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Beginner May 2013

How did...

Mrsrobotham2b, 9 June, 2012 at 20:24 Posted on Planning 0 16

Your other half propose to you?

Am feeling in that sort of slushy mood and fancied hearing rest of your lovely proposal stories❤️

I'll go first! Ok so we were going on a family holiday to cornwall, (gwitihan). We were due to get there on the Satruday and OH had said he had always fancied a walk on the beach at dusk to watch the sun set and asked If we could make that the fist thing we do once we arrived. The day before we had broken the journey with an overnight stay in a hotel to which I fell down a ditch and twisted my ankle really badly and swollen and was still bad the next day, anyway with me still got a naff ankle OH says lets go for our walk but i was struggling to walk at this point and asked if we did it another night but he insisted so off we went me hobbling and me chuntering that i couldnt walk!

WE arrive at the beach and sat down to watch the sun setting...OH is in to photorgraphy and started to take some piccys like he does, then proceeds to ask me if i would like to look at his piccys and passes me the camera. As i was scrolling through each piccy spelt out the words Will you marry me and a piccy of the ring and then asked if i wanted to see it for real? he got it out of his camera bag and popped on one knee (after half an hour of tears and a yes from me) he pulled champange out of the bag along with 2 flutes and we sat and watched the sun going down with champers and newly engaged! We celebrated on the way back with a home made burger at local pub! perfect!

Looking forward to hearing all your wonderful stories.

Soppy for a Saturday night!

16 replies

Latest activity by anothermrsjones, 11 June, 2012 at 11:20
  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
    ~Peanut~ ·
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    Awww, lovely story! We got engaged in Paris, I knew he was going to propose as we'd talked about it, we're not very good at keeping secrets from each other! We went out for dinner on the Ile de la Cite (where Notre Dame is) then went for a walk around the isle afterwards. We were both like nervous, excited schoolchildren as we both knew what was coming but neither of us actually said it out loud! We walked to the western point where there's a little park, unfortunately the park was closed so instead we walked down to the riverside and that's where he got down on one knee. He made a lovely speech that I remember being lovely but can't remember what he actually said as I was so nervous, and then he popped the question. We then went back to our hotel where we had a bottle of Champagne waiting for us, the hotel had given it to us as an apology as they'd messed up our room booking, but it worked out perfectly as the room they gave us was better than the one we'd booked and we had some fizz to celebrate with!

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  • M
    Beginner May 2013
    Mrsrobotham2b ·
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    Awww wow lovely story ❤️

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  • xMissyLoux
    Beginner September 2012
    xMissyLoux ·
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    OH proposed to me on Valentine's Day.

    We'd booked into a hotel in town, went for a lovely candle lit meal, to a cocktail bar for a couple of drinks and then back to the hotel room.

    When I got back to the room, there were lit candles, balloons and scattered rose petals. On the bed OH had made a heart out of the rose petals and 2 glasses, a bottle of pink chapagne, a box of chocolates and something else (but I couldn't tell what as it was covered with rose petals) laid on the bed too!

    When I removed the petals from the top box it was a heart chocolate personalised with the words 'Will You Marry Me' and I turned around and OH was on his knee with a ring!

    Although we don't ever do anything completely right, so as we entered the room I'd quickly fled to the bathroom, stripped off and had come out in my red underwear, stockings and suspenders the lot so that is how OH proposed to me lol

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  • I
    Beginner January 1999
    irrelephant ·
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  • vintagedreams
    Beginner August 2013
    vintagedreams ·
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    My OH proposed on christmas morning, it was a total suprise. I had to open my presents in a certain order, of which there were 12. Then he gave me a letter that was written as though I has written to father christmas with the presents listed with certain letters highlighted that spelt out will you marry me- the 2nd r in marry was a R? and at that point he got down on one knee with the ring and asked me. I went all dithery, and weepy and obviously said yes.

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  • M
    Beginner May 2013
    Mrsrobotham2b ·
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    Awww such wonderful stories...we do have the most lovliest of blokes dont we?

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  • MrsA2B2014
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsA2B2014 ·
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    My OH tried persuading me outside for a crafty ciggy during the Jubilee concert on Monday, I was quite comfortable and didn't want to go but gave in in the end.

    He just told me I looked really happy and wanted to make it the happiest day of my life and there he was on one knee! At that point, my head went in to my hands and I wailed for about 45 minutes (complete shock and elation) he was quite firm and said "Alex, do me a favour, stop crying say yes and look at the ring!!" Of course I did and even though it was just under a week ago and is to be expected, I can't stop grinning!

    We're going to Cuba next week and he had planned to take it with him but a mixture of nerves about smuggling diamonds in to Cuba and excitement.

    Most amazing moment of my life so far, apart from realising I'd fallen in love with him in the first place.

    Some of your stories are so beautiful xx

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  • O
    Beginner September 2013
    oggers86 ·
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    We had been talking about getting engaged for a while but my OH had to wait for my ring to be made as I have teeny hands. He originally asked me to wait 6 weeks and as time went on I got more and more frustrated, convinced he was having me on.

    Anyway, Easter Saturday, he goes out to buy some stuff for himself, didnt think anything of it but in amongst my tidying fit I found a letter with regards to his payment plan to a jewellers..he comes home with an easter egg which he said was for both of us and leaves it on the coffee table. I gave him the letter and didnt say a word, eventually put the egg away and didnt think anything more about it. I had already got another 2 in the cupboard so opening it wasnt on my priority list.

    So the next day his parents come over for lunch like we had planned and we had a nice day just chatting, eating and drinking. I remember thinking about having another 2 weeks to wait before my proposal but then got distracted. His parents left and we both sat down, he watched some TV, I read a book. Eventually he goes into the kitchen and gets out the egg and demands that I eat it. Being the stubborn person that I am I get a bit annoyed that I have to eat this egg and try and ask him if I can just eat a Cadbury bunny as they happened to be on the top. No no no this wasnt allowed, I apparantly had to eat the actual this time I think hes gone a bit mad but to shut him up I proceed in getting out the egg. As I am doing this, a black box falls out and I am like wtf is this and am about to throw it on the floor thinking it was rubbish until something stops me..I open it and there is a ring inside it. There was no getting down on one knee, he just asked me if I would marry him.

    I am not often stuck for words but it came as a total suprise I didnt know what to say so I just took it over to him, held out my hand for him to put the ring on my finger. It was nothing like I had fantised about, I had the typical romantic location, champagne etc etc image in my head but when it came down to it I loved the fact that it was different. I celebrated with some wine that his parents brought over ?

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  • H
    Beginner September 2013
    hev54 ·
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    It didn't turn out exactly as he'd planned but I'm forgiven now!

    We went on holiday to New York and I now know theat he'd been planning on doing it there at some fabulous place but all his plans kept getting scuppered by me changing all the plans. Then on the last day we went to Central Park but I was grumpy and tired and didn't fancy walking any more, and that was his last chance to do it somewhere romantic but I was being a madam and wanted to go elsewhere.

    So, at the airport on the way back he paid to upgrade and I thought great, loads of room to go to sleep. So we get on and I start relaxing and pop on my eye mask, then he wakes me up (bit grumpy again!) and proposed. As it was a night flight, it was dark and quiet so I couldn't squeal that loud. It wasnt in New York as he'd wanted, but it was still lovely and a (now) funny story. I'm actually surprised he did propose after what I did.

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  • Tizzie
    Beginner June 2012
    Tizzie ·
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    Love these threads Smiley smile Mines quite long so sorry of you're bored!! I love my story as OHmight just be one of the least romantic people I have ever met!

    My OH and I celebrate our 'anniversary' which is June 29th by going to London as our holiday every year. We had talked about getting engaged in a years time as we had just bought our house, so I totally didn't expect it.

    We were going out the door and i slammed the security door closed on my left hand. I screamed for a good ten minutes, OH freaked and he kept trying to see which finger (I feel bad now!!) but I went mental and spent the whole flight in tears and the rest of the holiday with OH having to feed/dress me, thankfully not broken, but the nail came off and took 6 months to heal ?

    Anyway, we wandered round London for our anniversary and it was lovely, we went back to get changed for dinner (Nandos, we did every year) OH suddenly threw a fit as his shirt was creased and didn't go with his suit trousers. I remember snapping 'It's Nandos, wear your bloody jeans!!' He also freaked when I said i thought I would wear leggings instead of my maxi dress.

    After dinner, he suggested a walk along to Gabriels Wharf by all the little fairy lights. It is my favourite place in the whole world, but last year when we walked along, OH complained the WHOLE time!! He was fidgety so i kept snapping 'lets go back!' (poor guy) we sat down, he stood back up, so did I and he snapped 'sit'

    Then he got a look in his eyes and i knew something was up. He got the box out of his jacket. I started crying (so did he) I don't remember what he said (neither did he afterwards!!) and i didn't even look at my ring until we both stopped crying! It was the best night of my life!! Turns out my mum had been hiding the ring for three weeks. He'd come round when I was away and asked her permission. That just made it so much better as he didn't tell his family (they always said, tell us and we'll put money towards a ring. Which i was so adamant I didn't want him to do, I wanted one he picked and paid for even if it was plastic!)

    We get married this June 29th, with hopefully no broken fingers!!

    S x

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  • HLT
    Beginner August 2012
    HLT ·
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    Not massively romantic but it was during the Royal Wedding (cheese!). We, with the rest of Bath were having a picnic in the main city park where they had big screens with the wedding on. I wasn't in a great mood that day - I was tired (early on in pregnancy) and feeling pretty pants. We were also joined by friends who had no idea about the proposal. Basically we were sitting down on a rug, tucking into our picnic. Kate and Will were leaving the ceremony and being driven to Buckingham Palace and OH was reaching for the champagne. He went to pass me a cup, but not feeling too special I declined. He tried a couple more times, insisting that I should take it. In the bottom if the cup lay a beautiful ring. I just told him I loved him and planted a kiss on his lips. Our friends somehow failed to notice this, or if they did they were pretending they hadn't! It was kind of embarrassing because there was no "I love you, will you marry me" speech so a teeny bit awkward - but I have since told him off for this! The day, and in fact the rest of the weekend was amazing and in was on cloud 9!

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  • Fran @ Hitched
    Beginner April 2012
    Fran @ Hitched ·
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    My now husband proposed on September 1st, 2011 during a long weekend away. We spent 2 nights in the city of Bath and then moved on to another hotel in Malmesbury called The Old Bell. We had a lovely meal in the town before heading back to our hotel for a nightcap. We went outside to the walled courtyard to be alone and he went back inside to get a tea light candle to illuminate our table. I was thinking that it was unusually romantic of him...but didn't think he was about to propose!!

    Randomly there was a huge spider on the wall so I got up to go have a closer look at it, and when I sat back down he said, 'I have a present for you!'

    I thought that maybe he had bought me a gift whilst we were in Bath, but my heart started beating extra fast when I saw a blue Tiffany box sitting on the table.

    He asked me to marry him and we were both SOOO excited about what we had to come! We left our drinks and went back inside the hotel to buy a bottle of Champagne to celebrate with!

    Here was my engagement blog if you want to have a read.

    We got married on April 20th this year and it was the BEST day of my life!!

    Our real wedding is on hitched too ❤️

    Looking forward to reading more of your engagement stories!

    Fran x x

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  • *RisqueM*
    Beginner August 2015
    *RisqueM* ·
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    11th of Feb last year, I text D to let him know I was FINALLY on my way back from work, late leaving again! Arrived home to find the flat immaculate and beautifully decorated with candles and the smell of dinner, music playing...etc Smiley smile I was like 'wow hun, what's all this?' so apparently we were doing valentines a little early because the 14th was a monday, D had decided to have a valentines weekend, which I thought was really sweet, bless him. So we had a fabulous dinner, he really is an amazing cook (hurrah!) but he was so jumpy, and just before desert he cracked. 'Babes I need to ask you something' and went down on one knee and produced a box ? I loved what he said it was so lovely and perfect, I cried and cried, until he said 'so do you like the ring?!?!?' and I realised I hadnt even looked! He proposed with his great grandmothers ring that his gran had given him the week before, and yes I absolutely loved it, but tbf at that point i wouldnt have cared if it had been a haribo ring I was so happy, we've been together nearly 6 years, I was just so glad it had finally happened! and it was a total surprise and so sweet and so perfect ❤️

    I'm loving everyone's stories :-) Looking forward to reading more!

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  • A
    Beginner September 2012
    amanda66 ·
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    We were on hols on the norfolk broads with my parents when OH proposed. We had been planning a quiet night but OH was adamant we were going out for a meal in a nice restaurant we had been to the year before.

    I threw a mini strop as didn't want to go - naughty me ? So we went for the meal and OH was a bit twitchy and he kept looking around and clocking everytime someone left. Anyways after dessert he got down on one knee and asked will you marry me and I squealed with excitement hehe ?

    We found out I was pregnant with our daughter not long after and she is going to be 5 in 3 weeks time. We've been together for 7 years, engaged for 5 and finally getting married 15th September 2012.

    Ours seems a bit boring compared to others haha! x

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  • 2b_MrsB
    Beginner June 2013
    2b_MrsB ·
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    My OH had asked me to marry him 3 times previously to our engagement, but I declined for various reasons. The 3rd time he said that he'd not ask again so if I ever felt ready I'd have to ask him. I took this literally and said we'd never get married than as it wouldn't be right if I asked him.

    Around December 2011, I realised 2012 was a leap year and found myself speaking of weddings so OH knew I was coming round to the idea and we had on/off discussions relating to it over a few weeks. We decided that when/if we did get married it be best to do it in the lake district as we love the area and since most of my family is in Scotland and OH's is in Yorkshire it would mean both sides of the family would have the same distance to travel. Around New Year time we found ourselves browsing the internet for venue ideas and ended up booking a valentines break in one of them.

    It just happened that the weekend we had booked for Valentines that the hotel were having a wedding fayre on the Sunday so OH said we should look at it while we were there. Got there on the Friday and we both loved the venue so spoke to wedding co ordinator. OH wanted to book there and then but I insisted we looked at other possibilities before committing. So our valentines break was spend looking round a further 6 venues ?. In the end we booked the original one ( and our photographer) before leaving on the Sunday.

    On the way home OH said he supposed he should buy me an engagement ring since we had actually booked the wedding ?. I said we should keep it quiet for a few weeks until we had "official" got engaged but OH said he knew he couldn't keep his mouth shut !! ? I asked if we could stop of at Aysgarth falls on the way home as I'd never seen them. While we were stood there on our own looking at the falls. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a ring box and turned to OH saying " Your the best thing that ever happened to me , will you marry me ? "..... OH didn't see the ring box and thought I was being silly so replied " of course I will you silly bugger we just booked our wedding !! " ...I actually had to thrust the box under his nose and repeat my question before the penny dropped ?.......He was totally gobsmacked when I told him I had bought the ring in January when I was visiting relatives in Scotland and had planned to ask him on Feburary 29th but thought it best I do it early since he'd stated he couldn't keep his mouth shut about booking the wedding. (I had only taken the ring with me for the weekend as my aunt made me paranoid that my OH might ask me while we were away and my plan for the 29th would have been spoilt.)

    So my leap year proposal ended up being 10 days early !

    OH said he'd never expect me to take him literally and thought I'd just tell him when I was ready to get married ( he should have known better ! ? ) Due to OH being so stunned, we spent most the rest of the journey home in silence, this was only interrupted occasionally by him giggling to himself in a rather girly fashion as he tried to absorb what had actually happened over the weekend ?

    Loving reading everyones stories ! ?

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  • Enjayee
    Beginner April 2013
    Enjayee ·
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    Lovely stories!

    My now fiancé and I were SO hungover following a heavy night out in Copenhagen with friends, where we're actually moving to in October. We woke up in the morning, I was so ill I could only manage a stand up wash at the sink, scraped back my hair into a rough bun and stuck on some lipgloss and covered up the eyes with sunnies. GLAM. We did some food shopping, dropped it back at the apartment and then he asked if I fancied a beer. I looked at him as if he was mental but I thought that it might get me through the day, hair of the dog stylee. So we went to a place called Kartoffelkaelderen which is almost opposite the place where we were staying. He ordered the beers, I wasn't saying much (trying to concentrate on not feeling completely disgusting), the beers arrived and he asked me whether I could really see myself moving to Copenhagen with him. I said yes, that I love the city and I can definitely see myself having my life here. So he held up his beer as a toast and said "here's to new beginnings. Will you marry me?". No speech, no down on one knee ... I've since found out he hadn't had a plan as such, he just knew he wanted to do it on that visit to Denmark. The ring belonged to my late grandmother who passed away in March - she left the ring to me about four years ago and when my fiancé and I had The Future Talk I said that I already had a ring that I wanted to wear, should the relationship end in marriage/family, so he didn't have to buy anything - just propose (if he wanted to).

    It's not as grand or romantic as some other stories - Hollywood definitely wouldn't make a movie out of it! - but it's our story and I wouldn't change a thing about it ?

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  • anothermrsjones
    Beginner July 2012
    anothermrsjones ·
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    Ours isn't romantic at all!! We were up visiting his Mum in Wales and going out for one of his mates birthday (also the best man). The night out was in Chester where he asked me out however I think this was pure coincidence as I said this to him as we travelled up and he looked at me in surprise then grinned to himself. The actual proposal happened mid row to the amusement of everyone we told the story to. I think he was nervous as he'd been carrying the ring round with him all day and had been quiet and shifty. I was having a go that he wasn't making an effort for his mate and probably swore as I was a bit pished. Half way through my ranting he put the ring on my finger and told me to shush. He said he wanted to marry me so that I could argue with him for the rest of his life haha. In my drunken haze it took me a while to click what had happened then I cried. A lot. His mate having been in on it came over with champagne and I kept running into the loos so I could see it in the light. Not romantic or slushy in the least!!

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