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Beginner October 2012

October 2012 brides - how is the planning going?

~Lee~, 12 March, 2012 at 13:31

Posted on Planning 533

I'm getting married on 6th October 2012 and here's what we've got so far: Save the dates - sent Venue and Registrar booked DJ booked Caterer booked but not chosen menu Cake maker booked but not chosen cake Dress ordered (but no bridesmaids dresses yet!) Photographer booked Met the florist but not...

I'm getting married on 6th October 2012 and here's what we've got so far:

Save the dates - sent
Venue and Registrar booked
DJ booked
Caterer booked but not chosen menu
Cake maker booked but not chosen cake
Dress ordered (but no bridesmaids dresses yet!)
Photographer booked
Met the florist but not yet booked
Rings ordered

I still have so much to do and I don't have a colour theme or bridesmaids dresses yet!

Where is everyone else up to?

533 replies

  • before40
    Beginner October 2012
    before40 ·
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    Music sorted Smiley smile Arnica application no.3 of the day to commence shortly, what a plonker! H2B couldn't understand why I was so upset so have 'fessed up to dress length, now he thinks it's funny! Must remember to pay caterers tomorrow, and add on cheese board for after hog roast, mainly so I can feast on Stilton, nom nom nom!

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  • Luna_12
    Beginner October 2012
    Luna_12 ·
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    4 days to go and the excitement is killing me, I haven't slept properly for days ? so Im just trying too enjoy being off from work and relaxing before Saturday but hard when you feel totally wired ?

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
    natalieexx ·
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    I'm back!! My wedding was absolutely amazing! By far the best day of my life and I can't believe it's all over already!

    After all my worries the weather was perfect, sun shine all day and not a rain cloud in sight! Everything went perfectly and if was so much more amazing than I could have ever dreamed of. Oh and hubby cried as I walked up the aisle!!! He's not one for public affection so this was so lovely to see. The guests all told me it was the best wedding they've ever been to so I am so happy that not only we loved if but everybody else did too. We also got so much money we are so lucky to have such amazing friends and family! All our money troubles are far behind now Smiley smile

    the guests photos ive seen see stunning so can't wait to see the official photos, which should be uploaded online tonight! Ill try and flash some for you all over the next few days Smiley smile

    If I don't speak to you before I hope you all have absolutely amazing days!!

    Love to you all ? xxx

    PS I'm married!!! ?

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
    samjh87 ·
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    Ahh Nat congratulations!!

    How is it being an OM? Glad the weather and the day were both perfect and that you have a little bit of money in your back pocket to kick off your new life together in your new house!!

    Not long for the rest of us now Smiley smile xx

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  • Luna_12
    Beginner October 2012
    Luna_12 ·
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    Yey congrats nat cant wait to see your report and pictures! x

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
    samjh87 ·
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    Just booked a last minute appointment at the seamstress for tomorrow evening. My dress doesn't have a bustle.. didn't think I needed one but have been having lots of wobbles about it and want to have the best night ever so dont want it to get in the way!

    Lets hope all works out great and I can get it sorted and dance the nigh away unfazes by the masses of material behind me!

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
    samjh87 ·
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    Just booked a last minute appointment at the seamstress for tomorrow evening. My dress doesn't have a bustle.. didn't think I needed one but have been having lots of wobbles about it and want to have the best night ever so dont want it to get in the way!

    Lets hope all works out great and I can get it sorted and dance the nigh away unfazes by the masses of material behind me!

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  • O
    Beginner October 2012
    Oz1 ·
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    Its better to have the option of a bustle if you want it.

    I know that i shouldnt feel like this with 3 days to go, but I feel somewhat low today. I have had a mini row with my mum this morning- she is not coming to the wedding, her reasons being religious ones. I just got frustrated today and fed up of being 'understanding'. I have also woken up with a trapped nerve in my neck and my time of the month has just arrived a week late. My twin boys have not been too well so I missed my last day at work today to look after them- so I missed on my big send off which now feels odd as it was a major part of the countdown in my head lol. I know my day will be wonderful and I am so lucky to be getting married to such a wonderful man, but i just feel a bit *sigh* today.

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  • L
    Beginner October 2012
    lizwright ·
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    We get married on 27th October only 11 days to go i really can't wait so so excited dont feels nervous at all is this natural??

    Think we have everything done and in place ?

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  • Luna_12
    Beginner October 2012
    Luna_12 ·
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    Hahaha jo did you not see my ihascheezburger pics on facebook? the boredom reigned supreme. My neighbours were very very noisy too earlier so I went for as nap just feel exhausted (lazy).

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
    MummyMoo82 ·
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    Quick update all as I am quite literally knee-deep in wedding stuff as I am doing 10 things at once whilst OH isn't here. The house looks a bomb site!

    first thing - my dress is now fitted perfectly. No more back fat! I am so relieved as I was worried it wasn't going to fit properly (seamstress took it in too much!)

    so, now that's done I'm just faffing with stuff now. I just decided I hated my lowers for the wedding ceremony table so totally rehashed the whole thing. Never arranged flowers before, but hopefully it looks ok? I am a little past caring on that to be honest. Hopefully everyone will be looking at me instead!

    now, I must dash as my sore fingers (from cutting wore flowers etc) are needed to faff with centrepieces, place cards, table plan, mr&mrs signs, wrapping OH present and.... Eating a bar of chocolate.

    will reply properly later xx

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
    MummyMoo82 ·
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    Ok, so proper reply now I am in bed...

    Natalieexx - so glad you managed to pop back on here. Glad the day went well. Everything in your life has changed so much in a week!

    Samjh87 - I have a bustle on my dress but it hardly makes a difference. All it does it hold up the tulle layers of my dress, so the other layers are still there. In total there are SEVEN layers of material. Madness!

    Oz1 - we all get days when it's a bit "meh". I'm sure adrenaline will kick in tomorrow and then you'll be flying!

    Lizwright - good to see another twin popping out the woodwork!

    Luna and Joevens - get yourselves more hyped! And maybe give us some flashes of your prep?

    off to bed now. Still got lots to do, but it's nothing stressy. Oh, and guestbook is finally becoming more than an idea in my head - I got some cool Instagram type pictures printed to stick in there.

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
    natalieexx ·
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    MummyMoomy dress had 9 layers! Lol loved it though, it got in the way only very late into the evening so I hooked up the skirt underneath, it was still huge even with this in place though! My mum got her shoe caught in the tulle top layer and ripped it which I was pretty gutted about but other than that completely fine. It's filthy now though!

    Wont really have access to a computer until I'm back at work next week so flashes will be up then. If any of you are on the 2012 brides Facebook group I flashed a few on there so have a peek!

    Its funny how on your day you think to all the little things you had worried and stressed over and they just really didn't matter. It's so lovely seeing everything together, I'm do excited for the last of you October brides!!

    Our professional photos have just been uploaded online which is why I'm up til this hour! 450+ photos and each and every one is stunning, I'm so happy with them!

    Off to try and get some sleep now but hubby is snoring away very loudly next to me! Night ladies! Xxx

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  • before40
    Beginner October 2012
    before40 ·
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    Wow; 450 pics, that'll help with the memories! So pleased you had a lovely day and good to hear there is no need to worry about the small stuff as that's the stuff that is now annoying me! Paid caterers and handed in the personalise your ceremony forms and cd to regustrar yesterday. Also ordered 20 white pashminas as table cloths - way cheaper than hiring and cheaper than disposable paper, bonkers. The kids will have a paper one to draw on though!

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
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    You said hubby!

    i bet you keep saying "Husband" all the time now!

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
    samjh87 ·
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    10 more sleeps!! argh!!

    Can't wait to see your wedding report Nat. Im so excited ladies! Have brought butterflies, floristry wire and super glue in to work with me today.. only other brides to be can identify with ridiculous 'crafty' ideas.. xx

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  • Luna_12
    Beginner October 2012
    Luna_12 ·
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    Hehehehe 3 days to go, pick up wedding cake today from m&s, h2b has had his hair cut too. No real flashes unfortunately as everything is at my mums lol x

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  • L
    Beginner October 2012
    lizwright ·
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    I am so so so excited just want it to be 27th now so i can marry my true love

    Had a nightmare yesterday with dj cancelling as hotel not using him anymore!!!! but got a new 1 so all good phew!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I get to marry my prince and he lets me be his princess in a horse and carriage he he

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
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    9 sleeps!

    had the bustle added to my dress yesterday. makes it SO much easier to move in so i hope it holds up on the night! she also re-steamed it so it looks perfect. all wobbles went out of the qindow when i tried it on!

    was going to do my own makeup but now think i might have a makeup artist. will take away 1 more worry on the day!

    we are nearly there ladies!

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
    MummyMoo82 ·
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    Today we hit single figures! Even H2B is excited about that!

    I'm DIY-ing my makeup. Boots delivered me some new stuff yesterday. I have been practicing a bit recently and am confident I can make myself look good without being OTT (I think the key seems to be to use primer!)

    i really don't think my bustle makes that much difference to be honest, but at least I have the option. Still not sure about how to go to the loo, but at least I can use toilet in hotel room rather than normal loos.

    Today's jobs are just doing more place cards and hopefully finishing table plan. I need to start boxing things up too. I'm toying with getting some embroidered handkerchiefs but not sure it is worth the effort or the money? May just buy some regular ones? I want to give H2B one as he will either forget or get manky bits of tissue stuck on his face, lol.

    All in all, I feel pretty ready to roll!

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
    samjh87 ·
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    I have quite a long train and my dress is tulle-y type material so has no structure to it. When I turn it just stays put and I envisage myself doing a twirl mid dance and tripping over my train which has decided not to follow me!! She tried a few different types of bustle but with all the layers and detail it looked best just with 1 hook on to the buttons on my dress.

    I spent yesterday sneakily glueing butterflies at my desk when no one was in. Haha! Bought some really pretty ones but the wings were a bit flimsy and they were on a stiff wire which I couldn't do anything with so I have glued wings so they are more sturdy and swapped the wire for floristry wire. Just need to add them to my birdcages now!

    Had a few more guest number issues last night too. We have definitely gone from 5 tables to 6 do need to make up another centrepiece.. wouldn't be too bad if the birdcages I have aren't out of stock! It's going to be a different birdcage but flowers etc are going to be the same so hope noone really notices..

    OH is recording a track today for me walking down the aisle.. He plays guitar and I think it is either going to be sixpence none the richer- Kiss me or Extreme- more than words.. or possibly a mixture of both!

    All in all feel like things are going to plan and I can't wait. My sister did just say we are meant to be having a freak summer week next week!? Dont know if this is going to happen but I am prepared for the worst so never mind!

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  • natalieexx
    Beginner October 2012
    natalieexx ·
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    MummyMoo you saying about going to the loo has just reminded me to warn you so you don't do what I did! I'm not sure what your dress is like but June was so fitted and had loads of bones in it, it was easy going to the loo I just took my knickers off and straddled the toilet so my train sat behind. But I didn't think about the damage I was doing when I was bent double afterwards trying to put my knickers back on, when I stood up straight if bent all the bones in my dress from bending in half and caused a huge crease across the middle of my dress that i couldn't get rid of! So be careful not to bend in half, get a friend to put your knickers back on! LOl

    i was prepared for crap weather on my wedding day and it was beautiful - at least if you're prepared for it you can't be disappointed! I must say the second half of October is much better than the first half weather wise!

    Me and hubby (it's amazing how natural that feels!) went to ikea yesterday and got loads for our house. Spent last night writing thank you cards and doing flat packed furniture! So excited for our move tomorrow Smiley smile xxx

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
    samjh87 ·
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    When I went to the alterations lady last night I tried my dress on and she was warning me not to bend. She also said that with it having a zip that as you bend your ribs get wider or something so can put straight on the zip!? I think every bridal dress should have a catheter pocket, would scrap the toilet situation haha. The alteration lady also had to tell me to slow down about 5 times. Don't know whether it was because I was a bit anxious about the dress or that I just wanted to get home but I think I was running round like a bull in a China shop! haha

    How are we all planning to have our nails? Have my nail appointment next Friday but still haven't decided whether I am going for traditional french manicure or to have a delicate design/ colour etc? I mainly have my toes red too so still think I might do this on my wedding day but don't know whether that is a little odd!? hmm decisions decisions.

    Are you all set for the big move now Nat? I have 2 weeks off work after the wedding and no honeymoon so think I will be giving out house a bit of a spruce up! xx

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
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    Nataliexx - that's great about the ikea trip. Sounds like you are both starting your new lives in every sense. Setting up home properly is so nice. I wish OH and I were doing that, although we are hoping to buy a house next year which will be our first proper home together.

    good advice on the dress. Mine doesn't have boning, but I am wearing a corset underneath - eBay £10 special from China. - but it should be fine.

    I'm going to do my own nails. I'm a bit DiY all round I guess, but I am practical and have a small child, and fancy nails don't go with that! I think I will paint them nude, or very light pink or just glossy clear stuff? Nothing too fancy as its not me, and to be honest, I would want to rip any fake nails off! My toes are probably going to be a pale gold shimmer I think? Red sounds great though. I am tempted as it would match stuff, but I think it may look odd with my shoes ( see avatar).

    my something blue needs to go to my mums - I got some blue ribbon with Mrs Mummymo and the date of the wedding. The plan is to tie a bow of it and attach to underskirt in case people want to see, and the rest I will put on my bra or something for OH to see! It is a metre LO g and cost 1.40 from eBay.

    on another note, I need to ban myself from eBay. I did buy some handkerchiefs. I am seriously spending money like water on there. Post - wedding I think I shall have to start selling things to readdress the balance. It doesn't hell that I have started Christmas shopping too. Oh dear.

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
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    Hoping my nails won't be fake (please nails.. just hold out for over a week!) but if I do need to have a few 'enhaned' will be really natural looking. I hate really long nails so they are only ever quite short and neat but just don't want them looking all odd.

    As we have zilch money at the minute it has worked out quite well as any Ebay spending has gone out of the window! There were plenty of things in my watched list which I could have wasted a ridiculous amount of money on but all have been scrapped for us to be able to afford the important bits. In a way I am a little disappointed as if circumstances would have been different I would have added a lot of personal touches etc but unfortunately you can't predict job losses in this day and age so hey ho!

    This time next week it will be my last day at work.. scary!

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  • L
    Beginner October 2012
    lizwright ·
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    9 days to go and we are both so excited kids in a sweetie shop come to mind lol

    I have booked in for pampering session on tuesday which will be a first for me

    Have arranged for friend to do nails for me and all bridesmaids as its her job we all having either gel or acryliucs with french polish i love the natural look

    finish work tomorrow think it will seem even more real when i do

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
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    Wedding wine has arrived!

    dropping it at the venue on Weds, along with everything else. 36 bottles for 45 adults, inc 1 teetotal should be plenty for the meal!

    Not much else wedding related to do today - I have a massive pile of ironing that has built up! After that I will do some fun wedding stuff.

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
    Ali_G ·
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    Hello ladies, sorry I have been MIA recently. Things were hectic.

    The wedding went fantastic. Everything came together in the end, it was just perfect. I couldn't get the smile off my face all day.

    I'm currently drafting my report, and once I've got the professional pictures on the computer, I'll be posting it on here, so keep your eyes open for it! Probably next week sometime.

    I hope the rest of you October brides are all doing well, and we've got some weddings coming up very soon so the best of luck to all of you!!!

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
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    Photographer is visiting venue on Sunday. I am getting some boxes made at work today for card box and to transport all centrepieces, place settings, favours etc to the venue on Friday. Was

    Finish at 2pm today so will be getting stuff sorted once I leave! Was sat at my desk glueing floristry wire in on to butterflies yesterday.. the things you do eh! xx

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  • before40
    Beginner October 2012
    before40 ·
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    ? Oh my, a week tomorrow ?

    Not so much to do this weekend - order flowers (am doing own bouquet and table vases are just gerberas so only need 60 odd stems), buy sweets and put vintage ski poster bunting together. Also need to plan food for Friday night - there will be 9 of us at our house and I've not even thought about catering, thinking giant casserole and jacket spuds should do the trick, can cook it all afternoon while doing other stuff. And if all that family gets too much for me, vbf & her husband are staying in hotel down the road so will invade their Friday night!!!

    Some bad news though - my hen-do leg injury is now infected so anti-biotics underway, there could well be some serious leg make up going on!!!

    Enjoy your last single weekends!

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  • before40
    Beginner October 2012
    before40 ·
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    ? Oh my, a week tomorrow ?

    Not so much to do this weekend - order flowers (am doing own bouquet and table vases are just gerberas so only need 60 odd stems), buy sweets and put vintage ski poster bunting together. Also need to plan food for Friday night - there will be 9 of us at our house and I've not even thought about catering, thinking giant casserole and jacket spuds should do the trick, can cook it all afternoon while doing other stuff. And if all that family gets too much for me, vbf & her husband are staying in hotel down the road so will invade their Friday night!!!

    Some bad news though - my hen-do leg injury is now infected so anti-biotics underway, there could well be some serious leg make up going on!!!

    Enjoy your last single weekends!

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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
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    One week and 5 hours to go!

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