It's sad when you hear all the stories about rescue dogs and it amazes me the dogs people mistreat... Dont get me wrong no animal deserves to be mistreated... H2Bs dogs Bruno is a purebred chocolate Lab and Smartie is a purebred irish border collie and they are rescue dogs.
I don't mean it to sound snobby, but I always assume rescue centres only have mongrels and staffies. Obviously regardless of breed these dogs deserve a home- id like to think though if you bought a pedigree dog then you'd be a more responsible owner and wouldnt be so quick to discard it. Obviously this is a wild and inaccurate generalisation, but heaven forbid if I had to rehome mine (basically over my dead body!) I'd firstly hope I'd find a friend or family to have her, but failing that I'd give her to a dedicated cocker spaniel rescue, although her breeder said he'd take her back no questions asked at any time, he fosters and rescues cockers. Anyway, sorry to de rail!
Today is just another day - to me they're all the same I have the worst of genes you see, I bear the "Staffy" shame. The shame is in our numbers, there's thousands with no home. Thousands just like me you'll find, in kennels all alone. My mum was "just a Staffy", my father - well who knows? Mum, too, became unwanted, as the last puppy goes. And then begins the process, of money-making deals A life of "moving on" unfolds, who cares how the Staffy feels? If you have the cash to hand, the Staffy pup is yours
But that pup is getting bigger now, just look at those big paws. You brought me for your image, thought I'd make you look more tough But you'll find my boisterous nature has already got too much. If you had thought to train me, with kindness and with praise You would have had a faithful friend to share your darkest days. I would lay down my life for you, but you simply cannot see You make sure you get your money back on what you paid for me.
And on it goes, until one day, I'm no longer worth a dime The retail on an adult staff - not worth the waste of time. So what happens to a Staffy now? Do you really want to know? Do you care what will become of us, when we leave our final home? Have you ever thought to wonder, "Where is that Staffy now?" The "Staffy" has another name; he's become a "stray" somehow. Me, I was put into a car and driven far away
The door held open, I jumped out, I thought to run and play. It was with joy and happy heart I turned to look for you You drove away with all my trust and a piece of my heart too. I wandered round for many days before I was brought here. Now I wait with heavy heart, trepidation and with fear. Seven days is all I have you see, seven days for you to claim The little dog that you threw out, for which you have no shame. This is my last goodbye now my seven days are up If only more thought had gone into the future of that pup As the needle empties to my veins I lay down with one last sigh I'm sorry I was born a Staffy, because it means that I must die.
I always used to think the same until I went along with H2B to get Smartie... They only had a few purebred dogs there as they are normally well looked after because they cost so much to buy. One of which was a king Charles spangle (which I wanted) but H2B wanted Smartie so we got him. Bruno was 1 of 6 abandoned as a pup 3 of which died apparently and smartie was taken away from his previous owners as they where miss treating him. If you put water down Smartie will drink it all every time poor bruno doesn't get a look in they have to be fed separately as well because smartie will eat both of theirs and when he gets nervous he holds the rug from the bed in his mouth he wont chew it just holds it.
Aww Kharv that made me cry too... My sister has a Staffy cross Jack russell and she is the softest dopiest thing ever but because shes a Staffy my sister gets loads of rubbish off people telling her shes irresponsible have 'That' kind of dog with two small children. I'm a firm believe of don't blame the dog blame the owner they reflect how you treat them.