I'm trying to write a bloody essay! Tonight he rang when I was on the way home from work, wondering what was for tea. I thought he was out so wasn't going to make any. There is no food in fact. I picked up some bits at the weekend but resent the food shopping being left to me just because I do all the cooking and packed lunches.
I have asked that he plug the laptop back in after ironing his stuff (he irons only just before wearing) as I'm chained to the bloody thing this close to the end of the semester. Today he has unplugged it twice, and left it unplugged twice.
The washing line he put up at the weekend fell down overnight, so I am rewashing all the washing which was clean and dry and is now wet and dirty.
We have a viewing tomorrow. He's gone out so I'm going to have to do all the cleaning, tidying and vacuuming.
He just rang me as the cash machine has swallowed his card. He is 40 miles away and wanted me to ring the bank to cancel it.
Every day I ask him to hang up the bathmat. If you leave it on the floor, it stays wet, stinks and cleans the soles of your shoes as you walk on it. He has left it on the floor again. I shall ram it up his arse when he gets in.
I feel better now.
UPDATE: When he got in he told me he had had a little accident in the car on the way home. He had p!ssed himself. He put his wee-y clothes in the washing machine. I have just found them, 5 days later. Can I leave now? ?