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Beginner January 2012

Being IDed for alcohol

ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, 4 March, 2013 at 19:54

Posted on Off Topic Posts 67

In Vegas, I got asked for ID everywhere - pretty standard there, I understand. However, I haven't been asked in the UK for many years now. Until three weeks ago. And since then, a further three times. That's four times in less than a month. In four different places. Boy's pet theory is that my new...

In Vegas, I got asked for ID everywhere - pretty standard there, I understand. However, I haven't been asked in the UK for many years now.

Until three weeks ago. And since then, a further three times. That's four times in less than a month. In four different places.

Boy's pet theory is that my new knitted hat makes me look like an arty college type, which he thinks makes me look plausibly pre-25 (the age to be asked for ID). I suspect it might be more to do with rash of post-Vegas pimples rendering me similar to a spotty teenager. I have also noticed that all the askers-of-ID have been 60+ women, who might have rather rose-tinted spectacles when looking at younger girls - the 18 year olds at the till clearly don't think I'm their age, as they never ask.

The four asks have culminated in one outright refusal to serve. Well done to the Co-Op staff for having the courage of your convictions, despite also being under pressure from the bloke behind me, who actually offered to buy my alcohol for me. The remaining three relented under the weight of my disbelief as I variously declared myself to be closer to forty than thirty, shoved Doctor-titled American Express cards at them (of course, I don't carry any proper ID) and outlined how the purchase of Chablis at +£10 a bottle hardly matches the underage drinking demographic.

I wish I'd have known at 17 what I know now, when I repeatedly failed to successfully purchase booze. Act offended, give your age as something so outrageous that it couldn't be a lie, wear a wedding ring, offer to show them your wrinkles and flash a grown up bank card around. Oh, and don't buy White Lightning.

I know there are a few here who are routinely IDed. I have found this recent spate more embarrassing than flattering. It's so humiliating and it's left me shaking with anger each time (although I've remained polite at the till). How do you cope? I hope this goes away soon. Or I may have to lose my bobble hat.

67 replies

  • *button*
    Beginner August 2012
    *button* ·
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    I don't really mind being asked for ID, and do get asked every few months (I'm 27), but what really gets my goat is the supermarket cashiers asking to see ID from everyone at the till. If I was planning on supplying a minor with alcohol I wouldn't exactly bring them to stand next to me while I pay. Surely they are serving the person who pays and that is the only person they are responsible for being sure is over 18.

    I was asked for my ID when my H was paying for a few bits including a bottle of wine. I refused point blank to give it and caused a right scene, they had to get the manager and everything. I had ID but I wasn't paying so why do they need to see it? If my H had then given the wine to someone underage he would be the one liable for supplying to a minor not them (unless I suppose they actually saw him hand it over). I made the argument that if I came in with my 6 year old niece would they expect ID from her, and was told don't be silly that's completely different - oh yes because it's better to serve someone who is clearly with a minor than someone with their 27 year old wife.

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
    kharv ·
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    I don't understand this 'ask everyone in the group for ID' thing.

    I'm 30. I could feasibly have a 14 year old daughter. What if I was doing my weekly shop with my daughter and there happened to be a couple of bottles of South African Shiraz in there? Would they seriously insist on ID from my hypothetical daughter, too?!

    That's madness.

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
    Ali_G ·
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    I always get IDed for alcohol, and 9 times out of 10 for cigarettes & scratch cards too (on the rare ocassions that I've bought them).

    It doesn't bother me when someone says "Can I see some ID", but for some reason it does when they say "How old are you?" What sort of question is that? If you're going to ID me, ask for my ID, don't ask how old I am. Because if I *was* underage, I'm hardly going to tell the truth am I!

    Hubby refuses to take his ID out with him on nights out. Not that he needs it - he has a Ben Afleck beard going on that makes him look more like Tom Hanks a la Castaway.

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  • AmnesiaCustard
    Beginner June 2011
    AmnesiaCustard ·
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    It's never happened to me. Not once. Not even years ago. ☹️

    Am off to buy bobble hat.

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
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  • Rod
    Rod ·
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    I dont mind being asked. I always carry my ID on me for this precise reason so its not really an issue.

    When we were in Vegas H had to carry my ID around for me because they ask you for it when you pay by card and when we got back I met some friends in a pub and didnt have my ID. Luckily they let me off as I said I'd just got back from honeymoon! I do get asked quite a bit, I'm actually offended when they dont ask! I'm 27 for the record.

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  • mai27
    Beginner June 2016
    mai27 ·
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    Me and Oh got ID'd in Lidl once, we'd got in there specifically for booze for our holiday so the the trolly was 80% booze and then a bit of food, they wouldn't serve us so we just walked out and left a conveyer belt full of shopping for someone to have to put back with a queue of people behind, it was great when I went back in got the same stuff and showed my ID, I was told there was no way I looked that old, (I'm 28) don't think I'll be taking that as a compliment!

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
    Pompey ·
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    I get IDed in Lidl every flipping time I go in there. Knobbers. The most embarrassing time was when I'd sent my driving licence off for my name change and didnt have any ID on me and had to ask my younger sister to buy my booze for me.

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  • OB
    Beginner January 2011
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    I get ID’d all the time, but I am only 22.

    H gets ID’d too. He’s almost 30 and looks it to be honest.

    Both the co-op and morrisons have ID’d H, and both times have admitted they KNEW he was over 18, but couldn't be sure he was over 25. That to me is outrageous. You only have to be 18 to purchase alcohol, and they weren’t questioning that, but wouldn’t serve him because they couldn’t be sure he looked over 25. The co-op wouldn’t accept his doorman’s license as proof of ID, even though it is photo ID and you have to be 18 to take the test and get the thing!

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  • OB
    Beginner January 2011
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    See I disagree with this. In morrisons we were buying our tea. 2 very expensive steaks, nice vegetables, and one bottle of King Cobra (about £4 for one 750ml bottle of beer). They admitted they knew he was over 18, and coupling that with what we were buying, to me the shop worker didn’t need to even go there with him. I’d already shown mine (yes fair enough ask me as I do look young). She was just being a jobsworth.

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  • O
    Beginner September 2013
    oggers86 ·
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    I tend to be asked for ID as despite being 26 I still look like a 16 year old!

    There have been two instances which really annoyed me:

    First one was when I presented my ID to the cashier, who studied it for a while, couldnt quite figure out if it was me and made me sign my signature on a piece of paper before studying that and finally deciding it was me. Admitedly the picture was taken at 17 but I really havent changed that much and I was 21 at the time...

    The second one was at 24, I had sent off my driving license to change my address and went into town to meet OH for lunch. Proceeded to go into Wetherspoons and order 2 cokes and 2 burgers..I was refused because I had no ID. OH arrives and tries to buy them with his ID and they refuse as I didnt have mine and in order for me to be in there with him he would need to be my guardian. This was a mid week lunchtime, all we wanted was lunch and ended up rushing to go somewhere else as he only had an hour for lunch. The stupid thing is that had he been my guardian, he could have bought himself as much alcohol as he wanted but because he wasnt we werent allowed food and soft drinks. Madness.

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  • P
    Beginner July 2013
    PaintedHales ·
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    Glad I am not the only one this keeps happening to! I am 31, never get ID'd in pubs but am actually put off buying beer in supermarkets now because I always get asked for ID. Used to be flattering when it was once in a blue moon but lately its just flat out p*ssing me off. Saying that, I do quite enjoy the grovelling and embarrassed looks when they see 1981 as my date of birth.

    Once when I got asked for ID buying cigarettes, I showed my driving license and the cashier said 'Oh sorry, I wasn't looking at your face'. Nice.

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  • AmnesiaCustard
    Beginner June 2011
    AmnesiaCustard ·
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    Trust me, there'll come a time when you wished you looked young enough.

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  • Liverbird
    Beginner August 2012
    Liverbird ·
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    I have never been ID'd. And now I've said that I probably will be!

    I do remember going on a trip to the States when I was 20 (so under the legal drinking age over there) and my sister was 30, we had a meal in a restaurant with drinks - my sister was asked for ID, and I wasn't.

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  • Saisi
    Beginner June 2011
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    Fair enough if they know you're over 18, that's just silly. I mean more about them asking if they're not sure, even when someone is older... some people might find guessing ages quite tricky, and the fines/punishments for selling booze to anyone underage are outrageously harsh (which again I think is wrong).

    That reminds me, I was IDed in Tesco once for a bottle of (quite nice) wine. I showed them my ID and the absolute idiot at the tills wouldn't actually sell it to me as "you're under 25". Yes, but I was over 18! He kept pointing to the "think 25" thing and wouldn't budge. Eventually he called the manager who decided that they wouldn't sell me the wine as "you might be buying it for that guy" and pointed at a teenage boy outside the shop!! Who I didn't know! I suspect the manager was just trying to save face rather than admit his cashier was misinformed over the "think 25 policy". I wrote a letter of complaint to Tescos but never heard back.

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
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    I'd have been absolutely livid about that and there's no way I would have stopped at one letter! You have more restraint than I, Saisi!

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
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    My mum, aged nearly 50 had the best response.

    we go weekly shopping together, she never been abroad never had a car so no ID. So we get to the till with her weeks shopping, she picked up a bottle of red wine as a treat. most of it rung through before it get the bottle. and the middle ages woman asks for ID. Without a word my mum buttons up her coat, puts away her purse and WALKS OUT THE STORE. I'm behind her in the queue fortunately with only tonights dinner. I give chase also leaving my stuff on the conveyor belt. I had to hold back the laughter after seeing the cashiers face of stunned shock.

    I have a mild ache problem so i get ID'ed for knifes FFS. I also dont drink. at a bar i couldn't buy me, my OH and mum a round. i was only having coke! once my mum saw i was being asked for ID she erupted across pub 'SHE'S 27 FOR CHRIST SAKE AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN DRINK!!' I love her to bits.

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    Eh? I assume autocorrect has kicked in but can't work out what the original statement was....

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  • Saisi
    Beginner June 2011
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    Oh I was furious Kharv. I never complain about anything (well I complain to H/my mum/the internet, I mean directly to the offender) so even sending one letter was proof of that. I'm getting annoyed again now thinking about it! I wanted my wine! The extra-stupid thing was, I'd bought vodka in that same store only the week before and not even been asked for ID.

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  • OB
    Beginner January 2011
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  • OB
    Beginner January 2011
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    This. That is just disgusting.

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  • BowlingBride
    Beginner September 2012
    BowlingBride ·
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    I always have ID so its never caused me any issue and it doesnt bother me when i'm asked. I suppose if i was a shop assistant i'd rather be safe than sorry if its a disciplinary matter and my job at risk. I guess id rather see people id'd than not because areas near me there is a high percentage of kids drinking on the streets and anything to cut this down i'm in favour of. I'd have been livid at the your not 25 guy and taken it further.

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  • Kjay
    Beginner August 2013
    Kjay ·
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    Footlong, can we see this bobble hat that might be the cause of this ID frenzy?!

    I don't often get ID- generally have my drivers licence with me.

    Me and Boyo have also come unstuck though a few times at the supermarket as only on of us has had ID and they have refused to serve us- like Kharv said if I had a child with me how would that work?! I think it is pot luck sometimes, who is on the till and what mood they are in!

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  • O
    Beginner September 2013
    oggers86 ·
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    That is ridiculous, going by that theory, anybody who is buying alcohol could be buying it for a random teenager floating nearby..

    The manager was clearly an idiot who needed to train his staff better. If any of my staff are misinformed or upset a guest then I am hugely apologetic and then explain the situation to the member of staff.

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  • 3d jewellery
    3d jewellery ·
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    This is a nightmare from the other side of the fence or checkout, so to speak. Consider that trading standards routinely test shop supermarkets with underage shoppers, can issue HUGE fines to cashiers who only earn minimum wage (not the supermarkets the staff have challenge 25 drummed into them 4 times a year so fines go to them) they can take away licences for 3 failed test purchases and you have a problem then of no alcohol for anyone. The rule is you must believe the purchaser looks over 25, if they don't then you must ask for ID. the acceptable items are VERY specific and there is no leaway. It doesn't matter that you know how old someone is. If you are seen serving someone who looks under 18 without asking for id you are in trouble as you have not followed policy. It doesn't matter if someone comes to your till everyday. Everyday you ask for ID. If a cashier refuses a sale the manager can't overide them they must support their decision. Supermarkets also police their own policy with their own mystery shoppers it is seriously not pleasant disciplining someone for a failed test purchase who is worried that they may lose their job.I would rather they asked a few people who they weren't sure about and TBH if i was on a til i would probably have to ask everyone as i am no good at all with ages ?.

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  • leni-lw!
    Beginner November 2011
    leni-lw! ·
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    When I worked for spoons it was ALWAYS challenge 21 and then changed to challenge 25, and with so many police test purchase where they would routinely send in underagers and if caught selling alcohol to them then we as in ( I the staff member) would risk a criminal record and be given a £1000 fine which we personally would have to pay ourselves, and therefore id ask anyone and everyone who looked young, i've even refused serve to people who didn't carry their id's to prove that they were whatever their age ..i.e they were in their 30's but looked like 15yr old and so no id-no serve simples! Smiley smile which to some may seem petty but its not when you have a £1000 fine potentially hanging over your head ?

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  • Helenia
    Beginner September 2011
    Helenia ·
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    I almost never get ID'd any more, haven't for years (and I'm "only" 28! ☹️) but I always have my photocard driving licence in my purse so it's never a problem for me. It's not something I'd get too fussed about.

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  • Tray1980
    Beginner July 2013
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    I'm the same - I never used to get ID'd. I used to go to pubs at the weekend from 15 (with parents knowledge - they would rather know who I was with and what I was doing than me sneaking around) and would get into over 21 clubs from 17, I turned 32 in November and get asked for ID a lot!

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