I don't know if I can cope with Aurora. I have made some enquiries today with a few proper registered breeders and have found out that this screaming and howling is not likely to go away quickly. It can be months, if it stops at all. Apparently Huskys should not ideally be kept alone, and it's quite 'normal' for a husky to howl when you aren't in the room with it. Oh and their howl is not like a normal howl. It's like a blood curdling scream.
Aurora cannot go upstairs, the bunnies live up there and we don't want the carpets being peed on. She is very chewy and into everything so I can't let her have free run unsupervised, she goes for cables and all sorts, it's not safe for her and I don't want my house wrecked.
She screams when I shut her in the lounge to pop to the toilet. She weed in the hall earlier and I again shut her in the lounge to clean up her wee, again she screamed. I've been told this will not go away any time soon. I have been in floods of tears each day, and the thought of going out to work tomorrow makes me feel sick. I feel trapped in the house and horribly guilty when I have to go out (only managed it for the first time today). I can't even have a shower in peace.
She was supposed to make things better. Instead I feel completely on the edge. Giving it time probably won't make a difference, not in a time frame that I feel like I could limp through anyway. I don't care about poo, wee, chewing, night howling, any of that. It's that I can't go out of the bloody room let alone out out without her freaking out, but I have to, I have a job.
We live in a semi detached house. And all day the builders have been looking in from the street whenever she has been screaming, so I'm sure it must be awful for next door.
In an ideal world, I would have chosen a smaller breed, something I can pick up and take control of properly when an adult.
What happens if we have a baby and the dog still howls?
I'm a complete and utter pathetic failure.
This is everything floating around my head. What should I do? The breeders will take her back if I need them to.
UPDATE: She's gone back. H came home and we talked and we decided it was for the best all round. Called the breeder and they offered to take her there and then. So last night we drove her back there. It's the right thing to do, but I'm devastated. Not helped by the fact that I am friends with the breeder on fb and this morning she had posted photos of her and there were loads of people slagging me off, about my lack of commitment, my stupidity and oh they bet I asked for my money back. Actually I never mentioned money. I deleted the breeder. She's sent me a message telling me not to worry, the dog is going to a new family who already have a husky. Hopefully she will be much happier there. All her stuff is still all over the house. I couldn't face it last night, and I still can't now. Yeah so all in all I feel like a complete tw@t. Even H's brother was mocking him last night.
Thanks everyone for being honest with me and not judging me. It means a lot xx