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United Kingdom · From February 2005
- Beginner
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So it's Friday so thought i would start one! Good - It's Friday Good - OH is off this weekend Good - Getting new internal doors in our house tomorrow (not very exciting i know but if you saw our doors...

1st weekend in November, nice and chilly, what are your plans? We are leaving tomorrow morning for a wedding in Somerset - staying in a cottage tomorrow night and in a luxury hotel room on Sunday...

I know this is a really old film, but the title just seems to be two slightly scary things joined together. What would your choice of two scary things for a film be? Mine is...... Clowns go Potholing....
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I joined in the discussion of Becklarrr
4515 days ago
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4515 days ago1st weekend in November, nice and chilly, what are your plans? We are leaving tomorrow morning for a wedding in Somerset - staying in a cottage tomorrow night and in a luxury hotel room on Sunday night - day of the wedding. I am so excited, we don't...

I joined in the discussion of AmnesiaCustard
4515 days agoRecent Videos
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