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United Kingdom · From February 2005

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Weekly Good/Bad thread
Becklarrr, 2 November, 2012 at 09:27

So it's Friday so thought i would start one! Good - It's Friday Good - OH is off this weekend Good - Getting new internal doors in our house tomorrow (not very exciting i know but if you saw our doors...

Tizzie, saturday 3-Nov-12 38
What are you up to this weekend?
Herringston, 2 November, 2012 at 12:26

1st weekend in November, nice and chilly, what are your plans? We are leaving tomorrow morning for a wedding in Somerset - staying in a cottage tomorrow night and in a luxury hotel room on Sunday...

*Eclair*, friday 2-Nov-12 5 692
Snakes on a Plane
AmnesiaCustard, 1 November, 2012 at 16:29

I know this is a really old film, but the title just seems to be two slightly scary things joined together. What would your choice of two scary things for a film be? Mine is...... Clowns go Potholing....

clarediston, friday 2-Nov-12 48
Funny things you have said during sexy time
pandorasbox, 1 November, 2012 at 16:43

Apropos of Becki's sexy time thread, I remembered something I found hilarious last time me and H got down to it. I tried out 'who's your mummy?' as you know being a PC feminist and all, I didn't get...

*Funky*, friday 2-Nov-12 32
Baths or Showers??
sian-tiffany, 1 November, 2012 at 16:10

I went to the gym last night and ached massively, H suggested i have a bath to soothe my muscles but I just don’t like baths. I much prefer a shower as I feel cleaner rather than lying around in dirty...

SaSaSi, friday 2-Nov-12 31
Sexy time
Becklarrr, 1 November, 2012 at 16:33

What do you and your OH call it? I've seen a a variety of ways:- -Sexy time -Sexy fun time - Naughty time We're a sexy time couple!

sal.san, friday 2-Nov-12 38
C'mon lurkers!!
Flowmojo, 1 November, 2012 at 15:53

Theres been a couple lately who have popped up, there must be lots of Hitchers who luk on BT but dont post or reveal themselves, we get this every few months! So c'mon, reveal thee!! we dont bite...

Pittabre, thursday 1-Nov-12 9
Please can I join you?
Hollies, 1 November, 2012 at 10:53

Hello everyone Please can I join you in the land of OT? I have lurked for a while on Hitched, joined a couple of weeks ago, but find myself reading around on here a lot more often than WP (am i odd...

Vanilla Pod, thursday 1-Nov-12 16
Men & House work
porkchop, 1 November, 2012 at 09:58

I noticed on the nagging thread that most of you seem to do a lot of nagging about housework! Do you OH's do much, do they need to be asked etc? I am pretty lucky in that my H is OCD clean freak so I...

LoveSka, thursday 1-Nov-12 32
Are you cautious with heating?
porkchop, 1 November, 2012 at 11:05

Have you put your heating on yet? How often do you have it on? My H would rather put the heating on and sit in a t shirt, rather than putting on a jumper first and it really annoys me! He also puts...

*Mini*, friday 2-Nov-12 46
Are you a 'nagger' ?
Herringston, 1 November, 2012 at 07:21

I sent a message just now to the H and after all the chat it ended with 'phone X and are you going to be able to do the door? Love you x' Looking back at the message, it looks 'naggy'. I think I do...

Herringston, thursday 1-Nov-12 29
What's your favourite scary movie?
Herringston, 31 October, 2012 at 12:08

Happy Halloween! I am watching The Craft at the moment as I work tonight and won't get a chance to do much of anything Halloweeny. I love anything with witches and this is one of my favourite films...

*Funky*, wednesday 31-Oct-12 34
2012 In 2012: The List *Updated 28/03 - 189 Books Read*
Rizzo, 2 January, 2012 at 10:26

This thread is just for the list, for any questions or discussions please use this thread: The Rules - Every book must be started and...

kasha.b, tuesday 22-Jan-13 250
**Happy BIrthday Pinky**
Flowmojo, 31 October, 2012 at 11:55

Have a fabulous day lovley, hope baby behaves for you!!!! I made you a cake but erm, ate it , sorry !!! ?

~Peanut~, wednesday 31-Oct-12 14
Things you'd like to make but haven't yet...
Pittabre, 31 October, 2012 at 12:09

I want to make these Halloween worms And this chili jam /recipes/chilli-jam And these biscuits...

ashlil, wednesday 31-Oct-12 16
Those that dry clothes on the line...
Pittabre, 31 October, 2012 at 11:38

Is there a time of year when you don't put clothes out on the line? My garden is so wet at the moment I don't want to go out on the grass and mess it all up... but some days the sun still seems fairly...

HatTrick, wednesday 31-Oct-12 16
If they still did Bob a job week...
Pittabre, 31 October, 2012 at 11:27

What would you get them to do? I would love someone to sort all the kids jigsawa and toys sets out and match everything up. What little jobs would you get them to do?

Herringston, wednesday 31-Oct-12 2
Updated - At what point do you count your cat as missing?
Pittabre, 31 October, 2012 at 08:17

I have a cat who has mainly been a housecat all his life. He would go out into the garden for a bit during the summer but that was it. A new family moved four houses down a couple of months ago and...

*Mini*, wednesday 31-Oct-12 10
Kindle many?
Herringston, 31 October, 2012 at 10:21

I am on my 3rd Kindle due to the screen being damaged both times. Luckily this was all within the warranty but I fear that if it were to happen again they may take umbrage and not replace it this...

ashlil, wednesday 31-Oct-12 15
Mad Cow Fuzzynutz
how many of the oldies are here still?
Mad Cow Fuzzynutz, 30 October, 2012 at 23:45

Anyone recognise me? I don't see any familiar names

Mad Cow Fuzzynutz, thursday 1-Nov-12 24
Flow - Children in need cupcakes
ashlil, 30 October, 2012 at 15:34

Hi Flow ? we do a cake sale at work each year - any ideas how to do some CIN/Pudsey cupcakes? any help/ideas appreciated

Herringston, tuesday 30-Oct-12 2
Christmas Presents
Becklarrr, 30 October, 2012 at 13:27

So just brought for a couple of people....including my SS!!!!!

Mrs C, tuesday 30-Oct-12 23
Downton Abbey Fans
Flowmojo, 29 October, 2012 at 15:12

Its the last one of the series next Sunday, already [:'(]

Herringston, tuesday 30-Oct-12 21
Any tips for showing potential buyers around your house?
Mrs_imp, 29 October, 2012 at 11:27

We had a viewing on Saturday that the estate agent did and they want to come back for a second viewing. As it's in the evening the estate agent can't do it, so we are showing them around. Has anyone...

Mrs C, tuesday 30-Oct-12 22
I dare you to confess.....
(Claire), 30 October, 2012 at 12:02

Something you have done/not done that is shameful. So me..... H and I never sent thank you cards out after we got married..... ? I have no excuse, we just never got round to it. Your turn!

Sabriel, saturday 12-Jan-13 241
Neighbourly issues
Sam&Louise, 24 October, 2012 at 15:19

We moved into our new home back in June and since this time we've had a few niggly neighbourly "issues" for lack of a better word. A recurrent one has arisen again today, so i'm looking for advice...

WickyWack, tuesday 30-Oct-12 27
How late are shops open in your area?
Saisi, 30 October, 2012 at 12:05

Just curious! We moan about the fact there's no big supermarket 'close' to us (there is a Morrisons about 20 minutes' walk away, but no option of driving and neither of us fancy walking 20 minutes...

Chedi, tuesday 30-Oct-12 22
Off sick
Rod, 30 October, 2012 at 11:34

Blaaaaah I'm bored. Was off yesterday with V&D, think I caught a bug off the kids. Still off today, no sickness yet so I think I'm over it. But I'm bored!!! Entertain me please...

Pompey, wednesday 31-Oct-12 16
Can anybody help - looking for the name of a film
Herringston, 13 August, 2009 at 21:42

I am in a state of frustration because I can't find a film I watched when I was younger. Here is the description I remember (bearing in mind I watched it when I was about 10) It's about a girl who...

Herringston, thursday 13-Aug-09

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