Hi, guys!
A bit off topic but until today I seriously had trouble sleeping thinking of how we were going to pay for the wedding because recently we found out at work that our department was closing down and our work was moving to our Chester office. 200+ people were issued with "at risk" letters, and asked if they wanted redeployment or VS (voluntary severance). I opted for redeployment but things were slow, we're closing in September and to date i had applied for lots of jobs but not got any of them. Yesterday I attended an informal interview for a position as a higher level manager than I am now. Today I received a call in the middle of my conducting someone's appraisal to say that they were offering me the job! It's a dream job, a promotion as well, and all that when i was at my most desperate and lost confidence and was upset with all the knock-backs. To all of you out there who may be in similar situation or who can apply this to anything else in life - Things always happen for a reason! Something better is around the corner, or sometimes it may be that what you see as a bad event may be a blessing in disguise and save you from a worse fate although you may not see it then and there...
Sorry for th O/T rant but I am sooo happy i could fly! I can even hear Audrey Hepburn in the background of my mind: "I could have danced all night / I could have danced all night / And still have begged for more!" ?