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Beginner August 2012

not feeling too great.

xlovebirdsx, 27 May, 2012 at 13:17 Posted on Planning 0 7

Im feeling a bit down at the minute.

By writing this post, Im not looking for sympathy, Im just hoping that it will help to get some things off my chest. You're all so very lovely, you're like my virtual soulder to cry on Smiley smile

1. Im really going to miss not having my mum at my wedding. She passed away unexpectedly in August last year, she was only 49 and I was 7 months pregnant.

2. On top of this, I have just found out that my Dad isnt planning on doing a Father Of The Bride speech. He doesnt like talking in public.

3. To top it off, my Maid of Honor has just informed me that she isnt coming back from her 1 year working holiday in Australia.

boo ☹️

But I know at the end of the day, all that matters is that I become Mrs C. And I'lll enjoy every minute of it.

7 replies

Latest activity by lalalaura, 13 June, 2012 at 19:01
  • eeyoring
    Beginner June 2012
    eeyoring ·
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    Sounds like you have valid reasons for feeling a little down by there are ways to cheer yourself up about all these things:

    Your Mum - obviously nothing will change the hurt that she cannot be with you on the day but there are ways you can include her in your day whether publicly or privately. Maybe with a song, or flowers on a chair or her photo in a locket (this is what IM doing for my granddads) or something more outwardly like a prayer, a poem or lighting a candle. She will be with you in your heart.

    Your Dads speech - could he write something and someone else read it? or maybe he could make a video that could be played of his favourite photos of you? There are inventive ways of having that moment without him actually having to stand up and speak. Maybe you could do a speech instead?

    Your MoH - one of my bridesmaids was meant to be in India for my wedding date. We arranged with the registrar to have a table at the side with skype set up so she could see the service. I had a fabric flower bouquet for her to hold at her end and a chair at the bridesmaid table with her face on a stick! Obviously is does not replace them actually being there on the day but does mean you both feel that she is included and she can still appear in comedy photos

    Hope that helps a little?

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  • S
    Beginner June 2012
    steph2325 ·
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    Aww I understand why you feeling down hun. I am so sorry to hear about your mum. I agree 100% with everything eeyoring wrote. i love the idea of having something about ur mum in the day.

    Im sure she will be with you in your hart on the day and she would be so proud of you.x

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  • LWUK
    Beginner June 2012
    LWUK ·
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    My brother in law lost is dad who he was really close to, for his wedding they left a place for him and then took the flowers to his grave after the wedding, he said it made him feel like he wasn't forgetting his dad.

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  • Nutella
    Beginner March 2013
    Nutella ·
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  • M
    Beginner May 2013
    Mrsrobotham2b ·
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    Sending you some hugs XX

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  • Y
    Beginner November 2012
    yorkshirecat1981 ·
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    Totally agree with what the other ladies have said!

    My OH lost his mum to a heart attack 11 years ago but still gets upset about it now so doesn't want a big gesture like an empty seat or a photo as he doesn't want to get emotional about it in public (being a bloke it's all about the stiff upper lip!) and he knows if we made a big gesture to his mum that he would break down and he wants our wedding to be a happy day. She was scottish so he has decided that he is going to have a tartan hankerchief in his jacket pocket as a nod to her without being too outward/obvious about it - he doesn't want people to notice, it's just a private thing for him and those who know.

    I also lost my nan earlier this year and so i plan to mark her absence by wearing a piece of her jewellery on the day (borrowed form my mum) - that way i will know that she is there in my heart but i won't have to face people saying that it's so sad she's not there as i don't think i could handle it!

    It's totally down to you how you want to mark it, what matters in the end is that you will be thinking of her on the day and however you choose to mark it will be right for you.

    As for the speech bit and the MOH parts i think the suggestion of video is a great idea - you could ask your MOH to do a speech via skype or something! Or if your dad really doesn't fancy it he could write a letter or whatever he wants to say and you could put a copy of it on each table for people to read?

    Hope that helps!


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  • xlovebirdsx
    Beginner August 2012
    xlovebirdsx ·
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    Thankyou everyone, Ive only just come round to reading your replies Smiley smile
    Ive been reading some wedding reports, and it always seems to get me when I read about other hitchers being with their mum on the day, and it reminded me that i had posted this thread.

    thank you for your support x

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  • L
    Beginner June 2013
    lalalaura ·
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