The start of our wedding. From background and planning to (soon) Lapland the wedding. To keep me distracted from the dreaded nerves. It will be long. You will need drinks. It's not compulsory to read and there will be no quiz later to find slackers.
I thank you all for your help and advise and I hope you enjoy my story. So kettle now please. xx
Once upon a time about ten years ago, in the north of the realm lived a very disillusioned lady. She had looked and looked for her Prince Charming but alas she was still kissing frogs.
Sometimes she thought her Prince had arrived but no, still more frogs as time would show. Once she was so certain her Prince had arrived she even married him, only to find it was a Troll in disguise. Beware the trolls ladies! She came to believe that fairytale didn't exist in real life.
Meanwhile in the south of the realm lived a very unhappy man. He was also looking for true love. Waiting and waiting, and not really expecting to find it anymore.
Their fairy godmother arranged a chance meeting of these two people knowing that they should be together, however they weren't impressed and became only friends. She wasn't having that! She upped her game, concentrated hard, and after another massive dose of fairy dust and telephone bills to rival. B.T. takeover bid much to their surprise their friendship very quickly turned to love. Within six months the Prince packed up all her worldly belongings and moved her to the south of the realm to live in his castle........ Sorry no it wasn't a castle but it didn't matter. They were very happy.
There were many doubters within the realm and some thought she was silly and that this was a tragic mistake that she would regret.
There were of course problems to overcome, and confusion as to whether tea was dinner or dinner was lunch. Whether it's path or parth and even more serious discussions. But nothing they couldn't get through together without killing each other. And still they were very happy.
They always knew they would marry. There was no romantic proposal, no getting down on one knee. The Prince just want that sort of person, but she didn't care and loved him with all of her heart. He did however give her a nice big diamond thinking they were a girls best friend. Little did he know that HEwas her best friend.