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United Kingdom · From July 2010
- Beginner
Happily married 🎉
25 August, 2012
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837As above really started my first trail pack on easter monday, stopped yesterday felt fine no craving etc etc just getting out of the habit! Been speaking to a few mums at school who have had an...

Recommend me your breed. Pro's, cons. If you have more than one, do they get on? Is it alot harder or easier? And one last question, do you know what breed get on well with springers?

Hope no-one minds me starting this... As the closest thing I have to a date-twin, I wish you all the luck in the world for your wonderful day and hope it goes brilliantly. Have a truly fabulous day,...
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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of kelly504
1696 days ago
I am struggling to decide which I want and was wondering if anyone had any flashes of their that I could look at the help. Kel x
I uploaded a photo in the discussion of
1696 days ago
I'm having a cup cake tower with a fruit cake made by my Mum iced on the top. Mum reckons I should have some kind of cake topper cos it'll look too plain otherwise. What is everyone else having? Feel free to flash or direct me to any good suppliers! ...
I uploaded a photo in the discussion of MrsRedman11611
1696 days ago
Hey ladies i thought it would be lovely to have a thread showing off everyones beloved dresses as we onyl get to wear them the once!!.. Im not sure how to post a pic on this site so here is the link to a pic of mine! ?...
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