lots of sleep and chilling out with lovely loml
I am going to see my family in less than a month, and see my lovely bf get married to her lovely new man
There's a loon to torment on here
We had yummy steak for dinner last night and I have a mild two-martini hangover
It's sunny

I am still skint
My ex is still being an unreasonable twunt

66 replies

Latest activity by catgirl, 27 March, 2009 at 21:29
  • CountDuckula
    Beginner August 2009
    CountDuckula ·
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    I am going to Monkey World tomorrow to coo over all the gorgeous chimps.

    A 2 night stay at the in laws. Bah.

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
    Chicken ·
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    Busy but fun weekend ahead.

    Boss off next week so no working late for me. Horrah.

    Am back into the running groove – taking it slowly and surely.


    Excessive use of explanation marks.

    Got to hang around work until 8pm this evening. Sob.

    I have a bellyache.

    Well done on the running mate!

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  • flissy666
    flissy666 ·
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    This time next week we'll be in our new house! (*touch wood*)


    OH's 92 yo Gran in hospital after heart attack. The problems will get worse once she is out

    I've still not packed

    I've not hear anything about two jobs I applied for last week

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  • Clare _ M
    Beginner July 2007
    Clare _ M ·
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    Happy Friday!

    I don't have a hangover despite being out late last night.
    I treated myself to peanut butter on toast for breakfast.
    I have a fab weekend planned. I'm seeing Avenue Q this evening, going to Wembley tomorrow to watch the game and having Sunday lunch in a local restaurant I've wanted to try for ages!

    I am also skint but sadly that's my own fault rather than an unreasonable ex.
    My back is absolutely killing me today and it's probably going to hurt more this afternoon after my trip to the fizz.
    I can't get to see a knee specialist till 9th April and I just want to get fixed because I feel very lardy not doing any exercise. I think I'm going to have to start swimming which I don't really like.

    Good news about the run!

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    Thanks! <does little dance>

    What's up with your knee, Clare? It was seeing an osteopath that's got mine sorted.

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  • janeyh
    janeyh ·
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    was up at 2 am cleaning sick off the carpet and off me and off the duvet and small child and hence am pooped


    practically everything except things i cant do anything about so i am not going to worry about them today

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  • RoseyRo
    Beginner January 2013
    RoseyRo ·
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    It's the weekend and I do not intend to work this weekend, hurrah!

    A relaxing weekend ahead, not many horrid chores to do, relaxing with an old pal tomorrow and dinner out tomorrow night

    I've lost 2lb this week (likely to be put back on depending on dinner choices tomorrow night)


    I'm worried about my mum and dad. Mum is not well and is trying to hide it. Dad is not coping well with this and is working far too many hours. I live too far away to do anything practical.

    Work - is well - unpredictable at the moment. Too many rumours flying about.

    Sophie - how exciting re Paris!

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  • B
    Beginner February 2008
    Boop ·
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    Contract has been extended until October, at least, three days a week which is exactly what I wanted.
    Work on blog / a couple of pages / contact form etc for the website has started - should be up and running in a couple of weeks.
    I've been asked to assist with a training course at Learning About Dogs, as a trainer. Eek!
    We are getting a foster dog - going to collect him next Friday. I am preparing the house in readiness.
    I'm out for drinks with Mr Boop and a friend this evening.

    I had a minor accident on my bike yesterday and have torn my shoulder ligaments and knackered my knee.
    The clocks go forward this weekend - a hour's less sleep. Boo.
    I am behind with college work and knackered shoulder is hampering my typing, making my planned catch up day tomorrow less useful than it might have been.

    Fab news on your running Sophie!

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  • Diefenbaker
    Beginner September 2008
    Diefenbaker ·
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    I am finally feeling better (had scarlet fever and arthralgia and been off most of the last 2 weeks) and am getting my doctor to sign a 'return to work' paper for me so I can go on my training course next week.

    I am meeting a really good friend of mine for lunch.

    Two of my staff have been successful at promotion interviews on my team (hence solving my staffing nightmare).

    My solicitors are finally (after 6 months) this >< close to completing on my new mortgage, purchase of the freehold and various other shenanigans so I can now pay ex Mr Dief the equity money he is due.


    Have no plans for weekend yet, am waiting for friend to get back to me on whether we're going out tomorrow night.

    Have been so bored I've been shopping online and have spent loads of money I don't really have.

    My teenage neighbour woke me up at 7.45 am blasting out dance music (on my last day of sick leave).

    I have put on weight as been so bored I have eaten loads and not been able to do any exercise.

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  • Clare _ M
    Beginner July 2007
    Clare _ M ·
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    Stupid skiing accident last month. I thought it would heal itself but it's only getting worse. Although I danced loads on it last night and it hurt less this morning than it has for ages but that's wearing off a bit now. ?

    The doc has referred me to a consultant at The Wellington Hospital so fingers crossed he can sort me out. Stupid, rubbish body. I'm really gutted because I was actually beginning to really enjoy running and I'm really missing it.

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  • Mrs Magic
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Magic ·
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    I'm seeing my friend (from home) and her wee boy on Sunday

    My mum is coming down on Wednesday

    I'm going home for two weeks in 9 days time and will be there for Easter (a big thing in out family) and my birthday


    I have a brokem elbow

    It hurts

    I cant drive

    I can't do much for myself

    I can't knit

    I can't use my camera without auto focus

    I'm having an operation on Thursday

    (sense a theme? ?)

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  • Katchoo
    Katchoo ·
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    Ermmm, I'll get back to you on that.

    - Cat is poorly, and to be honest I don't see her lasting much longer (she's 20). I don't even want to think about losing her.
    - I have to have a fourth root canal treatment on a troublesome tooth or have it removed.
    - Owing to the above mentioned vet and dental bills we have unexpected costs of over £600 and rising, hence we are very very skint.
    - I have to go away on business tomorrow, so I get no weekend and have to work insane hours for the next week.
    - I have to get on a plane tomorrow and I hate flying. I've barely slept for the past 5 days worrying about it and I know I'll end up having another humilliating panic attack like I do every single time.
    - I'm having real trouble finding a university that will accept a female candidate in their mid 30s for the course I want to do (BA Acting).

    Life sucks right now.

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    ? I dislike flying too. Last time I flew there was a girl across the aisle from me having a full-on panic attack like you describe, I felt very sorry for her.

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  • geekypants
    Beginner August 2008
    geekypants ·
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    My blood sugar has been mental this week, and laying low to sort it out is boring me rigid. No yoga is making me grumpy as well.

    The house we are interested in is a repossession, and they are being soooooooooo slow about deciding to accept our offer

    I have lots of uni work


    It is sunny

    A good friend is upduffed

    It is the weekend

    I have a few days off work

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  • Katchoo
    Katchoo ·
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    Thanks Sophie. Unfortunately, I've been in two in-air 'incidents' in 2 years (helicopter crash and an emergency landing on a plane) which haven't exactly helped me get over my fears. Never mind, will be having CBT soon and I hope this will help. ?

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  • digitalskittles
    digitalskittles ·
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    I felt rally ill in work and ran through the office to the loo, felt rather embarassed and feel rough


    A partner put me in a taxi home so I am having a relaxing afternoon and feel less ill

    It's the weekend so I am very happy.

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  • LouM
    Beginner August 2007
    LouM ·
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    I'm thrilled for you re. the marathon Sophs. (who is the loon though?!?)


    I don't think my social life has ever been this good. If I was ten years younger, I would be a veritable It Girl

    My career is going to plan beautifully, and the hints about partnership have developed into talks around the logistics

    I have made a great friend at work who is a truly beautiful person and I love her to bits

    I got to see some of my best buds on Monday night in Leeds at the Pete doherty show, and we partied like maniacs and then I got a lift back on the tour bus in the morning, along with my completely and utterly starsticken trainee

    Everyone back home seems to be well

    I'm buggering off for some sun next weekend

    I have lots of summer festivals to look forward to


    I've had tonsillitus and a chesty cough for 4 weeks now and i'm seriously fed up (yes, I appreciate social life is not helping)

    I feel like i'm filling my life with so much stuff so as to avoid being alone with myself

    I haven't been to the gym for 4 weeks, so I look skinny and untoned

    No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to find a band to play with here which fits with what I'm looking for genre-wise, and which doesn't mind the fact that my career makes mne a slightly unreliable frontwoman. Because of this my practising has only been sporadic and I'm back to being, frankly, a bit *** on the guitar, which upsets me hugely.

    I am still getting calls about that bloody harp that I agreed to buy in belfast

    I'm having difficulty reaching a final arrangement with my H because he isn't ready to go there yet. I've been as considerate as I can be, but I think we really need to takl soon and sort something out. *frets*

    I can feel the start of the dreaded PMT coming on, and I know I'm going to be depressed and panicky next week (although, on the 'good' side, I can identify what this feeling is and why it happens, and I know that it passes).

    On the whole, absolutely feck all to grumble about.

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  • marmalade atkins
    Beginner January 2008
    marmalade atkins ·
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    Have weekend of not very much at all planned. May go out for dinner on Sun if speaking to MrA (see Bad)

    Runts generally behaving apart from stealth poo in bath yesterday.

    Still liking new brunette hair and new glasses.


    Mouth still sore after having mouldy tooth removed last week.

    Managed to fall out with both MrA and mum over ridiculous things (his sarky comment over woman on Question Time and plant pots respectively)

    CSA have arsed up my maintenance again and am being forced to write to my MP to complain.

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  • R-A
    Beginner July 2008
    R-A ·
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    Happy Friday, one and all.


    I have just got my dream training job, YAY ? Bring on all the babies and fannies.

    Seeing one of my absolute bestest friends tomorrow

    Totally back on track with WL and exercise and feeling very good on it


    Erm.... Nothing big or important. Too happy from finding out about the job to care!

    Should be at Youngest Brother's school review today but am stuck at work. Have sent H with a script of what to say instead!

    Todays is my last day in sexual health: not sure if that's a good or a bad tbh.

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  • Mrs Magic
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Magic ·
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    ? at your trainee lou. Your IT girl-ness sounds fab!

    ? to all who need them and ? to the good news

    Katchoo, I really hope you get through tomorrow without any feeling humiliated. Do you have a supply of paper bags (I find the free mushoom bags in the supermarket to be the best ?) and some rescue remedy. Do you have an ipod? You could listen to some slow classical or relaxation music. ?

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  • Mrs Magic
    Beginner May 2007
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  • Hecate
    Hecate ·
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    2.5 year old daughter has chicken pox and we're house bound as at the contagious stage

    H is STILL waiting to here about new contracts at work but everything is on hold this week due to an industry wide conference


    My best friend who moved to New Zealend 10 years ago is in the country at the moment and I'm seeing her tomorrow!

    She is chicken pox immune

    The insurers are coming to review our awful bathroom situation (floor went through) with a view to starting work soon

    We're definitely coevred!
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  • Gone With The Whinge
    Beginner July 2011
    Gone With The Whinge ·
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    ? to those with rather bottom-heavy lists today.


    Baby asleep, so I can shop online/Hitch in peace.

    Making a yummy dinner tonight and looking forward to it

    Am feeling positive about dieting/exercise for the first time in a long time (and dare I say it - enjoying it!)

    H has three days off next week


    Niece's mother has decided she wants her to move back in. She started packing last night and her room looks all bare, I hate it ? I don't really understand the logistics of it all but it appears there's not a fat lot we can do about it.

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  • ClaireJ
    ClaireJ ·
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    Got the fabby 3 bed house we wanted - moving end April if all goes according to plan with completion dates

    I get to do interior decorating for the first time in 5 years (and on my own place which is fab)

    I got the job I wanted and start on Tuesday - I can't wait to start drawing again, my hands are itching since the company I worked for went into Administration in Feb!

    I am going to see my family twice this year, in a few weeks time I am going over and then my mom will fly over when I am due to have baby

    Whilst I am in SA, we are going to Grand Baie for 5 days and I can't wait, we haven't been there in years...

    H is happy in his work and doing so well, I am a proud wife ?


    I have been home for almost 8 weeks now so I feel very rusty and am suffering from a bit of a knock to the self confidence in work.

    Katchoo & Sophie - I'm with you on the flying thing, even more this time as before I just took sleeping tablets and woke up when we landed, but being upduffed I canot ake anything - boooo

    I have to pack, first for my trip away and then to move house...boooo hiss

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  • Mrs Magic
    Beginner May 2007
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    Oh dear. ? Has she given a reason? Is niece old enough to legally decide where she wants to live or isn't she able to stand up to her mother? Poor thing, you have made such progress.

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  • Katchoo
    Katchoo ·
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    Thanks Mrs M. ? I have a fab concoction from Neals Yard (Lemonbalm & Skullcap) that I am taking for my blood pressure and it apparently also works on panic, so hopefully that will help. I also carry a bottle of RR with my make up, just in case. I have my trusty brown paper bag packed in my hand luggage as well. Mr K has been a love and has downloaded a few Shakespeare plays and a Kenneth Branagh play to my iPod, so once we get in the air I should be able to switch off by watching those. I also plan to buy some trashy mags to read on take off and landing, just as a distraction. I really wish they'd let you listen to your iPod on take off/landing. They do on Emirates and I have never been so relaxed on a plane as I got completely engrossed in a film and didn't even notice we'd taken off ?

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  • P
    Beginner May 2005
    Pint&APie ·
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    It's the weekend, and I get to lie in for hours tomorrow before going out to a lovely Thai restaurant with all my family.

    I've got through a monster 2 weeks of project group meetings, budgets and appraisals and finally have some clear air to get on with my real job.

    All my herbs (apart from the coriander) have germinated, and I've teamed up with another herbologist to create our own Physick Garden - beat that "grow your own drugs" boy !

    G&T has booked us 2 weeks in Cyprus in the cutest little mini-villa by the coast, so there is much planning and purchasing of guide bookd to be done.


    My parents are borderline loons

    I have a low grade hangover

    I have lunch guilt (and some indigestion) after wolfing down a foot-long BLT baguette

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  • R-A
    Beginner July 2008
    R-A ·
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    Lou - a harp? wtf?

    ? btw, glad everything's going well for you in Manchestershire.

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  • flailing wildly
    flailing wildly ·
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    • It's payday - about chuffing time
    • The above point means I can, within the next week, finish buying all the things I need for my new flat, and therefore will feel like I'm living somewhere homely rather than a collection of rooms with stuff in them
    • I have a weekend of painting ahead of me (honestly, this is a good thing, I love painting)
    • The rest of the weekend will be spent being totally and utterly selfish and by myself, doing nothing apart from recharging my batteries, and I'm utterly looking forward to it
    • I received a text message from nobber ex last night, and not only did it not bother me, I am enjoying the fact that I have no intention of replying to it


    • The book I've just started reading and was really looking forward to, in order to provide some welcome escapism from work, has actually turned out to be about... my work. Dang and blast.
    • I keep eating lots of rubbish, so it's only a matter of time before I wake up and have magically morphed into Fat Monica overnight.
    • I need some 'alone time' at the moment - you know those times where you just need to crawl into a hole and mend yourself for however long it takes, until you arrive out the other end, all marvellously rejuvenated in a phoenix-like way. Certain friends seem to think that they just know better and keep emailing me and ringing me to come out when I've already told them that I need time to myself. I resent being told by people that they not only know what's better for me than I do, but in effect that they know me better than I know myself. I'm on the verge of getting really, really angry about it.
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  • Cleocatra
    Beginner October 2002
    Cleocatra ·
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    ? GOOD:

    - I have found a beautiful dress to wear for the Big Awards Ceremony next month, so I now feel far calmer and more happy about the event

    - The decorator is here and is doing a great job painting our bedroom; tomorrow his mate will be arriving and so we will have some much needed new built-in bookshelves

    - I have been invited to go and speak at Manchester Business School, which is quite cool

    - I met some very interesting people earlier this week, who could be really good contacts for future work-related stuff.

    ☹️ BAD:

    - Career stuff is still all up in the air, have no idea what's happening and am frettling.

    - I haven't been to the gym this week and feel guilty.

    - I wish we were doing something "fun" this weekend other than house & DIY related stuff, as it would help to take my mind off the afore-mentioned career based frettling.

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  • LouM
    Beginner August 2007
    LouM ·
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    R-A, alcohol was involved, as was Robert Bruns and a roomful of Scottish and Irish musicians. the rest is extremely hazy. ?

    Just saw your other thread, I'm over the flippin' moon for you, how wonderful. ? You can mend my chuff anytime. ? ?

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  • Gone With The Whinge
    Beginner July 2011
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    Thanks Mrs M. She wants to move back in with her mum (she always has) and apparently mum has now 'sorted herself out' (which she hasn't). A lot of it seems to be facilitated by MIL. We have no residency order so no legal leverage. I don't understand how she'll get to school (it's half an hour from her mum's), or how she'll tolerate sharing a bedroom with her nine year-old brother! I am secretly hoping that she decides to come back to us, but I'm not holding my breath.

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