The 3rd one, I think. The first looks like it's sort of leaving bits of itself on the floor, and the second is a little too much for my taste. Are they Ian Stuart dresses?
No. 3 I think It give you a beautiful shape. 1 is nice but I prefer 3 on you, I'm not keen on 2 but can't really give why, can't quite put my finger on it?
which is your fav? or what bits about each do you like dislike?
They are all Ian Stuart. I really like number one (the photo actually doesn't do it justice) and I like the raggedy look.....but it's hard to walk in.
Number 2 I put on and kept saying wow but the sheer size of it is quite daunting.
Number 3 looks lovely on but it's quite a safe choice for an Ian Stuart dress and I do want a bit of drama. Below is one that I'd originally settled on but the corset didn't have enough structure and tended to look a bit baggy when I sat down
Not really to my taste either, so definitely prefer the safe option number 3. But if you want drama, number 2. I wouldn't get number 1 if you can't walk in it!
Tha aside, I love them all, agree with your comment about 2 being quite safe for one of his dresses. I think number 1 does most for you, your figure looks amazing in it. The size of the skirts in the other 2 I think detract from your wonderful shape.
You say 1 is hard to walk in - will 2 get very heavy as the day goes on? Itried on an IS one not dissimilar to that one, and it felt amazing, but I knew thesize would become cumbersome quite quickly...
Not much help I suppose! do you have a gut insticnt?
Number one looks great on your figure but you are going to be doing ALOT of moving around in it so if you can't walk in it easily then that one is a no no.
Number two is not really my sort of thing, it has quite a crepe paper-y look to it. But if your venue & theme is very glamourous then it would suit.
Number three is the winner for me. Stylish, dramatic but not over the top. It shows off your figure well and has fabulous detailling.
They are gorgeous and you have an fab figure! I found it really hard but I think 3 is my fave, but I do like the first one and the last one you posted too! Not as keen on no2.
I agree with the OPs, if you cant walk in 1 then it may not be the best choice. 2 is very dramatic so if thats what you are looking for then thats the one. If I was picking though it has to be 3, it stunning - elegnat and dramatic at the same time