There was a bit of an awkward situation at work today (I wasn't directly involved but was asked for my opinion) - WWYHD?
We have a small car park at work with free parking for directors. Everyone else parks on the street and pays on parking meters. You are only allowed to pay for two hours parking at a time so people have to pop up and down the stairs to top up their parking.
My colleague, G, was going out to a meeting and asked our boss, B, to top up her car parking for her. She left the money and set an alarm on her computer (desk across from him) so it would beep to remind him. A couple of hours later, the machine beeped and he muttered about having to pop down in a minute. I think his phone rang and he got caught up in something else and obviously forgot.
G came back about an hour later and had a parking ticket as her meter had expired. B apologised and admitted he'd got distracted and forgotten. He was genuinely sorry about it but I was rather surprised that he didn't offer to pay the £30 ticket. G shrugged and said that it was her car, her responsibility but I could tell she was really annoyed.
So WWYD in this situation, if you were B? Cough up the cash as it was your fault you'd forgotten or just leave it - you were doing someone a favour and it's not your fault you were busy?