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Beginner June 2008

Masters degree people - failing assignments

Doughnut, 12 July, 2009 at 13:13 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 27

I've looked at the marking scheme and I'm not going to pass the assignment I'm submitting today. Studying at home/ online is harder than I ever imagined and I find it very hard to learn without someone explaining complicated concepts to me in person. I guess it might be different for every university, but can I just resubmit at a later date or do I have to pay and do the whole module again etc?


27 replies

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  • AnnaBanana
    Beginner July 2007
    AnnaBanana ·
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    From my days as a PG administrator, it depends on how bad you fail, and then its the decision of the board of examiners. If you fail properly (i.e. below 40% or whatever your pass mark is), then the board will tell you if you can resubmit or if you just have to re-sit the module. however procedures vary between unis.

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  • Doughnut
    Beginner June 2008
    Doughnut ·
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    The pass mark is 50%, but the assignment is broken down so you have to pass each little bit - you can't just get 50% overall.

    I'm not sure how you would resit the module as it's online. I have asked my tutor but he replied to everything in my email apart from "What happens when I fail?" ?


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  • AnnaBanana
    Beginner July 2007
    AnnaBanana ·
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    What uni are you with? were you given a student handbook at the beginning of the module/term? it should say something in there, but at our uni, failures were dealt with on a case by case basis. Is there a reason why you think you might fail? You could send a tutor an email or a mitigating circumstances form saying you feel you might fail because you've got too much on/found it really hard or whatever reason, and it could help the board make a decision which will be to your favour. Could you ask for an extension?

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  • Doughnut
    Beginner June 2008
    Doughnut ·
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    Thanks Anna. There is a handbook online, I'll look it up. The tutor knows I'm struggling but he's in Hatfield and I'm in Swindon. The circumstances are that i can't understand the subject ? I'm moving house on Weds and have a job interview that day too, and it's all a bit much TBH. An extension isn't going to help unless I can get less thick pretty quickly ? I have another 6 weeks of learning and another assignment before this module is over, and I can't see any way I'm going to pass. Unfortunately it's a core one so I can't do something else. I don't want to drop out, as I'm six months and two grand into the course!


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  • AnnaBanana
    Beginner July 2007
    AnnaBanana ·
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    I would definitely ask for a mitigating circumstances form, it sounds like you have a lot on and they would definitely take that into account!

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  • flissy666
    flissy666 ·
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    I would advise you to speak to your tutor asap about any mitigating circumstances. I'd do it in email, so you have a record of sending it. Obviously, any discretion will rest with the department and the shape of its internal procedures, but it's easier to flag up any potential issues now, rather than wheeling them out a few months down the line. When I have marked work, I've been able to take into account mitigating factors if something is borderline, with internal approval. Hopefully you won't need any extensions or discretion applying, though! Good luck Smiley smile

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  • Flowery the Grouch
    Beginner December 2007
    Flowery the Grouch ·
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    Oh lordy, I sympathise with you majorly. I'm finding my current masters module so hard. It's by far the hardest thing I've ever studied, harder than my last masters, harder then my PhD stuff, harder than the previous modules in this course. I've never done anything as difficult in my life. And it's making me feel so stupid and dim. ?

    I would be very surprised if you had to retake the module again over one failed assignment though. ?

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  • Doughnut
    Beginner June 2008
    Doughnut ·
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    Thanks. I'm not sure if my excuses will wash though, as they are just excuses. The main circumstance is that I simply don't get it ?

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  • flissy666
    flissy666 ·
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    You may have found it easier to 'get it' if you didn't have all the outside stresses, though! Trust me... OH has REALLY struggled with his work this semester, because he had the stress of moving house, his gran dying and me having a mini-meltdown to contend with, amongst other things. Don't underestimate the effect of external stresses on your ability to understand and study. Moving house is bloody stressful, without having to balance study and work!

    If your work is in any way related to the social sciences, I'd be happy to help out if it's something I work on ?

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  • Doughnut
    Beginner June 2008
    Doughnut ·
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    Thank you lovely people.

    Flowery, what are you studying? I'm doing Java.

    I have asked for help on here and everyone has been great, but I still don't understand so I can't go any further with the assignment.

    At least Vile Boss is off til Weds when I'm moving and got Thurs off too, so I don't have to see him til Friday. I just sooo want this other job, as I need to get away from him. Unfortunately there isn't going to be any time for preparation for the interview.

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  • Doughnut
    Beginner June 2008
    Doughnut ·
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    Thanks for all your help Debsie - I hope it doesn't look like I ignored it, I didn't! Its just that I can't 'get it' without someone explaining it to me. I've never been naturally academic (my C, D, D A level grades prove that!) and I just don't think this level of study is for me.

    There is someone I know who knows Java, but he's an ex-fling from my uni days and we have some issues with each other! I have emailed him and he says he will help, but he's recently got married and I know will not be keen to see me. I wouldn't really want him to meet my husband and I know he wouldn't want me to meet his wife. I have explained that i don't get it and I have no dodgy intentions.

    I'm going to submit it not working and hope for the best! Hopefully I can resubmit again once I've had some one to one help and pass this module. I think I'll them leave with a Pg Cert as I can't carry on like this. Our new house needs decorating and I need a new job; these will be my priorities ?

    Thanks for listening to me witter on everyone. I love Hitched.

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  • D
    Super November 2008
    donnaj36 ·
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    Can`t help with the specicifcs, but it does sound like you may have a case for mitigating circumstances. I was able to do this when I was wedding-planning obsessed last year (I didnt tell them that was the exact reason!!) but my circumstances are different to yours, I think.

    Sorry if I havent read the thread properly but have you spoken to your tutor about not understanding the subject?

    Good luck with it, its bloody hard work and I can`t wait until its all over.

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  • Doughnut
    Beginner June 2008
    Doughnut ·
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    I have emailed him saying I don't understand, many times! He always wants to know what code I've written and what error messages I'm getting. I don't know what code to write! I don't really want to make excuses about moving and interviews; the only reason I'm going to fail is because I don't get it.

    Thanks again all for being so lovely ?

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  • Flowery the Grouch
    Beginner December 2007
    Flowery the Grouch ·
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    I'm doing science communication, but this particular bit is issues in science learning. Which doesn't sound hard, particularly not compared to the astrophysics of my last MSc. But it bloody is.

    I don't envy you programming. Everyone's always told me "you have a mathematical, logical, analytical brain, you'd be a whizz at computer programming!" Bollocks to that, I've tried it, several languages, and just don't get it. I'm totally hopeless.

    Good luck though - I'm sure you will get the hang of it, it'll just click, when you are less stressed with other stuff going on.

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  • Doughnut
    Beginner June 2008
    Doughnut ·
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    Sorry to hear you're having a hard time with yours Flowery. It's almost harder when you didn't expect it to be, and you thought you'd 'get it'. IYSWIM. How come you're doing so many qualifications?! Two Masters' and a PhD??

    Unfortunately I don't have a logical, analytical, mathematical type brain ? I've just always wanted to do this, and now I am, it turns out I don't want to do it ? That's also hitting me a bit I think. Just had dinner at my Mum's and feel better for that. This course is making me fat too! I eat more when I'm stressed, as it helps for some reason. Half a stone on and counting.

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  • Flowery the Grouch
    Beginner December 2007
    Flowery the Grouch ·
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    Ah well, I don't actually have a PhD.

    I did an undergrad masters (4 year course) in Astrophysics when I left school, and then went straight on to do a PhD. I spent three years pissing about, and then gave up. I moved into a sci-comms career, and started doing my sci-comms masters through the OU on the side. I don't really need it for my career, but doing it helped me cope a bit with the whole PhD failure thing (which i still haven't really come to terms with). In fact, failing the PhD is often the only thing keeping me going with the masters. I can't fail again. I just can't. I thought I was broken last time, but if i don't manage this I'm fairly sure I won't cope.

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  • Doughnut
    Beginner June 2008
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    Nothing like beating yourself up over academic stuff is there? ? Did you only start the Masters because of the PhD thing? How long do you have left?

    I don't need mine for work either but feel like my career's never really got off the ground and thought this might help. It turns out I don't really want a technical career and am much better suited to project/ organising stuff, so I'm going to stick to that. Shame it took me this long to find that out!

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  • Flowery the Grouch
    Beginner December 2007
    Flowery the Grouch ·
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    Yup, I don't think I woul dhave gone anywhere near the OU if it hadn't been for the PhD. I was depressed and unemployed. I needed something to do to try and get my confidence back up, boost my CV form what felt like a huge mark of shame (but almost certainly isn't) and keep my mum off my back! ?.

    I have one more assignment to do, and then this module's project and that's it. I'm all done.

    It is a hard way to find out, I agree, but at least you have found out, and have a clearer idea of what you want to do - much better to regret doing etc...

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  • summer solstice
    Beginner June 2008
    summer solstice ·
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    Doughnut, is there anything I can talk you through? I'm happy to add you to facebook/msn etc and talk you through any java questions you might have!

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  • Derrick
    New York
    Derrick ·
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    On the contrary, I like to study at home and online more.

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  • Eric
    Eric ·
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    It's relevant for me too

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  • Eric
    Eric ·
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    Thank you for the advice. Especially helpful in preparation time and the topic's intricacy. I used to do this as well, and it was sometimes my only way out. I went with capstone nursing am pleased with the results. This is the most significant consideration for me since I am not willing to pay for plagiarism or poor quality.

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  • Jennifer
    Beginner August 2024 Tennessee
    Jennifer ·
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    Thank you for sharing this information.

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  • Elizabeth
    East London
    Elizabeth ·
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    There are many factors that play an important role when it comes to why students fail in their assignments.

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  • Z
    Ziya ·
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    I had a terrible time a few weeks ago, I was convinced on telegram by a crypto investment firm to invest my funds and I did. But I was badly scammed that I couldn't get my funds and my returns or access my account. So I came across a review on funds recovery on Medium and I contacted this guys on, hackrecovery At yandex Dot ru, and with their efforts and services my funds were tracked and recovered. It is not a good experience losing funds while trading Crypto.

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  • A
    Beginner September 2024 Baden-Württemberg
    Archie ·
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    Im sorry you had to go through this situation, yeah unfortunately not everyone can study online and maintain good grades😔

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  • Waqas
    Savvy December 2024 Cornwall
    Waqas ·
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    It sounds like you're facing some challenges with online learning. Depending on your university's policy, you might be able to resubmit the assignment or request an extension, but you may need to reach out to your instructor or academic advisor for clarification. It's important to understand the specific rules for your program regarding resubmissions and fees.

    For more information on Longterm Care Planning, visit this link.

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