I have a cat who has mainly been a housecat all his life. He would go out into the garden for a bit during the summer but that was it. A new family moved four houses down a couple of months ago and they have Siamese cats who keep coming into out garden. Since then my cat keeps demanding to go out and chase them off. I try not to let him but he finds ways of escaping. Monday night he got out to chase them off. I could hear them yowling outside and obviously so could he. He hasn't come back since. So it is a bit over 36 hours now. Would you count him as missing and start looking for him other than shouting for him? Or even missing posters?
As I was reading Mrs imp's posts there was a tap at the window and my cat had returned. We have had a huges cuddle and he has walked up to the other cats in turn, kissed them and then punched them in the face and is now stuffing his face.
Thank you guys for being there?