Hi everyone
It's ages till we get married but we have been picking bits and bobs up since we got engaged last March as we are on quite a tight budget so trying to spread the costs of things so we don't notice the expense IYKWIM. Anyway, last week my Mum brought us a pack of those water bead things that you add water to and they swell up to see how they work so yesterday H2B and I made them up so we could see how they look and how many you get out of one packet.
I decided that seeing as we'd made them, I might as well give making a centrepiece up a go so I raided the wedding spare room and brought some of the bits we have brought down and came up with this, what do you think? Our colour scheme is Purple with accents of lime green.
Honest opinions/suggestions for improvements will be very much appreciated.
Also, please excuse the mess in the background- theres packaging and wedding "stuff" everywhere from the spare room!