We had the most amazing day and I can honestly say it was the best day of my life so far- cliché I know! I’ll put in photos that are a mix of our photographers (Steve Meyfroidt) and guests. Our colours were black and white and we were going for a contemporary “clean” look. We had our wedding in Cumbria where I am from although we live 200 miles away in Warwickshire.
The week leading up to the wedding was very stressful and chaotic. The main stress was finishing off at work for effectively a month off plus trying to ensure everything was getting done for the wedding. I was only working on the Monday and Tuesday and had the rest of the week off but I was working very long hours both those days. In between work I was taking lots of phone calls from all sorts of people about the wedding (eg. Marquee company who was putting marquee up on the Monday, toilet people, florist…….etc). I was also feeling very emotional and crying at pretty much anything which wasn’t helping!
Wednesday was a fairly chilled out day cleaning the house, picking up holiday money, picking up my dress, getting all my beauty treatments done and packing the car up ready to go up to Cumbria. I was still feeling very stressed although everything was going to plan.
On Thursday we pretty much packed up the car and drove up to Cumbria. As we were driving up the M6 I felt the stress disappear and a feeling of calmness came over me. When we arrived at my parents there was chaos everywhere but for me it didn’t matter anymore.
On Friday we had loads of jobs to do so we sat down in the morning and made a timetable for each of us and followed it. So, I had to meet the caterer first thing to check seating plans and so that they were setting up the tables in the way I wanted and go through final timings, had a lot of things to pick up and take to various places and then finally an appointment with my bridesmaids to get our nails done. James’ main job was to get all the drink to the venue (we were providing all our own drink in a DIY bar). The day went really quickly but to plan.
A picture of where we got married with our marquee on the right..........