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Beginner September 2012

Evil Mils

tizmelou, 6 October, 2011 at 14:12 Posted on Planning 0 36

I know a few on here suffer with them. JUst heard on the radio that 1 in 20 women say their MILs ruined their relationship. WE need to FAEM now - fight against evil Mils(2b)!!!

ps latest on mine is not a peep from her since she received her save the date magnet out of the blue in the post....snigger.

36 replies

Latest activity by HappyAnnie, 8 October, 2011 at 21:14
  • SaSaSi
    Beginner July 2012
    SaSaSi ·
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    OH went to visit his mum last nite...she says 'you only want to see me when she is out'...yes I am the she!

    I actually cant stand her, just not my type of person AT ALL! She thinks Im horrible, I think she is a pathetic whinner who would put years on you...

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  • judeclarke
    Beginner October 2011
    judeclarke ·
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    NOOOOOOOOOO! I love my MIL2B - she is one of the nicest, most laid back people I have ever met. And she did raise a wonderful son ❤️

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  • alocin88
    alocin88 ·
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    I wish had the chance to find out .... my H2B's Mum died a few months after we got together, I never got to meet her which is quite sad.

    My policy onanything like this is that it is not worth wasting stress and energy on someone so negative. And the best way to combat a negative attitue is to be really really nice to them!

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  • H
    Beginner June 2012
    HelDR ·
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    My H2B is more upset about his MIL2B than i am about mine

    Have to go against the trend as i love mine and she'd do anything for either of us, on the other hand my mother can be so nasty and rude that i feel for my H2B. Both our mum's are single and it would be lovely to do things with both of them (at the same time) but no chance.....mine would be rude, MIL2B would fight mine/ H2B's corner, they would argue, we would argue = not worth it ? we see them on their own

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  • tizmelou
    Beginner September 2012
    tizmelou ·
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    LOL @ Sasasi!!!!

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  • MacyLil
    MacyLil ·
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    My MIL has been excellent! Always very caring, helping, cooperative and loving. Have you ever spoken to them about the problems you have?

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  • A
    Beginner August 2013
    annie2000 ·
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    I must be lucky when it comes to MIL's, I have one ex MIL (now sadly passed away) and MIL2B and both of them are/were lovely and get/got on really well with both. In fact after my divorce ex MIL was a great support to me and my kids and I was close to her until she died.

    Neither of them interfered, I was never aware of any negative opinions. MIL2B made it very clear when we got engaged that she was happy to do or organise anything we wanted her to, all we have to do is ask, and if i ask for her opinion on any aspect of our wedding she will tell me honestly what she thinks, but wouldn't dream of telling us what we should or shouldnt do with our wedding, unless we were asking her opinion between two options.

    Now my mother is a totally different story!!! she is the one that interferes, is totally negative and I am in some ways dreading her at my wedding!

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  • H
    Beginner June 2012
    HelDR ·
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    I'm with you on this one

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  • T
    Trickers ·
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    I agree with you. There is far too much MIL bashing on this forum! If it wasnt for my MIL looking after our daughter everyday after school we would be screwed!

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  • *
    Beginner December 2011
    *Karina2009* ·
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    I love my MIL she is my best friend, and my wedding side kick! we get on brillaintly!

    karina xx

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  • SaSaSi
    Beginner July 2012
    SaSaSi ·
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    My MIL has made stated that she will not be looking after any grandchildren because she has bad hands (which magically appear anytime she doesnt want to do anything). As OH is an only child, she is talking about hypothetical grand children - we have never told her we even hope to have any. She creates issues & problems out of things that dont even exist! (And yes, equally ridiculously it annoys me that she is refusing to look after children we do not have!)

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  • tizmelou
    Beginner September 2012
    tizmelou ·
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    Congrats to all of you that have lovely mils I wish I were so luck as I had hoped to be friends with mine and tried very hard. We're not all as fortunate as you and sometimes its probably better for people to have a rant or moan on here as opposed to having to upset their oh's again by talking about their mothers behaviour!!

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  • Nancy Noodles
    Nancy Noodles ·
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    I think its wonderful when people get on with there ILs, i always dreamed that i would have the relationship that my parents have with there ILs unfortunatly for me , in the two serious relationships ive had i havent got on with them , my first MIL2B was trying to talk my ex into move out and get a new flat which she had just about signed a contract for !! then when i kicked my ex partner out , it came out that he was violent towards me and she turned round and said "well u did deserve it " !!!

    BUT she was nothing compared to my now MIL (a little background my hubby was leaving his ex because she cheated before he met me just never had the corage to do so we was friends for like 3 years before getting together so i knew what he was going though , so releving his feelings for me gave him the courage to leave)

    so once he had left his ex wife and came to me his mum rang me up and called me a whor* because i should have told him go back and try again !! and basically said i would never be part of the family and was just vile right up untill i had our first child !

    then when M was 6 months she invited us to come stay with her for a week which we thought was fine i enjoyed it and thought that things were getting better untill about 2 weeks later she invited the ex wife up with there 2 kids and MIL slagged me of all week which the ex wife had great pleasure telling me , apparently im a unfit parent because i dont chase after my kids every move ! and because im fat !!

    then we annoced that we had got engaged she wasnt happy at all , she said well were deffinatly not coming but we will pay for the photos , you can have £1000 towards them , we found someone she paid the deposite , 3weeks before the wedding she called us saying she wouldnt pay for them and why is it so much when she wouldnt be in them !! she even rang our tog and told her the same !! i was so upset !! so much more has happened with all hubbys siblings she basically has turned the whole famil against us , my mum says time is a great heeler but in this case i dont think it will !!

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  • I
    Beginner January 1999
    irrelephant ·
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    I agree with this too! My MiL and I niggle each other a lot but most of that seems to have been bred from a mutual fear that we disliked each other. Which we don't. I think she's a bit overbearing and neurotic sometimes but so am i so its no wonder we niggle each other. Mostly i think she's a funny, warm, lovely and caring woman who would do anything for either myself or D.

    I do know there are some mothers in law who are crazy and ruin some stuff. But mostly i think a lot of women just have a different outlook on life and relationships to their mother in law and also expect them to be mean and crazy so make big deals out of everything they do. I know I used to! honestly most girls just need to chill out a bit about their mil's and ignore the contentious stuff.

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  • T
    Trickers ·
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    Wow! No need to be sarcastic.

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  • Nancy Noodles
    Nancy Noodles ·
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    I have to say i agree in some ways but sometimes its the only way of venting and TBH my MIL well and truely burnt her bridges with me when she called me an unfit parent and told every one that i was prostitute !! so really im not bothered if she or any one saw this ! im not saying we all angels but alot of the time the ILs started all this ! its great when people have a good relationship with there MIL but i find more often then not that women just dont get on with them !!

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  • W
    WhiteSparkles ·
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    Was this from the Netmums survey Tizmelou? From reading the results in the Daiily Fail, I think it was filled out by people who only had negative things to say about their MILs! I love my MIL but we have had our problems as she tends to think about herself before anyone else. Have come to accept that that's how she is and take her for who she is now. Plus, have her to thank for my lovely H! Plus, I'm sure H doesn't think my mum is an angel either ?

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  • Little Pixie
    Beginner September 2011
    Little Pixie ·
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    I am with you. I feel really lucky reading some of these stories. W ehad a little issue about invites to the wedding but it was really small and she was very stressed at the time. On the whole she is great. We get on well and she raised the most amazing son x

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  • SaSaSi
    Beginner July 2012
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    I really wish I could but Im a bit like an elephant & just cant forget the things she has said and done.

    She ran me down to the lowest in my own home, buys my OH romantic valentines presents (which is just sick & wrong - and no they were not from anotehr woman as once hitcher suggested at the time! LOL) and on our wedding she didnt speak to me or my parents at all - at the end of the night of our wedding she blanked me on the way up to her room & the next morning she blanked my parents at breakfast & left without speaking to me & OH - which hurt my OH badly. I feel its 'fair' enough if she wants to do those things to me me but to my family & her own son really really angers me. Then 2 days later she chats to me & mum like nothing is wrong?! - shes twisted.

    The result of her actions & attitude means we spend much more time with my parents as with them things are easy & effortless - rightly or wrongly. My OH has a fantastic relationship with my family ie I suggest to him that he should go to his mums for sunday dinner & i'll go to mine (she doesnt invite me) but he says he'd rather come to my parents. Thats between him & her - nowt to do with me.

    She has generally been anything but nice since me & OH moved in with each other - we were fine before that which IMO shows how bitter & resentful she is of me & instead of seeing how great we are together & how well I look after him etc she doesnt see any good in me at all. Which hurts & quite frankly I dont need people in my life who try to make me feel like sh*t.

    I have friends who go shopping with their MIL etc and that would be lovely - but we have nothing in common apart from her son & the little time we do spend with each other is strained which isnt fair on anybody. So general rule of thumb is that I see her little as possible & encourage OH to see her regularly.

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  • Red Baroness
    Beginner July 2012
    Red Baroness ·
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    WTS. As MILs go, mine's pretty great. She has come out with some right corkers in the past, but that's just because she's a bit nutty. No malice intended.

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  • Storky
    Beginner May 2011
    Storky ·
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    Sorry to hear of the problems that some of you have had.

    I am very fortunate with my inlaws, they're like a second set of parents to me. Whether or not you like your inlaws, they've obvioulsy done a reasonable job of raising your intended so don't bad mouth them too much. Be thankful that you have someone in that role at all, not everyone is that lucky, so please bear that in mind when commenting.

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  • tizmelou
    Beginner September 2012
    tizmelou ·
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    JUst to clarify I wasn't being sarcastic :-( I HONESTLY wish i got on with mine - and I only startesd the thread meaning it a bit lighthearted it was something I'd heard on the radio and I know there are quite a few people on here that do have far worse problems that me with their mils! I Really do think its lovely so many of you have great relationships with yours I really wish I did and tried very hard up until the engagement but have just given up now and mainly because shes upset my oh now too!! Fine if she wants to upset me, but when you see them hurt your oh thats when you get overly cross about it - so sorry if the thread offended anyone, it was meant as a bit of light heartedness 'you are not alone' kind of thing!

    xx and hugs to all good mils! I hope to be one of them myself one day!

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  • J
    Beginner September 2012
    JoannaD ·
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    My MIL2b lives 150 miles away from me and she's happy as long as i supply the vodka and we have a good old time. so i must say i LOVE MY mil2b.

    my EX MIL on the other hand was a frigid cow and tighter than a badgers behind. glad to be rid of her and her son (its been 7 years - still wish a hex on him and his whole family) if we had still been together my life would be a living hell

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    I love my MIL, she's brilliant. Pretty sure I'm another daughter for her. There is literally NOTHING about her I don't like.

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  • sapphire_22
    Beginner September 2011
    sapphire_22 ·
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    I love my MIL but I do find it hard to be around her sometimes and her behaviour towards H makes me really angry. Basically she had both her children very young and never established any identity for herself apart from 'mum' and doesn't seem to be able to accept that her children are grown-up now. Things like asking her 30 year old son to get into bed with her and her husband for a cuddle! (he declined). I always felt sorry for her but recently she has gone too far.

    She lives in central europe and 2-3 times a year we we make the 4 hour journey to luton and then a 3 hour flight to see the PIL. She constantly complains that this isnt often enough and she's so depressed and heart-broken because she never sees her son, etc. But when we invite her to stay with us she says no because she doesn't like travelling. When we explain to her that we can't afford to fly over to see them more often she cries.

    3 weeks after the wedding she started asking H whether he had booked the plane tickets to go over there for xmas. He told her that the tickets cost £300 each and that we couldn't afford that so soonafter the wedding. She did her bit about being heartbroken because she hadn't seen him in so long and tried to guilt-trip him into first making the drive to luton, then flying to vienna then getting a train to see her. In December. She knows how dangerous it is to drive all that way in the snow and ice and that flights and trains get cancelled or delayed at that time of year and she was still happy to risk that just to see her son. And when we invited them over for xmas? "Oh no, I don't want to do that."

    H has been in England for 5 1/2 years and the only time she has visited was for the wedding. The first thing she did was to walk around our house and inspect it for any dirt or mess. Finally she found some dirt on the exterior part of our bedroom window frame and told us off for not cleaning properly. Then she opened our fridge and checked all the food to see what we eat. She found a ready meal in our freezer (that wasn't even ours - it was left over from our landord) and used this as 'proof' that we weren't eating properly, just eatin junk food all the time.

    In every phone call since that visit she has told H how awful the place we live is, such a nasty area, etc. We live in fairly big, recently renovated house in a nice suburban area close to the city and she knows we both love living here.

    There are other things she does like constantly putting my H down, calling him an idiot and treating him lie a child, which really make me angry.

    I've had some great friendships with ex boyfriend's mums and I always hoped I would have the kind of MIL who I could have a coffee and chat with, but I can't imagine ever having that relationship with mine and thats something I'm very sad about. I'm so jealous of the hitchers on here who have great MILs. Luckily my mum is fantastic, so I suppose you can't have everything.

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  • LoveSka
    Beginner October 2011
    LoveSka ·
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    I love my MIL, she has been wonderful from day 1.

    Not only has she welcomed me into her family but she has welcomed my 2 boys too, they are treated the same as her own grandson, , ,


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  • *Nursey*
    Beginner May 2012
    *Nursey* ·
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    My MIL is lovely, and although my Mum can be hard work at times, she is lovely too.

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  • F
    Beginner October 2011
    fatbride ·
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    I love my MIL she is fab and would do anything for anyone.

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
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    My mother in law is lovely too! She is 3000miles away though....

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  • Sherrie H
    Sherrie H ·
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    I loved my ex MIL, we were friends for almost 30yrs and sadly yesterday we found out she is terminal with Cancer and only has weeks/Months to live.

    I wish I could turn back the clock and relive those 30yrs again.

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  • L
    Beginner August 2012
    Lillibet ·
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    Oh sorry to hear that Sherrie ☹️

    I love my MIL - OHs whole family has been so lovely and welcoming to me since day 1 and she's just lovely. My mums amazing too, and I feel very lucky to have them. I sympathise with those that do have problems with MILs though and can understand how it could affect a relationship - But I am glad its not something that I have to deal with!

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  • VikingPrincess
    Beginner December 2011
    VikingPrincess ·
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    Mine too - I mean the present one - my ex-MIL from 1st marriage was horrible... Worth also mentioning my current MIL2B is OH's stepmum, with whom he gets on very well, unlike his biological mother with whom he and his sister have not spoken in years!

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