I get married on the 1st October this year (three weeks tomorrow) and the dress shop haven't got my dress in yet - I haven't had a single fitting.
I was measured for my dress on 11th June and was told it be delivered to the shop "within 5 - 6 weeks as they have a fairly quick turnaround" which I estimated to be mid to late July.
Didn't hear anything in July, so I emailed them on 15th August and was told my dress was down for delivery "end of August". Didn't hear anything so phoned on 6th September and was told that the delivery was "any day now".
My bridesmaids where horrified and said it is leaving things very late. They text me each day asking if the dress is in. My OH isn't happy because he's worried it won't come in time and they have been a bit curt in their communications with us. Even my mother who has been very chilled is starting to get anxious.
I really don't want to cause a fuss as I understand they are busy and there are other brides who have ordered dresses from them. My wedding isn't the centre of everyone else's world and would hate to come across as Bridezilla.
Maybe I should have chased it sooner but my Nan had a suspected stroke beginning of August so that kind of eclipsed everything else for a while.