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Beginner July 2012

July 2012 brides

maxinegallie, 28 December, 2011 at 17:36 Posted on Planning 0 1,022

Hello to all the brides getting married during July 2012.

As I saw threads for the May brides, June brides and August brides, I thought perhaps a July one would be good for us to keep each other motivated in our seemingly quick journey.

So far I have: bought the dress, booked flowers, booked reception, arranged menu, ordered invites, bought tiara, booked photographer, booked mens suits and decided on BM dresses. So there is still loads to do yet.

I'm hoping I'm not the only one with a mission in the new year. Smiley smile

1,022 replies

Latest activity by 50's pin up bride, 12 August, 2012 at 18:01
  • moonpie1985
    Beginner July 2012
    moonpie1985 ·
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    I am July 7th.

    Have booked: venue, church, tog, wedding night stay, flowers & cake

    Have bought: dress, shoes

    Have borrowed: tiara

    Have chosen but need to buy: bridesmaid dresses & rings

    Next to do: invites/ honeymoon

    I don't think there will be much to do until a lot closer to the Wesson other than that

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  • H
    Beginner July 2012
    hats ·
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    Another 07/07/2012 wedding here;

    Have booked: venue (ceremony, reception and hotel rooms), suits, photographer, hair and make up, florist, dj, evening surprise.

    Have bought: dress, shoes, rings, table decorations, side tiara, invites

    Have chosen but need to buy/make: bridesmaid dresses and cake

    Next to do: sort our day music (CD's), make menus, table plan, book honeymoon/flights

    We are not bothering with cars, I think this is everything ?

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  • M
    Beginner July 2012
    maxinegallie ·
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    Oh gosh, you both seem very organised. I feel there is still so much to do, and finding a DJ is proving hard despite the wedding being 6 months away, its got to be my next job. Good luck in all your final planning

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  • *JLS*
    Beginner July 2012
    *JLS* ·
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    I'm 7/7/12 too ?

    So far we have: booked venue, registrar, TOG, piper, DJ, cake, hair and make up, florist and bridesmaid dresses. Bought my dress and OH's kilt, have invitations and sent STD's a few months ago. Have bought my wedding jewellery and shoes and my hen weekend is being organised by my BM. We booked a mini moon for just after the wedding and we will be going to the Maldives in November.

    The onnly real big thing left for us to do is get the rings, but that will happen soon!! We don't need cars are we are having everything in the same place.

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  • 50's pin up bride
    Beginner July 2012
    50's pin up bride ·
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    Maxine, my date twin, panic not! We have a fortnight after them ?

    So far, I have: ordered my dress, chosen / ordered / paid deposit on the flowers, car and tog, booked the church and vicar, booked the wedding breakfast venue and chosen our menu, booked our evening reception venue, bought the BM dresses, bought OH's suit, sent out save the date cards, bought the candle holders, bought my shoes, jewellery and fascinator, had endless make up trials and have chosen - but not yet bought - make up. Booked hotel for first 2 nights. Booked a band for the evening and a flautist friend to play in the church. We're doing the other music ourselves. Cakes chosen (sister making) so will need to give her some money closer to the day, for ingredients.

    Still to do: decide what to do about the other mens suits, book their matching ties, finalise invites and send for printing, book our hog from the butcher for evening reception, order chair covers and other decorations for evening reception, talk to vicar re: flowers and decs in the church, make bunting, do seating plans, design and print thank you cards, um...!! Bounds to be loads more. Oh, I've booked my hairdresser but still need to go for a trial. Also found out if I book a make up lesson with MAC (which is the make up I'm buying) then although it costs £50, I get that £50 knocked off products I buy so it's basically a free lesson since I know I'm buying them anyway. So got to organise that closer to the wedding. Need to sort rest of (UK based) honeymoon - but decided to leave it until last minute to see what takes our fancy. Need to buy rings (chosen and submitted order, but asked them to hold it until the new year when more wedding money can be released). Need to finalise ceremony music (incl. what my flautist friend will play during the signing of the register) and need to start thinking about the music we'll have in the evening (when band not playing).

    The main thing I'm now dithering about is whether or not to buy a 'going away' outfit to get changed into towards the end of the evening reception, partly as an excuse to make a grand exit ? but also so I can leave my dress with family and not have it on honeymoon with us (and I don't really want to leave it at the hotel). The problem is, I've picked a glorious outfit but can't really justify £200!

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  • Poppyseed
    Beginner July 2012
    Poppyseed ·
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    I'm 7th July too, and I am completly unorganised, I feel I should be in a panic about all there is left to do but i'm not!

    So far we have booked the Church, Florist, TOG, Hair and Makeup, not having Cars as family are driving us, and well thats about it really!!?, altough I do know what I want!

    What I need to do is book a Marquee, along with everything that goes with it, including loos!, book a caterer, Disco, decide on Invitations and guest list, choose Bridesmaid Dresses etc oh and choose and order a Dress for myself!!!, make all the homemade things I want to, including 200 meters of Bunting, not to mention all the little things that take so much time!

    Its going to be a busy 6 months, ok, panic!!!

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  • LottaVictualia
    LottaVictualia ·
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    We are having a weekday wedding on 25 July. So far I have booked: venue, church, catering and tog.

    And that's it lol. We are having a very relaxed wedding. H2B is going to wear a normal suit with a green tie and his bm his own. My girls are wearing summer dresses in shades of green.

    Big things still to organised: band, flowers (will do mostly my own) and the booze (stocking bar ourselves). I have all the stuff I need for the invites. I will print them and I have had a stamp made that will be on all our stationary.

    Still so much to do but I am feeling very relaxed about it all...maybe too much. ?

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  • MrsA2012
    Beginner July 2012
    MrsA2012 ·
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    I'm 7th July too!

    So far we (I say "we" but really I mean "I"!) have:

    - Booked Venue, Church, flowers (but need to pay deposit), cake, chair covers, photographers, magician

    - Bought my dress, BMs dresses, flower girl dresses, my shoes (although I'm umming and ahhing at the mo), BMs hair flowers, cake stands

    - Made invitations, order of services and place names, cake toppers

    However, we still need to:

    - book DJ and cars asap! get OH to go try on suits.

    - print the inserts for the invites and order of services, do table plan, guest book

    - make the bunting (fortunately my mum has volunteered for that one!) and fg wands

    - organise alterations for my dress, buy headband, veil and jewellery

    - buy bridal party presents

    - decide on hymns and readings

    Feels like a lot to do when you see it written down!

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  • schiocco
    Beginner July 2012
    schiocco ·
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    Another 7th July bride here!

    Things that are (mostly) sorted but need final meetings: Church & details & order of service, reception venue, photographer, suits, flowers, DJ, cars, chair covers, dress, tiara & veil, shoes, honeymoon, rings, hen party, make up artist (trial in Feb), hairdresser, favours.

    Things still to get sorted: Cake (making myself), entertainment, menus, stationery including invites, table plans/guest list, bridesmaids dresses, jewellery, hotel, music for during wedding breakfast, thank you gifts, MOB outfit, coach for guests, guestbook. Also lots of bits & bobs to buy like confetti and white umbrellas (keep thinking of more and more things!)

    In January I’m planning on making lots of things – table runners, jars for the centre pieces, invites, table numbers.

    Okay, I feel a bit panicked now that my ‘to do’ list is longer than my ‘done’ list!! AGH!

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  • mrsgreatbatch2b
    Beginner July 2012
    mrsgreatbatch2b ·
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    Well i'm July 29th and you would think as a member of hitched for a while, knowing the date of my wedding for just over two years when I get married and being editor of the 2012 brides list I would be organised. But I'm not!

    Venue booked

    Chapel booked

    Photographer booked

    Cake sorted

    Dj sorted as in package with venue

    Make up artist - friend

    Hairdressers sorted

    Videographer organised, BIL is doing it with our HD camcorder.

    Save the dates sent out.

    Flower girl outfit consists of shoes and hairband

    My outfits consist of garter and shoes. Oh well i'm sure my OH will be happy with how i'll look. Not sure of nanna and grandad tho. lol.

    As for anything else well don't ask. I've got a colour sorted and theme, scrap book, brought little bits and bobs but nothing major.

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  • Blonde Viki
    Beginner July 2012
    Blonde Viki ·
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    14/7/12 bride!

    However, currently too ill to think coherently about the wedding but wanted to post so I get updates from this thread - will pop along with my done/to-do list as soon as I feel human again!

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  • Vickydrip
    Beginner July 2012
    Vickydrip ·
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    Hi all other JULY brides :-)

    I'm getting marred on 28th July, and have so far:

    BOOKED/ORDERED: Venue, Registrar, Catering, DJ, TOG, Dress, Veil, Shoes, Groomsmens Suits, Rings, Flowers, Invitations (I am making them), Car for me and dad to get to venue

    TO DO: Find Bridesmaid dresses and shoes, decide on menu,decide on hairstyle and make up (I'm having an up do, but not sure of what) Choose a tiara, choose honeymoon, Choose vows, Pay for everything.

    Paying for everything is the worst thing :-)

    Good luck to everyone getting married next July :-)

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  • M
    Beginner July 2012
    maxinegallie ·
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    Oh no, get well soon, take every opportunity to rest lots and be lazy Smiley smile

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  • MrsA2012
    Beginner July 2012
    MrsA2012 ·
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    Where are you guys at with organising your honeymoon?

    My OH is booking ours as a surprise. The plan is I'll find out at the airport, although he will need to guide me in my packing!

    Part of me is a bit sad that I won't be able to look forward to it "specifically" IYKWIM, so just wondered where you were all planning on going.

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  • *JLS*
    Beginner July 2012
    *JLS* ·
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    We are having a minimoon here - for a few days after the wedding and then planning on going to the Maldives at the end of October/beginning November as the weather should be better then.

    It was going to be a surprise, but that changed as I am usually the one who organises all the holidays and I didn't want OH to stress out about making sure it was okay ? I also wanted to be able to look forward to it as well, and now I know what the plan is I feel more calm about it all!!

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  • *JLS*
    Beginner July 2012
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    Aw that's pants BV - get well soon and get lots of rest!! Jxx

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  • Vickydrip
    Beginner July 2012
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    Get well soon ... xxx

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  • C
    Beginner July 2012
    clairele ·
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    HI, I get married on 28 July 2012.

    We have booked and bought quite a bit now. We just have the invites, OOS and thank you cards to make, rings to get (which we are doing tomorrow), favours, thank you gifts for wedding party and get food for the evening buffet.

    I can't wait now - it's going to be fabulous! Just think, in a couple of days, we can all say we are getting married this year ?

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  • Vickydrip
    Beginner July 2012
    Vickydrip ·
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    Bump for this ?

    How are everyone's plans going? Mine are great at the moment .. so happy because of my wedding dress - see here for flashes

    Keep in touch! x

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  • D
    Beginner July 2012
    donnarose08 ·
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    I'm also the 28th July!

    Got most things booked now, having our menu tasting in two weeks and meeting the vicar to organise the order of service. The main thing still to arrange is entertainment, really stuck with this.

    Should have everything arranged by the end of Feb, and then it's just the little things to finish off. Glad i've been so organised, because work is manic at the moment! ☹️

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  • Vickydrip
    Beginner July 2012
    Vickydrip ·
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    Hello date twin :-) x

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  • C
    Beginner July 2012
    clairele ·
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    Hello date twins! Glad there are quite a few of us getting married on 28 July ?

    I am really happy as now ordered our rings (i've got a plain gold band but am having our initials and the wedding date engraved on the inside), sorted out our invitations and also finished our wedding website. So I am now running out of things to do!

    Also, having lost some weight, I am now concentrating on "toning" and bought some ankle and wrist weights. However, the things are absolutely knackering so I'm either really weak or they are heavier than they are supposed to be.......

    Nice to catch up with everyone and speak to you soon. Roll on July!

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  • MrsA2012
    Beginner July 2012
    MrsA2012 ·
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    We managed to sort the DJ and cars last month. Just need to do suits now. I had my MOH's wedding on Friday. It went really well, but it scared me how quickly the day flew by. It was so tiring as well.

    Your dress is lovely Vickydrip! Well done on losing the weight. I really need to get on track with that. I started swimming last week so hopefully that will work wonders.

    Trying to get my OH to agree on a first dance song at the moment but he doesn't really like any of my suggestions! I think he'd feel more confident with an upbeat song as dancing isn't really his thing. What are you guys having as your's?

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  • Blonde Viki
    Beginner July 2012
    Blonde Viki ·
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    We're going to give notice tomorrow!! Smiley smile

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  • *sweetpea*
    Beginner July 2012
    *sweetpea* ·
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    I'm another 7th July bride! So many date twins it's exciting!

    MrsA you are so brave!!! I wish I could have less control issues and do that! How exciting! We're going to Nice for a few nights and then getting the ferry to Corsica for a week.

    I can't for our tickers to go under the 5 month mark. Only a couple of days to go!

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  • MrsA2012
    Beginner July 2012
    MrsA2012 ·
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    I am a self confessed control freak so it's quite hard not knowing, but it'll be worth it in the end.

    The only things I know so far is that:

    - we're not going away until at least the mon afterwards (9th)

    - I definitely have opportunity to wear a nice dress

    - He is booking things separately instead of a package deal

    That's it!

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  • *sweetpea*
    Beginner July 2012
    *sweetpea* ·
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    What about temperature? How many nights? Swimwear? Type of footwear? I have 101 questions!!! How are you managing?!!! Lol!

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  • Michelle772012
    Beginner July 2012
    Michelle772012 ·
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    Hi ladies i'm another 7th july bride,

    So far

    we have booked/bought and paid for in full, Venue, cars, table hire and table covers, DJ, decorations, centrepeices, marriage, rings, dress, tiara, shoes, bm dress, 4 flower giirl dresses, page boy suit, grooms, best man, fob, fog, and grandfather of bride suits, Gifts for bms and flower girls

    Still to buy, 4 mini groomsmen suits, shoes for bms, artificial flowers for their bouqets, fresh flowers for the day closer to the time, alcohol for tables and welcome drinks

    Invites have gone out for the day and had around 40% response already

    Evening ones due out mid march, need to pay for food and tog 6 weeks before so all in all im pretty organised now, have even laid up tables to see what it will look like and im so excited, i do have lots of crafty bits to do decoration wise although its free will take time as am making garlands of fern and ivy with fresh roses attached to hang around the reception, as for the honeymoon we are booking a last minute holiday just after the wedding probably go to travel agent on the monday and see where we can go we'd like to go to cyprus but we have paid for most of the wedding ourselves so cant afford to add a holiday into our outgoings yet, we didnt bother inc a gift list but if anyone asks what we would like we will say vouchers for our preferred travel agent we felt it better to say nothing than ask for money or vouchers on our invite and so far anyone who has enquired has seemed happy to do this, now its just a waiting game at least we have the hen do's to look forward to, i cant wait for mine but its not until the 30th june, good luck ladies with all your plans xx

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  • N
    Beginner June 2012
    nicadele ·
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    Hey ladies

    Im also 14th July bride. I have following done:

    Venue and catering and registrar booked and notice given. Accommodation for guests booked and no requirement for transport. Dj, cake, flowers and venue dressing all booked.

    Got my dress, shoes, jewellery and underwear also got all bm's dresses bought. Men's suits booked just need to do fittings.

    Photographer, wedding favours, wedding party gifts all sorted also got wedding rings.

    Invitations have gone out this week as RSVP is end of April as venue need final numbers in may!

    Still got to sort our vows, and music for ceremony, honeymoon, need to pick type of flowers, have hair and make up trials, fittings and food tastings and other than collecting things and fittings that's pretty much it. I'm sure I've forgotten something.

    Good luck with planning ladies it will be here before we know it!

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  • Zoexx
    Beginner July 2012
    Zoexx ·
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    Hi all, I am 6th July :0)

    I already have the centre pieces, dress, bm dresses picked need to be fitted and made, bridal jewellery, head piece, flip flop basket, invites already sent because the wedding is on a Friday so wanted to give people lots of notice to get the day off work, started to make table plan and table numbers, bm gifts and venue.

    Booked the artist, harpist, photo booth, togs, evening entertainment, honeymoon and hair and makeup artist and florist.

    Need to sort out suits, rings, mother in law is sorting cake out as a surprise!

    I had time over Xmas to get organised, i took full advantage and got so much done!

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  • *porsche*
    Beginner January 2001
    *porsche* ·
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    Hola fellow July brides, I'm 6th July too, yey a date twin, hello Zoe. x

    We have booked/bought:-

    My dress, shoes

    2 older bridesmaids dress, shoes, bags, hair pieces


    Venue dresser




    Home and away Hen/stag do's




    Dressing up box

    Still to do:-

    Book honeymoon

    Get younger bm's dresses etc

    Spk to registrar and choose wording,hymms etc

    Get suits

    Get my underwear, veil, tiara etc.

    And probably loads more I've forgotten about.

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  • S
    Beginner July 2012
    sammylou17 ·
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    We're July 29th too!

    Everyone seems very organised! We've pretty much ordered everything although my fiance doesn't think he needs to sort the suits until 3 months before?! Our invitations arrived today so that was really exciting! All we need to do now is buy the rings, bridesmaid dresses and we have our apt with the cake maker to try different flavours :-) . I made an appointment for us to put up the bands and was surprised at how expensive it is....£67! Everything you add the word "wedding" too seems to come with an extra price tag!

    Well done Mrsgreatbatch2b on the weight loss! Its a fantastic amount you've lost so far, i really thought i would start loosing quite a bit after christmas but still have trouble completly resisting everything! If i did im sure i would be loosing as im going to the gym reguarly! Fingers crossed i start loosing it fast?!

    Good luck to all you other July brides with sorting the rest of your plans :-)

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