So here is my wedding report. i really love reading other peoples reports so i thought i would share my big day with you all.
We got married in the Guildhall in Bath on 23rd September. It was quite simply the best day of my life! It was everything I could possibly have hoped and planned for, and so much more. The day just flew by and before I knew it, it was midnight and we were pretty much being pushed out the door!
The night before the big day I had my 2 sisters, my mum, my 2 adult bridesmaids (best friends) and the 4 little ones over to my house. We ate pizza and watched Cinderella whilst pampering ourselves, perfect way to spend the evening. I managed to drop off to sleep quite quickly, but woke up a few times with massive butterflies in my stomach.
I woke up at 6.30 am and the sun was beaming through my curtains. I was feeling quite nervous and couldn’t stomach breakfast so just drank lots of coffee. My sister gave me a bag and a card from H2B, I felt as though I was going to cry just looking at the wrapped up stuff. First I opened the card which was really beautiful, and he had written, Today is the day we get married, the love we share is special in every single way, you are so beautiful, Thank you for making me so happy, all my love Ian. Well needless to say my tears started rolling... shortly followed by both my sisters. He bought me 2 gifts, some lovely perfume D&G 3 which smells beautiful, and a little engraved trinket box which says I love you and the date 23rd September 2011.
So after I eventually stopped crying, it was
soon 9.30am and everyone began to arrive. Within 15 minutes my house was like a
mad house. People everywhere and I was starting to feel a tad stressed. Whilst I
was having my hair done in my kitchen my Kitten Alfie threw up all over the
floor at the time I was really not impressed, I got my mum to clear it up
and put him out! Looking back it was quite a comical moment, the poor thing must’ve
been nervous for me. J My hair took less
time than we expected and it felt like I had ages to go so I sat down and took
it all in! The TOG’s were taking some lovely shots of the little Bridesmaids
keeping themselves entertained. I casually did my makeup and then got into my
dress... my bridesmaids struggled to lace my dress correctly and they needed to
leave at 1pm to catch the coach. It was a bit of a stressful blur but they
managed to do it.
As I walked down the stairs a caught a glimpse of my dad, and burst into tears, he looked lovely in the hot pink cravat that he had kicked up such a fuss about wearing. It was 1pm and the car wasn’t arriving until 2pm, so my dad and i drank a bottle of champagne which went down very well J My dad tried to keep me calm, he said such lovely things about how proud he is of me. The car was late and I was panicking, my dad suggested we waited outside and my lovely elderly neighbours came out and helped take my mind off being late. Finally the lovely 1954 Bentley car arrives ,nearly 15 minutes late, but we made up good time and I was there 10 minutes early so had a mini tour of Bath.
I walked in to the
ceremony to a dream is a wish your heart makes
These were taken outside Bath Abbey.