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Beginner February 2007

Suspecting someone is lying. Just a vent.

Hawhaw, 19 August, 2009 at 19:51 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 9

Ok so I know this is going to be very vague and I apologise.

This person has claimed that they have had a huge tragedy in their life, but in my opinion, things aren't adding up. I know that people deal with terrible situations in different ways but I just don't believe this has happened.

I appear to be the only person who isn't believing it. This matters to me because good people seem to be being taken in. If I say something and am wrong I'm going to look the most awful b!tch ever, so I can't say anything.


9 replies

Latest activity by Kazmerelda, 20 August, 2009 at 15:12
  • vicbic
    Beginner September 2003
    vicbic ·
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    I know how you feel. I have had this feeling before.

    Unless you are completely certain of the situation it is probably best to sit on your hands, bite your tongue and put it down to experience.

    I agree though. I have been in a situation on a different forum where there was a poster who was blatantly lying and her stories became increasingly sensitive. In the end, I emailed a moderator and

    I wasnt the only person concerned. The person soon vanished (after everyone was told that she wasn't 100% truthful)

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  • lmsunshine99
    Beginner August 2004
    lmsunshine99 ·
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    I know this feeling well, I was told something awful had happened to a distant family member, by her, and I didn't and still don't believe it but can never ever prove either way whether it is true or not so of course I would never say anything.

    Funnily enough in the last 6 months it has become very very clear that this person wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bashed her over the head as she has lied through her teeth about many many things!

    It could be that other people aren't sure either but like you don't feel they can say anything and are making the right noises because they are expected to.

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  • francesca
    Beginner August 2013
    francesca ·
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    Someone here?

    I get this feeling all the time. I take most stuff with a pinch of salt, which I know is a horrid way to be but I can't help it.

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  • Missus Jolly
    Beginner October 2004
    Missus Jolly ·
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    I have a vile colleague who makes up loads of lies. Particularly awful are the health lies about his wife/ Kids / himself all the time (at least every other week) to get out of coming to work. My boss won't deal with it. I cannot prove most of it. The only lies I have managed to prove was where he has lied about trains not running for an entire day and also his flex recording (claiming he's in at 7:30am when he is not). But both just got shrugged off, and apparently nothing I say on this matter is valid any more as it is obvious that I have a 'grudge'. Tossers. <end of rant>

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  • S
    Beginner June 2008
    shooting star ·
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    I've had this before. Someone I worked with garnered sympathy for his sister dying. He told me in detail about how she died of an asthma attack in his arms and how he couldn't get over it. Carried it on the entire time I knew him, cried buckets on many occasions..

    all bollocks. am so pee'd off with the time I wasted listening to his made up problem.

    Some people don't know how to get attention in positive ways.

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  • Diefenbaker
    Beginner September 2008
    Diefenbaker ·
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    I used to know a guy who was a compulsive liar, and even when he was confronted over his lies he still claimed they were truth (even in the face of hard evidence). Sadly he has now been culled by most of his friends for that very reason - it's hard to stay friends with someone who will lie about social arrangements, why they didn't attend etc when you *know* they are lying.

    There's one person on here that I know frequently doesn't give 100% of the truth and often blatantly lies. It's even more annoying as they are quite 'needy' - I've written and deleted numerous potential replies to their threads pointing out the inaccuracies. I guess I feel it more with this person because I have gone through something similar recently and it touches a nerve

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  • Soobo
    Soobo ·
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    I have a "friend" that is a compulsive liar - to the extent that I truly believe he is in some way sick. He is a drama queen fantasist, cue lots of text messages along the lines of "Suicide is the only option if you don't help me" and I've had to draw a line under it all and steer well clear. He's borrowed money and never repaid it etc. His latest fantasy was that he'd rejoined the Army, on his Facebook page there is all this stuff from random "friends" asking where he's been posted to etc when in truth he's on the dole....tried telling me he rejoined on a short commission (c. 6 weeks) - now I'm not connected to the forces in any way, but that didn't really ring true to me.

    Having said all this, to my shame I actually didn't believe him when he told me his Dad had died (because he'd wrapped this all up in a need to borrow some cash for funeral arrangements and I honestly thought he would stoop that low).

    Trouble is that he's a likeable guy and good company but quite why he lies about literally everything is a mystery - all very sad.

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  • Kazmerelda
    Beginner August 2006
    Kazmerelda ·
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    Hmm tricky one.

    My ex SIL said quite alot of lies that I got sucked into and people warned me about her. I ignored it and got bitten.

    Is this something you definitely know they lied about or their side of a story? I am not disputing how you feel, I only ask this as you are vague (which I can compeltely understand).

    Best to say nothing and let it go sometimes. These things have a habit of coming back to people...karma eventually gets you.

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