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Beginner June 2010

How involved has you H2B been?

Steelgoddess, 26 April, 2010 at 21:37 Posted on Planning 0 26

Just wondered really?

I've kinda taken control on the majority of things, I kinda like it that way as I know it will be done and Im a stay at home Mum while he works so I have alot of time on my hands (When the tyke goes to bed).

So far he has picked his ring, he helped me do some cutting for the invitations, we went through picking the song list for the wedding breakfast. I have done alot design wise but thats my job so plenty of designing, printing, cutting etc. Oh and he helped browse for honeymoons.

Im going to really miss planning the wedding I have loved doing all the tasks and watching things come together...

How about you ladies?

26 replies

Latest activity by Suzie&Karl, 27 April, 2010 at 12:35
  • queencrunchy
    queencrunchy ·
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    So far, not very! But we are very early on in the planning. He was very into booking the venue, taking control there, asking all the questions. Invites, flowers and cake are all down to me it seems, and the idea of table decorations had never occurred to him! I think he'll get more interested as I start making final decisions though, he won't want to not have his say.

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  • budgetbabe
    Beginner July 2010
    budgetbabe ·
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    HAHAHAHAAHAAA! ? Good one steely!

    my H2B is aware that theres a wedding, and that his best man will ensure he is suitably kilted for the day...... ?

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  • S
    Beginner October 2011
    superlauren321 ·
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    Oh what a oh will tell anyone that listens that he's not even going to be invited to this wedding, cos i'll forget about him. i have just assigned him with the task of sorting suit hire (with me supervising the choosing of the suits - he may be cute but his fashion sense is appalling!) and the honeymoon...fingers crossed!!!


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  • Mrs_M_2b
    Beginner July 2012
    Mrs_M_2b ·
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    I will be involving my OH as much as possible i always consult him when making a decision. Since i'm on maternity leave i have loads of free time so i do all the research and e-mailing then when i find stuff we like we go together to discuss it further

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  • Ellie_S
    Beginner March 2012
    Ellie_S ·
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    We are in the very early stages of planning too and so far h2b has been very enthusiastic and involved. he has been emailing possible venues left right n centre and has been helping pick dates and possible themes and colours. he has chosen his ushers and best man and the pageboys he has also started looking at different suits he may like. im a bit shocked that im the person going slower with the details, i expected to be a complete control freak over everything lol

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  • Mrs S*
    Beginner January 2010
    Mrs S* ·
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    Very, he's pretty good. I do a lot of the little things, and he gives his opinion on everything

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  • Jumbly Girl
    Beginner May 2010
    Jumbly Girl ·
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    There has been a lot of nodding and smiling from Jumbly Boy over the last few months. I haven't made a single decision without running it by him, even when I know he couldn't care less about lots of it! There are a few things that he's been entirely responsible for (although I get the final nod!) - e.g. honeymoon, sweetie buffet, wine, travel arrangements, sorting his parents out, his outfit etc. He's also helped with printing bits and bobs off for my stationery addiction and has helped with folding and cutting things!

    I did overhear him say to his friend the other day that they couldn't go out on their bikes next weekend because he's going to be really stressed with last minute wedding planning, which made me chuckle as he's not really done all that much! He sent me his list of things to do this weekend by email and it had three things on it. I sent it back and it had (like magic) become 2 pages long. Woops!

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  • GeordieBarbie
    Beginner May 2010
    GeordieBarbie ·
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    As much as me. It's "our" wedding.

    All decision have been made together and then any extra calls, etc i've done (he hates talking on the phone) ? I've done all the printing of menus nad OOD etc but that's cos I've wanted to - a bit of fun for me.

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  • debmci
    debmci ·
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    well my OH picked his tartan - i was there2, and he actually took on most of the honeymoon planning although i was there 2. we did the venue booking together and the photographer and videographer visits, and booking the cars! iv done all the arty stuff though and all the girlie stuff! he takes an interest though in all that! Smiley smile

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  • Wren
    Wren ·
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    When I got married I sorted everything with my mum, but before any decisions (i.e. booking things or choosing colours etc) I ran it past H. It suited us both - he just wanted to get married, whilst I relished in the organising of it! He did organise our honeymoon though.

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  • naomiowen
    Beginner August 2010
    naomiowen ·
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    Sorry, who?? these words you speak of 'H2B' and 'involved' its all very confusing!lol?

    i bl£^dy wish!


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  • Mrs C
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs C ·
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    Well it's "our" wedding so he is involved in all the big decisions, however I need to narrow down the millions of choices to about 3 before he'll even look!

    He chose our centrepieces and we decided on the colour schemes together. He's leaving all the "making" stuff to me because he is not crafty in the slightest!!!

    Most of his jobs will come later, suits, rings, cars etc.

    He quite likes being involved but mostly in the fun "man" stuff, i.e. not flowers or dresses or invitations!

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  • *JLS*
    Beginner July 2012
    *JLS* ·
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    Well, I am the organised one in our pair, and have tried to involve h2b as much as possible. I think it is too far in advance for him as we don't get married until 2012!! He has asked for some jobs though so he will be organising the cake, cars, kilts and honeymoon! I am researching everything else (tog, entertainment etc) and then will go through it with him later. I think he would just like to be sent an invite telling him where to be and when Smiley laugh

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  • jem179
    Beginner May 2010
    jem179 ·
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    My OHs been pretty good but then as I have no female friends and can't really talk to my mum about aything he's been the one who's had to listen!! If I want him to actually DO rather than give opinions I do have to nag a bit but he always gives me a big hug when he's done something!

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  • AutumnRose
    AutumnRose ·
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    Mine has been ok. He's very interested and wants to be involved in the decisions, although i have narrowed everything down/found suppliers etc and he's just been involved in final say.

    He's very aware that i've pictured my wedding for years and i don't think he'd have minded what colours/flowers/decorations etc we had but was very involved in choosing venue/HM and other bigger things. I tend to delegate him this person and ask this, please book this, get quotes for that etc etc.

    I'm a total control freak though so i've been very happy with how we've planned it.

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  • D
    darkivy ·
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    I think my H2B is aware that there is something he should be attending in October lol.

    He is very laid back and I am hyper organised, am running everything past him but just getting a smile and 'thats fine' to everything (which makes my life pretty easy but a bit more enthusiasm might be nice!).

    He did go and pick up a suit hire brochure all by himself and looked so pleased with himself for doing it!

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  • aliaisp
    Beginner July 2010
    aliaisp ·
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    Well like many of you, i narrow down all the choices for most things (tog, DJ, cake) and present them to H2B. and he usually comes to meet the suppliers with me (except for the florist - i think flowers was just one step too far for the poor guy!) as far as design ideas go, i've picked all the colours and the cake/centrepiece design. he's not too bothered, was more interested in the cake tasting! but as time goes on, he is less and less involved and i have made decisions about the latest things we booked (videographer, favours etc)

    he helped me with doing the invitations but has kind of given up on the best man's suits etc which is v annoying! and i did honeymoon all on my own!

    sigh, men!!!xxx

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  • D
    Beginner October 2010
    drifter ·
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    Ooo interesting question

    With my OH it depends on if he is interested

    So venue lots of input once we had narrowed it down via online searching etc

    Photographer massieve input contributed to research etc

    Band massieve input (helpped with research and so on

    Food interested in price and very interested in the tasting (hmmm)

    Stationary He is making and has designed it!!!

    Eveything else he is not so bothered about (it just doesn't hold his interest) He commented on the potential florists but flowers are my thing so now he has made his feelings clear about button holes I have free reign. Bridesmaid he left up to me and them same with other details

    overall I can't complain my only issue is he hasn't picked a best man or ushers he also is in charge of sorting suits out (hard to do when he hasn't picked a team yet!)

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  • Sparkly Tyke
    Beginner March 2011
    Sparkly Tyke ·
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    My H2B has had some involvement with everything we've done so far, but the majority of the legwork is done by me!

    I was torn between 2 colour schemes so I let him pick the one he preferred... We jointly decided on the venue after we'd visited a couple, but it's been down to me to book it and to arrange the registrar. I delegated the task of arranging to give notice at our local registry office to him, and it took him over a week to sort that out!!!

    He amazed me a few weeks ago when he came home from work with a wedding hire catalogue - he actually showed some initiative without being nagged lol!!

    He's getting quite into planning the honeymoon but he's not allowed to book anything without running it past me, knowing him he'd spend far more than necessary as he's not as good at hunting out a good deal as I am!

    The stationery, flowers and cake are all my responsibility, he says I'm much more creative minded than him so he'll leave that to me. I'll still make sure he likes everything first though!

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  • lizzyleek
    Beginner October 2010
    lizzyleek ·
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    James hasn't been overly involved I'm pretty much like you steely I have taken control if you will but H2B is choosing the wedding rings together, choosing the playlists for the wedding breakfast (were just using our ipod) we are choosing the suits together and the cake but that is about it! I never expected him to get involved anyway as it is not his kind of thing he just says tell me where, when and what time and I'll be there lol


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  • Mrs_T2B
    Beginner May 2011
    Mrs_T2B ·
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    Mr T has actually been really good ? He has made regular contact with our wedding co-ordinator/decor lady for our reception. He's sorted out our table plan arrangements (he draws for a living so is good at that sorta thing). The suits are on his agenda. Apart from that most stuff like the photographers, cars etc we have visited together.

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  • Stazzle
    Stazzle ·
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    I would agree with what someone else said - it depends if he's interested!

    The venue search was great, he was completely involved in that. He was also good with the tog and videographer, he came to the meetings with me and we made the decisions together.

    Invitations he was pretty good - I was the main one involved but he gave his input on designs and we made the final decision together, although that's where it stopped for him as I've done all the info sheets, ordered all the little extra bits and have written them all.

    Flowers - he has no interest in so I've had complete control of that, I've shown him pics and described things to him to make sure he's happy with it but he's really not bothered, he is just happy with it if I am.

    Bridesmaids - that's all been me and obviously my outfit too.

    Mens outfits - he has been involved and the main decision has been his (because I insisted he has to decide what he's happy wearing etc), but this was something I wanted him to sort out entirely himself! Turns out I got quite roped in to that one as well though.

    Honeymoon - Kenya was actually his idea, but I did all of the research and quote finding etc.

    Music - he's been really good with this, lot of input and we've made the decisions together.

    Food - again he was really good with this, we both did this entirely 50-50 on what we both wanted and made the fairest choices so that we were both happy.

    Little things like cake and favours - not that bothered about it although I've always shown him ideas and pics to see his opinion.

    The only thing he has done completely on his own was the wedding insurance, and that's because he works as an underwriter so did it through work! But all in all I'm pretty happy with how he's been to be honest, he's been involved in the major things and that's fair enough I think!

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  • B
    Beginner July 2010
    brideseekingblush ·
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    On the venue, togs etc I had to lower down the list, but then he did come and look, I met the florist on my own but he dictated what we were having...Colour scheme, decorations etc I decided. We picked the rings together - generally I've organised things and he's given his view.

    He picked the suits, is organising the evening entertainment (his friend is djing), and is in charge of the invites. Basically everything else is up to me.

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  • Gen28
    Beginner August 2010
    Gen28 ·
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    My H2B hasn't been that bad really.

    After afew false starts with the colour scheme trying to find things etc I thought about bright pink and liked the idea but asked his opinion didnt want him uncomfortable with it but he agreed so all good there.

    The venue he came with me to met the vicar and then about a month later we spent a few days when he was on leave trying to find a decent evening reception venue - since we found it he has been dealing with them anything that needs doing he rings and he sorted out booking the whole hotel for rooms for guests.

    He helped make all the invitations and hotel lists etc. HE helped with the favour bags. And with the decorations needed for the room.

    He also sorted his ring out to (were not having matching because of him been in the forces he wanted a titainam one so it was a bit stronger - which is fine by me i'll get one to match my engagement ring)

    so all in all he's been pretty good. Were not going on a honeymoon so we dont need to sort that out (getting married towards the end of his summer leave)

    He even came bridesmaid dress shopping and had the say of whether he liked it or not.


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  • Suzie&Karl
    Beginner January 2012
    Suzie&Karl ·
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    Well i havent done alot of planning yet but i want to plan with him as much as i can cause i think its only fair, i wont book anything or decide anything unless i have had the ok with him.

    He seems to be just aggreeing with me though at the moment, he said whatever makes me thats fine with me lol!


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