Sooooo..... having spent hours online and in shops trying to find shoes for our little BMs and being unsuccessful as they are either covered in bows/frills or not in the size we need (wedding is 5 weeks away and I don't need the stress!) my FH and I have decided on these! We love them and they fit our pastel theme and boho vibe but I am worried people will think they are not traditional. I honestly dont care as I know they look fab and the kids will be comfy to run around, our wedding is at a Castle and has a lot of grounds, but just need opinions, so hit me and be honest! Pic of dresses for context
I am glad you put a pic of the dresses as well Charlotte as they will go together great! That will look cute. And for the record, I am putting my Converse on for the evening LOL.
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Thanks! I actually have a pair the same as the kids for the evening! I am sure my Mother will hate them but for us the wedding is about fun and relaxed vibe so they seem perfect
I have formal shoes for the ceremony nut will change at the reception, they are the exact same shoes, but actually I may take them to ceremony and get some pics with them as there is a fairy frotto in the grounds with a bench we could all sit on with our shoes showing! Thanks for the idea, i hadnt thought about getting a quirky photo!
Hi Charlotte just showed my daughter the shoes she is getting a pair tomorrow when she gets paid i said your 19 her reply was and. She said she has a pair of pants that are like the shoes and never worn them because she had no shoes she told me to say THANKYOU X💗
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Haha!! That is soo cool, they are awesome, am happy to have helped! My mum saw them yesterday and made a comment but I just ig ored her, the kids love them and so do we! Sneak peak of page boy and bridesmaid below (BM dress is being taken in as we speak as shop ordered wrong size for all 4 dresses!) xx
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Hey love, yes they are being fixed as we speak! We have final venue meeting on Friday and then fingers crossed we are all sorted. How you doing? X
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Hi hun sorry was in work last night was really busy glad its all sorted and you can chill for a bit xx I ts crazy only seems like a few months ago we joined on hitched and your nearly over with it all xx💗
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Have ended up working this week as a major deal is closing so needed to be on it, but from 4pm tomorrow I am done!! Then I will relax next week but felling prettybcalm at the moment xx