Our marriage is completely up in the air and has been since the end of January. I wasn't happy, wanted to leave, we went to Relate and have been waiting for an appointment which has just come through for 2nd April.
Since then, the tables have turned, I've realised how much he means to me and while the marriage still needs a hell of a lot of work for me to be happy continuing with it, I can't imagine my life without him. However, he wants to leave. He wants me to leave as I originally planned to, and wants to have a trial separation. I am absolutely devastated and I don't know what to do to make him stay ☹️ He says I'm too dependent on him, which is true, but not through choice, I've had PND for 18 months and really struggle with it. He says I'll never learn to stand on my own two feet while we're married.
None of my friends really get it, my mum thinks it's my own fault and I just don't know what to do and I can't bear all the pain ☹️