Your other half propose to you?
Am feeling in that sort of slushy mood and fancied hearing rest of your lovely proposal stories❤️
I'll go first! Ok so we were going on a family holiday to cornwall, (gwitihan). We were due to get there on the Satruday and OH had said he had always fancied a walk on the beach at dusk to watch the sun set and asked If we could make that the fist thing we do once we arrived. The day before we had broken the journey with an overnight stay in a hotel to which I fell down a ditch and twisted my ankle really badly and swollen and was still bad the next day, anyway with me still got a naff ankle OH says lets go for our walk but i was struggling to walk at this point and asked if we did it another night but he insisted so off we went me hobbling and me chuntering that i couldnt walk!
WE arrive at the beach and sat down to watch the sun setting...OH is in to photorgraphy and started to take some piccys like he does, then proceeds to ask me if i would like to look at his piccys and passes me the camera. As i was scrolling through each piccy spelt out the words Will you marry me and a piccy of the ring and then asked if i wanted to see it for real? he got it out of his camera bag and popped on one knee (after half an hour of tears and a yes from me) he pulled champange out of the bag along with 2 flutes and we sat and watched the sun going down with champers and newly engaged! We celebrated on the way back with a home made burger at local pub! perfect!
Looking forward to hearing all your wonderful stories.
Soppy for a Saturday night!