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Beginner October 2012

October 2012 brides - how is the planning going?

~Lee~, 12 March, 2012 at 13:31

Posted on Planning 533

I'm getting married on 6th October 2012 and here's what we've got so far: Save the dates - sent Venue and Registrar booked DJ booked Caterer booked but not chosen menu Cake maker booked but not chosen cake Dress ordered (but no bridesmaids dresses yet!) Photographer booked Met the florist but not...

I'm getting married on 6th October 2012 and here's what we've got so far:

Save the dates - sent
Venue and Registrar booked
DJ booked
Caterer booked but not chosen menu
Cake maker booked but not chosen cake
Dress ordered (but no bridesmaids dresses yet!)
Photographer booked
Met the florist but not yet booked
Rings ordered

I still have so much to do and I don't have a colour theme or bridesmaids dresses yet!

Where is everyone else up to?

533 replies

  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
    MummyMoo82 ·
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    Thanks for the flash - you look great and so do the BMs. I LOVE their wraps. What a great finishing touch!

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
    samjh87 ·
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    Congrats Lee you all look lovely! Glad you had a lovely day and the weather held off.

    Well.. went to my mums yesterday and though I would just slip in to my dress.. (like you do!). Caused me to have wobbles!! It's the first time I have tried it on anywhere other than the bridal shop and I don't know whether it was because my mums house is quite small with pretty much no where to move or because it really was huge but my train seemed to trail for miles behind me and was a pain in the rear end!

    Now worried that it is really going to be a pain on the day and I'm not going to be able to move anywhere without being trodden on Smiley sad

    Here is the back shot of the dress. Still unsure whether to add a bustle..

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
    natalieexx ·
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    It's gorgeous how it is. I wouldn't worry, it's the one day you get to wear a dress like this and you should make the most of it! So what if it gets in the way? It's one day and it is absolutely beautiful! I know 100% my dress is going to be a pain in the backside but in a way I'm quite looking forward to that, I'll never have a dress so big ever again!

    Absolutely stunning dress xxx

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
    samjh87 ·
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    You are so good at making me feel like I am panicking over nothing Natalie. Thank you!

    Too true, never going to be able to wear a big white dress with huge train again so just need to make the most of it Smiley smile

    Thanks hun! x

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
    natalieexx ·
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    That's alright! I had similar wobbles myself so know exactly how you feel. My aisle is quite narrow and I was worrying about my dad fitting in along side me then I thought you know what? It doesn't matter! We will squeeze! lol xxx

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
    MummyMoo82 ·
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    I was the same when I went for my fitting. The seamstress said I should move like I have a caravan attached to me, ie wide turns etc. made me laugh!

    i am just going to go with it and just enjoy having a proper swishy dress. Swish swish swish. It's quite fun!

    19days now and I am excited and also fairly sure I am on top of everything. My fringe is being a pain though, I am hoping it calms down in the next 2 weeks. Also a managed to give myself a bit of razor burn on my armpits today as realised I was wearing a sleeveless top but hadn't shaved for a day or two. I bet something like that ends up catching me out before the wedding. Oh, and finally, I am waiting for my period to come any day now. By my calculations I will be ok or wedding, but the sooner it comes the better!

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
    natalieexx ·
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    Love this! I'll have to remember that. We need a reversing beep like big vehicles do so everyone knows to step out the way of the train!!

    I'm worrying now about spots! I don't ever get them anymore really and I have had 2 come up over the weekend! They will both be gone in a few days but it's sods law that I'll get some for the wedding!

    Also I've been really unwell over the last few days, I don't usually suffer from stress but I am big time now!

    Had a constant headache since Thursday and keep feeling really dizzy and sleepy, and a bit sicky as well. I'm really worrying as OH hasn't got his leaving date from the army yet and we were expecting it last week! If he doesn't get out this week we risk losing our house and his new job so I really am getting worried now, and I don't want to feel like this at the weekend!

    I'm not even stressed about the wedding at all, weird isn't it! Some people get really nervous and scared and I don't feel any of that at the moment. Hoping I'm going to be one of those that breezes through the day but knowing my luck, I'll wake up in a right state on Sunday! xxx

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  • Luna_12
    Beginner October 2012
    Luna_12 ·
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    I'm not happy ☹️ 11 days to go and I have somehow put on like half a stone ? I haven even eaten badly but last week I was 9 stone 2 today I am 9 stone 10. I have like three maybe four days before my final fitting to lose this extra weight. Cant believe it. Meh.

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  • Sloth
    Sloth ·
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    AH Lee you look lovely!!

    And Luna don't worry its probably just fluctuation, your dress will be fine I am sure.

    The boy has given me a cold, the same cold that has been his excuse for doing his tasks really to slowly over the last few days - I told him on Saturday its to late to be ill. I am now going on all the medication I can find to get rid of it!!! And trying to get enough sympathy the boy does his jobs (rubbish men need so much encouragement to do the littlest thing - well mine does)

    My mum did come round yesterday, did all the ironing so I can pack for minimoon and then stayed up when I had gone to bed and organised my favours into the seating plan so we can check if we missed anyone. Bless her!!

    And my brothers arriving in from America today - and I finish work!! To exciting (and scary as still have quiet a list to do)

    3 days!!

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  • Luna_12
    Beginner October 2012
    Luna_12 ·
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    Ive eaten cereal this morning and will be eating salads for the rest of the freaking week n a bit ? just annoying when Ive worked so hard to lose the weight. Ive come off the pill though so that might not have helped ?

    Bet you cant wait t see your brother and finish work ?

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
    MummyMoo82 ·
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    Natalieexx - Sorry you have so much stress at the moment and it is geting to you a bit. Just try and stay calm. What will be, will be. You will manage whatever happens. Just look forward to the wedding and having H2B around all the time!

    Luna_12 - I have eaten so badly the last 2 weeks (all you can eat buffet, alcohol, cake.... meh) so I am trying my best to be ok as my dress fitting is done and dusted. However, I suppose if I do put on any weight, hopefully it will go to my legs which will be hidden under the dress! All I can suggest is eating healthy which you are doing. No caffeine or fizzy drinks or anything too bloaty. I am too scared to come off the pill until the wedding day, or after honeymoon. I am so tempted to do it sooner etc (I have 4 weeks of it left) but I don't want to risk feeling unwell or anything. We are really ready for Number 2, and I can't wait to be PG again. Hopefully it wont take too long, although the practice is always fun!

    Sloth - Sending positive thoughts to make you feel better! xx

    Me! - my cake topper is 99% finished and will be with me in the next couple of days. Have flashed it on a thread, go have a looky. Im so chuffed with it!

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
    MummyMoo82 ·
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    I just had a look on here, I'm not on there yet but hopefully will be tomorrow or Weds!

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
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    Yay, I'm on page 5!! lol

    I've had even more stress today, had an argument with my mum and we're now not talking, 5 days before my wedding! Stressed/upset to the max!

    Tomorrow is now going to be my last day at work, I've booked off Thursday to spend it with my best friend and her 18 month old daughter to cheer me up! Then Friday is nails and waxing, plus doing some last minute haircuts for family!

    Had my final hair trial Sunday which all went fine, had my roots and cut done last night, and got the registrar phoning to run through the details of the day tomorrow!

    I feel like I've forgotten something though as most people are rushing around in the few days before their wedding whereas I'm just going to try and chill! xxx

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
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    We still have lots to do. Haven't sorted flowers (eek!) but we are just having a boquet for me and BM and I am actually toying with the idea of either putting something together myself or buying fake.. just can't justify spending £100 on a boquet of flowers which will last a couple of days.

    We have had a few drop outs too so need to re-jig table plan etc and also still need to sort favours but most bits are done! My sister (BM) decided she didn't feel comfortable in her BM dress a couple of weeks ago. Went shopping over the weekend and bought a dress which isnt really 'bridesmaidy' but to be honest I don't care. The closer it is getting the more I have stopped stressing over the little things and concentrating on the main event.. me marrying my lovely OH!

    Still need to get dog's booster jabs done and get him booked in at kennels too..

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
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    A cheeky little flash of my dress! Sorry for the poor quality photo..

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  • Luna_12
    Beginner October 2012
    Luna_12 ·
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    That is gorgeous xxx

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
    natalieexx ·
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    Wow it looks beautiful!! You really had nothing to worry about, it will look gorgoeus and very dramatic. Really love that dress, wish I'd tried some lacey ones on!

    Today is my last day at work, can't wait to have a lie in tomorrow! OH STILL doesn't have a leavnig date so I'm panicking now, looks like he's going to have to go back to Germany after the wedding! As long as it's only for a day or 2 I don't mind, lets just hope they sort it out soon. He's not back til Friday night so I ahve 2 days off to myself now.

    Tomorrow I need to iron the rest of the chair sashes (only managed 25 the other day, 60 to go!), put our post box together, and gather all the little bits that need to go to the venue the day before. I'm then spending the day with my best friend and her little girl so can't wait to chill out with them two!

    Friday nails and the dreaded waxing appointment! And Saturday picking up the suits & mother's bouquets and dropping those and everything else at the venue.

    Hoping I haven't forgotten anything! xxx

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
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    Thanks Natalie, still unsure about the train Smiley sad but I love it from the front and with 2 and a half weeks to go think I may have left it a bit late! I am just really indesicive and 1 minute I love it and the next I want to take the scissors to it! haha

    Sorry to hear about OH. It is awful that they can't just give you a definite date so you can at least make plans! Good to hear that you have some time off to relax and sort out the last bits.

    Suits for OH and ushers are sorted today. Dad's are going tomorrow for final measure up and to check everything is okay! Going to Country Basket tomorrow to look for some fake flowers to make a bouquet.. had offers at work from a part time florist but don't want to spend a couple of hundred pounds on flowers that only last a few days!

    Feels like we are finally getting there finally..

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
    MummyMoo82 ·
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    Gah. Just tried my dress on post-second alterations and its still a bit tight. The last time I went it was really tight at the top and the woman asked if I'd put on weight. It was out by about an inch. Seriously. If I'd put on that much weight across my back I think I'd have noticed. She's let it out a bit, but not enough. I know I'll have some back fat etc, it goes with the territory I guess, but it should be minimal, and only if I lean surely? The straps feel a bit tight too and dig in a bit. :-(

    Feeling. Bit "meh" about it all now.

    Here is the 'evidence'

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
    natalieexx ·
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    If it's not right just tell her you're not happy. Just tell her you've definitely not put on weight and that her alterations are wrong and she needs to sort it out! If she's messed it up she's got to sort it!

    it looks stunning but I can see what you're worrying about. Put on your bridezilla face and go yell at her! Xxx

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
    MummyMoo82 ·
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    Thanks. I have plenty of time so no panic but it is an extra faff. I'll have to arrange to go see her, try on etc, then go again when she's done it to check its ok so that's two trips, plus it's the stuff that goes around it like making sure my Mum can come to help me get dressed / transport dress, but also getting someone to watch DS whilst we are there. It's just a hassle I could do without!

    I had to unleash a bit of bridezilla before when my flowers weren't quite right. I just hate to complain. I just keep feeling fat. But honestly. I can't be without also not fitting into any other clothes? I'm not one to care normally but post-baby my body isn't how it used to be an sometimes I miss the 'old' me

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
    natalieexx ·
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    It is clear from that photo that you definitely are not fat! Stop worrying, if you'd put on weight you'd notice it across all your clothes!

    Last day at work today and everyone gathered around my desk at 4pm to give me cards and little presents and a collection - £200!! I was overwhelmed and had to hold in my tears! They also 'decorated' my car with streamers, balloons, shaving foam, bunting, cans hanging off the back etc... Hilarious! Except I have a 40 minute drive home along the motorway so not the best thing to do ha ha! Ill flash photos of my car tomorrow when I'm on my PC xxx

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
    MummyMoo82 ·
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    That sounds great, and hopefully the £200 will help with your money stresses a bit? Looking forward to seeing your car! How lovely. I'm a stay at home mum now, but if I was still at work goodness knows what the girls there would have done - it was bad enough on my hen night!

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  • Luna_12
    Beginner October 2012
    Luna_12 ·
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    MM you have a stunning figure! I echo what Nat said go back and play merry hell she needs to get her act together. You should feel comfortable not worried about showing any back fat (my biggest fear too). From what I can see you dont have any back fat its the dress.

    On another scary note.....I'm into single figures.................?

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
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    MM your dress is stunning and looks gorgeous! So frustrating that it seems only a teeny bit away from where it needs to be to look AND feel gorgeous but as you say it is all the extra faff.

    Nat that sounds so lovely! can't wait to see photos of the car. Has OH had a leaving date yet?

    As we are super super unorganised my dad and OH's dad and only just going for suit fit today.. (did I mention for unorganised we are!?) haha have quite liked doing everything last minute actually as it has gone from nothing to getting everything organised within the last few weeks!

    One of my best friends partners can't make the wedding now as he is stuck working away for longer than expected which may mean that we either don't have to pay for an extra guest or may be able to bump someone up. Need to look at numbers later today.

    Oh.. and I am on a 'healthy eating' kick as of today. Special K for breakfast, soup for lunch and a light tea. Don't want to feel bloated on the wedding day! xx

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
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    Nope no leaving date yet... Very stressed as today is the last day they can tell him and then he'll finish tomorrow, if he doesn't hear today he has to go back after the wedding! Booked today off to chill and in just feeling stressed and upset! I hate the army they mess with people's lives and don't care! Xxx

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
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    Really do feel for you! I had an ex that was in the army may moons ago so completely understand what you mean! I don't know how they expect anyone to do such a demanding job with the way they treat people. It really isn't fair ☹️

    How excited are you for your wedding!! Where is it you are getting married? x

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
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    Oh I know the army are horrible! They make the soldiers life hell, can't wait til he's out and we have nothing to do with them anymore.

    I am excited but it doesn't feel real at all! Can't believe it's in 3 days just feels like a dream! It's a shame I've been so stressed this week as its really bummed me out and I didn't want to feel like this in the run up to my wedding, but I'm trying to stay positive. It's at Hadlow Manor Hotel in Kent it's lovely ? xxx

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
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    Aww it looks lovely! You will have a great time

    For the past week I really haven't been able to concentrate in work. I don't know how they expect me to do any work for the next fortnight!!

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
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    Thanks everyone. Going to see seamstress on Monday night. Hopefully will feel better after I see her.

    Natalieexx - so close for you now! Don't worry aabout leaving date too much, important thing is he is leaving!

    Sam - when is your wedding? I have to say, part of me would have liked to be less organised as the next 2 weeks are relatively quiet so not really feeling hyper about the wedding if that mkes sense? I think once the dress is sorted it will help. And my hair, I'm coining it myself and am not quite sure on my fringe etc.

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
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    You are my date twin MM! 27th October will soon be here.

    We still have lots to sort. Place settings, favours, seating plan, bridesmaid shoes, wedding make up, suits, first dance!! The list is literally endless.. but we will be clothed, registrar is sorted, DJ is sorted, food is paid for so at the very least we will be married, fed and having a boogie!! ?

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
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    Oh cool! I wasn't sure any twins were on here much anymore! Yey!

    all I have left to do is finish making place cards, table plan, organise all the centrepieces, work out where decorations go, maybe make some more, buy some new make up (I'm DIY-ing), practice my hair properly (ie not just before I go to bed!) get dress sorted, sort guestbook (currently blank) make some little sign bits, work out logistics of who needs to be where and when. Oh, and set iPod music for background etc, which is a big thing to do as I will have to sync it with new laptop but need to copy all tracks off it first. All this and run the house and look after our 17month old and the dog whilst OH is away working.

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