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Beginner September 2012

Men & House work

porkchop, 1 November, 2012 at 09:58 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 32

I noticed on the nagging thread that most of you seem to do a lot of nagging about housework!

Do you OH's do much, do they need to be asked etc?

I am pretty lucky in that my H is OCD clean freak so I pretty much dont do any cleaning! I cook and do the dishes, dishes seem to be the only job he is allergic to! I also sort the washing, but if I'm away like last weekend he'll do it all no problem, without having to be asked.

It does get a bit annoying when he tidies my stuff and I cant find it......kind of a small price to pay for not having to clean though!

32 replies

Latest activity by LoveSka, 1 November, 2012 at 23:11
  • Saisi
    Beginner June 2011
    Saisi ·
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    He is very good, never complains and does what you ask of him, but you DO have to ask. And be very very specific.

    I don't mind, it used to bother me but it makes both our lives easier for me to just tell him what needs doing.

    I used to do almost all the housework but now that we both work full-time we split it more evenly. I also do all the 'organisation', send the birthday cards etc.

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  • (Claire)
    Beginner July 2011
    (Claire) ·
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    As I said on the nagging thread H won't do bugger all, I even have to remind him to mow the lawn, take the bins out, the few jobs I allocated as "his chores". I blame his mum, she done everything for him when he lived at home I htink the only thing she didn't do was wipe his backside. She still even now and he is 32 years old buys his pants and socks it drives me bonkers but what can you do. I can't even say that he's improved since living together and he wonders why I'm highly strung occasionally!

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  • Becklarrr
    Becklarrr ·
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    I would have to ask OH to do housework! Most Saturday mornings when he isn't working he will sit there watching TV/on his laptop whilst I hoover around him!

    He cooks when he is off during the week and I am working but he always waits until I get home and asks me to choose what we are having and then he will cook it!

    He mows the lawn as that is the one job i don't do!

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  • Flowmojo
    Flowmojo ·
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    I have to say, Mr F is good when it comes to housework. He does the bathroom weekly, and I cook, he washes up and wipes down the ktichen etc. he also does the ironing on a sunday as i refuse (its mainly his work shirts and stuff anyway!).

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  • caweena
    caweena ·
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    H does the dishes whenever there's dishes in the sink and will occassionally wipe down the kitchen surfaces if they need it. He'll also put on a load of washing if he needs something washed!

    We share cooking but he'll always leave a mess after him when he cooks that I'm expected to clean up. This morning I'm avoiding the kitchen as it looks like a bomb has hit it - though I suppose I'll need to clean it before I go to work

    He's got bin duty too and today is bin day - bin is still full (he has no excuse at all - he's a binman, he knows what day our street gets collected!!) I was too tired last night and forgot to nag him about it so obviously it's my fault!

    I do pretty much everything else..

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  • Knees
    VIP August 2012
    Knees ·
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    The only thing Mr Knees does is cooks a couple of times a week, but that's only if I've bought the stuff and tell him what to make, or if we have no food in the house and he rustles something up out of nothing.

    I do all the cleaning, food shopping, put the bins out and all washing, ironing although I have stopped putting his clothes away for him. I just put them in a pile by his chest of drawers and he'll sometimes get round to putting them away and sometimes just wears them from the pile. I've also stopped picking up his clothes. If they're in the laundry basket, they'll get washed, but I'm not putting them in there.

    If we're having friends round, he'll help clear up and if I ask him he'll generally do what I ask.

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  • ebony_rose
    ebony_rose ·
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    I do most of the housework, but then i'm a SAHM, so it makes sense. H does all the cooking at weekends, and for us in the evening. He washes up after he cooks too.

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  • porkchop
    Beginner September 2012
    porkchop ·
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    That's another thing, he wont actually let me iron his clothes as I dont do them right - WIN!

    I see a theme with mothers, mine had a less than great childhood and was living on his own at 16, its obviosuly had a positive affect!!

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
    Pompey ·
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    If I'm honest, I hate it when H does the housework because he doesn't do it to my standard (i'm not OCD, he's just an Arfa Job). Having said that, a little bit of help from time to time wouldn't go amiss because I seem to spend my whole life tidying up after me, him and the kittens.

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  • porkchop
    Beginner September 2012
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    See, thats what my H would say about me! If I hoover the stairs he will do it again straight after - really p**s me off! He could at least leave it a day so it isnt so obvious he thinks Im rubbish! With him it OCD, not that im rubbish!

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  • Mrs_imp
    Beginner June 2012
    Mrs_imp ·
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    Mine does as little as possible for an easy life. He will do what is asked, sometimes, but we both work on different timescales so it takes him so long to do things I end up doing them first.

    I do most of the cleaning, cooking, shopping, washing and general organising of stuff.

    He irons his shirts(each one every morning!) and he is meant to take the bins out but always forgets. He enjoys cooking and to be fair to him, if he got home from work first he would normally cook but as he normally gets home at least an hour after me I've always started it.

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  • Mrs_imp
    Beginner June 2012
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    Totally agree, mine is the same! it drives me mental.

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
    pandorasbox ·
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    I am pretty relaxed about housework myself, so unless we have a viewing I will try to leave it for a fortnight (or more if I can)! I clean the bathroom as I go and his job is the weekly hoovering which he often pushes to fortnightly. If I cook he washes up and vice versa, and the other wipes down the kitchen. Big jobs like cleaning the oven and windows are his. He is also meant to do the garden but as it has been so wet this summer he has got off very lightly. I do everything else that needs to be done in the house as and when I notice it. If I can't be bothered and want him to do something I just ask him and he will, not a big deal.

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
    Pompey ·
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    He washed up last night but didnt bother to wipe the surfaces down or unblock the food catcher thing in the plug.... He was called Arfa all evening. He even answers to it.

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  • Mrs_imp
    Beginner June 2012
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    I might have to try this. ?

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  • Ixia
    Ixia ·
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    My h clears up after himself (tea cups, crisp packets or whatever) and he does his own ironing, but other than that I do everything. I don't mind too much as I work less days and less hours than him so have more time to do it.

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
    ~Peanut~ ·
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    Mine is really good, I'm really lucky. He's probably better than me, I'm the one who'll leave washing up in the sink for ages because I can't be bothered to do it. I fully admit it's because my mum did everything when I was growing up and I can imagine 99% of men who are crap with chores had mothers who were the same. My kids are definitely going to be made to do chores.

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  • S
    Beginner October 2011
    SuperSpud ·
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    I do most of the housework now as I'm part-time. I hoover, dust, do the washing, clean the bathroom, change the bedding and wipe down the kitchen tops. The only job I try to get out of is washing up as it plays havoc with my eczema - we got a dishwasher, but it's still not plumbed in yet.

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  • LauraC2B*2013
    Beginner June 2013
    LauraC2B*2013 ·
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    Even though I'm not working at the moment we have a cleaner so she does the bathrooms, kitchen and floors weekly. I clean on a daily basis, OH is incapable of picking up after himself there are always empty coke cans, wrappers wherever he has been and he seems to believe th floor is the washing basket Ben though the real washing basket is only 2 ft away. Drives me up the wall that I pick up scks n boxers everyday

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
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    Don't pick them up. It drove me mad but I stopped washing anything that OH left on the floor. Only stuff in the wash basket gets washed. He soon learnt when he had no clean pants or socks for work.

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  • T
    Beginner January 2010
    Tinysarah ·
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    My OH does the cooking, mowing the lawn and chopping the big trees down and that's it.

    i do all th cleaning, dusting, hoovering, mopping, washing up, ironing, picking dog pooh from the garden, bathroom, washing clothes. I even have to throw his crisp packets away as he leaves them on the side, it is so annoying!

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  • Herringston
    Herringston ·
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    H cooks and I clean, that's the deal. I never ask him to do the hoovering, polishing, mopping etc. I don't get asked to do dinner although I could as I have the time..but I'm not a confident cook. Must learn as having kids in the house next year, I assume they will need feeding ? I like the way the housework gets done when I do it, if he does it i'll moan as it won't be done right ?

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  • Vanilla Pod
    Beginner September 2011
    Vanilla Pod ·
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    He doesn't do much really, takes the bins out, dishes and mows the grass but then he works and I dont. Mind you thats because I cant so.. He wil do things if asked but he doesn't do them properly which just means I have to re-do them anyway so theres no point in asking really. He did manage quite well after my op so I know he CAN do it he just chooses not to. I always get breakfast in bed every Saturday and Sunday though and a hot chocolate every night.

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  • Helenia
    Beginner September 2011
    Helenia ·
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    My H was totally spoiled by his mum and had a cleaner throughout uni, so most of the time I think he just doesn't realise what needs to be done. He cooks occasionally, and will load the dishwasher, but anything apart from that requires "prompting" from me.

    There are some jobs which he just plain won't do - handwashing saucepans and cleaning the bathroom for starters. Most other things he will do, but may need reminding multiple times. We still haven't totally sorted a system that works for both of us - this needs doing before kids arrive, I think!

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  • LauraC2B*2013
    Beginner June 2013
    LauraC2B*2013 ·
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    Pompey Paula I tried that but his mind sas 'oh no boxers in the draw, must buy new ones!'

    when I first met him there was a clothes mountain in the spare room next to the dryer, I couldn't work out what was clean / dirty, half of it was still wet and had gone a bit funny. I ended up throwing it all out and buying him new clothes!

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  • M
    Beginner January 2007
    mrslf ·
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    My H is very good about doing housework and helping out with our 18 month old son that I never have to nag him to do any housework as he will just get on with it without me having to ask him.

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  • Barefoot
    Beginner August 2012
    Barefoot ·
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    J's job is the ironing (I sort and load all the laundry, and dry it, but I don't do ironing), the washing up/loading/unloading of dishwasher, and, if I'm in the middle of a run of shifts, the odd bit of hoovering. He also has a J's Jobs list which I add to when I need to. Currently includes hedge trimming and bleeding radiators. He's also a good cook but doesn't believe in himself. He makes a damn good pizza dough though, so whenever I come off a run of nights, it's pizza night and he sorts it.

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  • C
    Beginner March 2013
    Chedi ·
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    We've kind of fallen into our own little jobs, we tried splitting them - but it didnt work and would cause arguements. OH now does the bathroom, will tidy up, he makes out packed lunches, we take turns in washing up as we both hate it, he hoovers sometimes too and will help take out/bring in the clothes washing. I cook and clean the kitchen, hoover, do the washing machine part of the clothes washing, I iron his shirts, i polish too. Bins is who ever.

    I still have to ask OH to do his jobs though which he'll do happily, problem is, he doesnt quite seem to realise when things need to be done - I've tried not to tell him, but the bathroom is the worst, its been disgusting and he still hasnt even thought to clean it so I give in and ask him to clean it!

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  • *Funky*
    Beginner January 2001
    *Funky* ·
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    Hate housework, I only tidy up if I know I have visitors ha

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  • LoveSka
    Beginner October 2011
    LoveSka ·
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    H works from home and manages to do most of the housework before I get home, , ,

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