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Beginner July 2008

Noisy neighbours

*Clairejk, 1 February, 2009 at 01:45 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 10

What do you do?

I don't mean a one off, I mean twice a month parties til 3am+ ending in a fight usually involving football/racist chants and screaming fights at 1.30am/5.30am (without the party!)

They're about 18 and give their 2 babies to the grandparents at weekends and go wild!

My 2 thankfully sleep through it but will be up at 5am (6am if I'm really lucky) and I'm not sure how I'm gonna get through the day.

10 replies

Latest activity by Orly Bird, 1 February, 2009 at 12:05
  • Eric
    Eric ·
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    Is it a rented property? If so a few late-night phone-calls to the landlord should do it.

    If its privately owned then I dunno - council?

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  • *
    Beginner July 2008
    *Clairejk ·
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    Rented, yep. How would I get his number though? And wouldn't he just tell me to eff off?

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  • Nun
    Beginner September 2006
    Nun ·
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    The local environmental health dept are the people who should help you. The police will also break it up at this late hour of the night. It's awful not being able to sleep at night.

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  • Eric
    Eric ·
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    Well, I had the same problem and it turned out that one of the neighbours had the landlords phone number becuase when the house was listed her friend had applied... anyway we rang a few times during office hours and nothing was done. So then we passed his mobile number around the street and each of us rang whenever the noise was happening - so he had lots of angry neighbours ringing at all hours of the morning. So we effectively disturbed his sleep as much as his tenants were distrubting ours.

    This went on for two weeks until he rang everyone and told us that the tenants had been given notice until the end of the month. Off course we anticipated the big farewell party - was the only time we didn't ring the landlord. A lovely family moved in afterwards.

    It shouldn't be too difficult to get teh number - try typing the address into google - you might get lucky and find a listing.

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  • *
    Beginner July 2008
    *Clairejk ·
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    Thanks both, have tried google, no luck.

    Will have to keep trying though, can't live like this...

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  • A
    Beginner November 2009
    Alicatt ·
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    I'd try the local council. They usually have a department which deals with noisy neighbours. Can't for the life of me remember what it's called though. I had a flatmate who's friends were kicked out of their flat (privately owned in a council block) for being constantly noisy at unsocial hours so they should be able to do something.

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  • Katamari
    Beginner August 2008
    Katamari ·
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    We rang the local council for ours and reported them to the university as they were students as well. They are part of the reason we just ended up moving house as it just annoyed us beyond belief. They were so rude and noisy at night, but during the day they wouldn't say boo to a goose. From what I gather the landlord kicked them out before Christmas, but we didn't want to run the risk of living next to more rowdy students.

    Hope you get it sorted.

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  • lauraloo
    Beginner May 2007
    lauraloo ·
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    You have my sympathies - noisy neighbours can really make life grim.

    Get in touch with your local authority's anti-social behaviour dept - they will definitely get involved for that level of disturbance, and they will have the means of icontacting and nvolving the landlord. You should also start keeping a diary/record of the problems with times, duration etc as that gives the authorities more ammo to take action.

    In Edinburgh, there is a team of Environmental Health wardens who are on duty every evening until the wee hours; they will attend if you report noisy neighbours and measure the noise so that there is objective proof; they also have the power to issue warnings and spot penalties. I would imagine though that given you're talking about fights and abusive language, the police would also get involved.

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  • S
    Beginner November 2005
    Skittalie ·
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    You should be able to get the landlords name and address off his 'deeds' which can be downloaded from the land registry for £3

    Calling the non emergency police number if it gets really bad is an option or your local council may have an out of hours noise service has good advice on

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  • Hawhaw
    Beginner February 2007
    Hawhaw ·
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    Our local council has a noise abatement team, we were given a noise diary to fill in, then the council could take them to court. There were fights and shouting day and night, very loud music into the early hours and it was generally horrible.

    Other neighbours also filled in a diary and the noisy neighbours boyfriend went round and smashed his windows and threatened to kill him, The local police were very ineffective, they don't like confrontation.

    We moved!

    Our new neighbour has teenage boys who have a drum kit in the loft, she came and asked if we minded the drumming. We came to an agreement that they wouldn't play after 8pm as we both work shifts. it's so much quieter than the old house.

    Sorry I know this doesn't help you but I do understand how draining it is.

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  • Orly Bird
    Beginner April 2007
    Orly Bird ·
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    When we had noisy neighbours, I spoke to the council, who sent a letter and asked us to monitor things for a month. Luckily, in our case the letter stopped our neighbours from making any more noise. I'd suggest making a note of what's going on (dates, times, descriptions) and get in touch with your local council.

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