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Beginner October 2003

How much alcohol do you drink?

Clairy, 2 of March of 2009 at 14:32

Posted on Off Topic Posts 76

I know we've done this several times before, but up until then I've been in denial and not willing to confront the amount I actually do drink. I don't think I have a *problem* but I know I drink way over the recommended levels and it's starting to worry me. I've decided to have an alcohol free week...

I know we've done this several times before, but up until then I've been in denial and not willing to confront the amount I actually do drink.

I don't think I have a *problem* but I know I drink way over the recommended levels and it's starting to worry me. I've decided to have an alcohol free week and think seriously about cutting down.

Currently I drink two large glasses of wine per night, every night. Some nights I will have 3 or 4 (although never more, and this is usually reserved for weekends). I make that 40.5 units per week. Fucking hell.

76 replies

  • geekypants
    Beginner August 2008
    geekypants ·
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    Not very much during the week, if any, but usually a bit of a binge on a Saturday night.

    Thankfully because I don't drink that much, I struggle with more than a bottle of wine.

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  • flissy666
    flissy666 ·
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    Too much. At the moment about 4 bottles of red wine a week, spread out over 5-6 days. I have drank way more than this in the past, and also way less when I realised the damage I could cause. I am very stressed at the moment (more than I am letting on to people) so I am finding I desire a glass most nights to help me relax, although I am aware that it cannot be a permanent state of affairs. I think I rely on alcohol as a crutch too much, rather than tackling the sources of my stress head-on. But I also really, really enjoy alcohol. I don't smoke, have never mucked about with drugs, eat healthily, exercise, so it's my only vice. Which obviously makes it okay!!! That said, I think I would weigh under 9st if I didn't drink, which always makes the prospect of abstinence quite appealing ?

    Don't quote please - I feel I may have over-shared Smiley sad

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  • lmsunshine99
    Beginner August 2004
    lmsunshine99 ·
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    I don't drink at all. I drank far too much during my first year or so at university and then following some liver problems stopped drinking completely. I had my gall bladder removed a while ago and did wonder whether my intolerance to alcohol was related to that and whether I could now enjoy a drink again but since I have been constantly pregnant or breastfeeding since June 2004 I don't get the chance to find out! Like Nonie though I am not really that bothered about not drinking as I have never really found anything that I like, I think Pimms would be top of my list but I would rather have soft drinks I think.

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  • Maxi
    Beginner February 2008
    Maxi ·
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    Too much.

    Two glasses of wine most nights (big glasses so 2/3 of a bottle) and a bottle or more on Friday and Saturdays.

    I've put on 1st in the last year, feel crap in the mornings and am fed up of it. Especially lost weekend mornings nursing a hangover.

    Today was actually day 1 of our new regime. We have been needing to get on with renovating our house for ages now and yesterday we decided enough was enough.

    Tonight I embarked on the mammoth task of starting to scrape the hall ceiling of 20 year old woodchip. I'll be working on it for weeks (months even!) but its getting me active and stopping me from taking the lazy option of couch and wine!

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  • D
    Super November 2008
    donnaj36 ·
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    I think I drink too much-my main problem is drinking at home as I don`t go out as much as i used to and now we live in a small town, it`s embarrassing getting drunk in th local and having to face them all again. About once a fortnight, me and H have a `kitchen disco` which involves about 2-3 bottles of wine and then whatever grog we have in the cupboard-I`m more than a bit worried about this, as its usually on a school night which is not good for my job. And, TBH I`ve had some really good nights out when I`ve hardly drunk and had a much better time than if I`d been leathered. Its so hard to think about giving up totally, as i love wine with a meal etc, if only I could stop at that sometimes. i`ve definately cut down from when we lived in london though.

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  • claires
    Beginner July 2008
    claires ·
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    I drink too much, mostly when i am at home watching tv at night. My H works away all week, so i think i do it out of boredom, which has now become a habit. I made a concerted effort to not have any last night, and i do feel remarkably more alive this morning, than i usually do. I really need to lose weight so hopefully this might help that too.

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  • Allegra
    Beginner October 2007
    Allegra ·
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    Too much to be honest - I was drinking a botle of wine every night and then I cut it down to no more than half a bottle (apart from when we have friends over) and only drinking when I really fancied a glass or two of wine, I never get drunk though - I just don't enjoy it, once I start feeling tipsey I either slow it right down or go on to water. We've just had 2 weeks off though I slipped back into the bottle a night habit, I am going to cut it back down though, I know I don't need it, I just like the taste of red wine and I guess it's just boredom as well as habit.

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  • Redhead
    Redhead ·
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    Too much still probably, even though I have cut down considerably. I used to be easily knocking back a bottle of wine a night. More if it was in the house- I have no off button. Neither does my dad. And my mum isn't much better. That should give me an inkling that I should perhaps not drink at all, I do realise that, and maybe 1 day.

    Recently I have cut down a lot- hardly any alcohol during the week and only at weekends if out and about. Sometimes H will buy a bottle and I will have some, but I have trained myself to have maybe 2 * 125ml glasses with soda water and then put the bottle back. I am on a healthy eating plan and measure out the 125mls so I know exactly what I am having and try to limit it so that I don't put alcohol pounds on. My job also means that I can't drink like I used to- I have to be fully compus mentus if I am in at 10am (cooking+hangover=bleurgh) and I can't possibly drink if I am working 4pm 'til finish (usually 10ish, later on a Saturday) plus I drive to and from work, so can't have 1 after finish like the other chefs usually do.

    I still can get a bit silly if out on a rare evening do, though. Working Saturday nights means that, if I do manage to get out, I tend to go completely over the top and ruin the night for myself. I am learning though- a recent Friday night out went very well and I remembered everything the next day. Result!

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  • Clairy
    Beginner October 2003
    Clairy ·
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    That article Legless posted was really good. I found this part very reassuring:

    "I went to see Professor Roger Williams, the surgeon who performed George Best's liver transplant, and who told me that home liver tests are a giant rip off. But, on the bright side, he also said that, unless you have actual cirrhosis, the liver will almost completely repair itself from alcohol damage with a year or two's abstinence."

    I have been feeling guilty and, rather irrationally, that, after too many years of abuse, my liver was about to pack up. I think I should worry about my extra weight more ? The two are very definitely related, but one thing at a time. Drink first.

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  • Zooneycat
    Zooneycat ·
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    Very little, TBH. H drinks most nights, having a glass or 2 of red wine. The last time i had any alcohol was on Valentines Day, when we had wine & champagne.

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  • ~~~liz~~~
    Beginner January 2008
    ~~~liz~~~ ·
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    My mum has a terrible drink problem which she denies and im terrified of ending up like that so cutting down on the jack daniels is a must for me. Ive been drunk once since the middle of last year but that will probably change when we go to brighton! ? At least it will be a cheap night!

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