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Beginner August 2012

Most annoying things your neighbours do...?

pandorasbox, 3 November, 2011 at 16:54 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 32

Just got in after an 'orrible day and our next door are playing 'who let the dogs out' really really loudly. I want to kill them. FFS who really plays that song? The whole way through and twice so far.

Neighbours in front constantly park directly opposite my drive, leaving me very little space to back out.

Our neighbours at the back have built what looks like a shanty town leaning up against a shared fence. It makes me feel depressed thinking about Sat, when we are joining forces with other next door and going to speak to them.

Wha do yours do that drive you crazy?

32 replies

Latest activity by ebony_rose, 5 November, 2011 at 08:52
  • Flowmojo
    Flowmojo ·
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    dont speak to us!! honest to god, me and Mr F have tried a gabillion times! i was excited when they moved in, similar age, looked 'alright'..thought thisl be nice, having neighbours we can chat to etc. I think their 6yr old boy has spoken more to us in 2years then they have!!

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  • Storky
    Beginner May 2011
    Storky ·
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    He has loud sex. A lot.

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  • Blonde Viki
    Beginner July 2012
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    You say 'he' - I'm confused... Is this because your neighbour lives alone and the person he's bonking isn't your neighbour?

    I don't actually know why I'm asking though.

    My neighbours have late night parties in their back garden - I think they seem to fail to realise that when you live in a terraced house, the back garden is not that far from your neighbours bedroom windows... I don't mind occasional parties, but not three nights a week and on work nights. It drives me mad.

    That and they withold my post when the postie puts it all through the wrong doors. There's an extra house before number 1, and we've had a lot of random posties recently who don't realise this, so the post ends up out of sync by one house. I always return my neighbours on one side as soon as I get in from work - but these other neighbours don't do the same for me. They save up a wodge and post it once a month ish. They're not even polite about it when I go around to ask ask they seem to think I should go and fetch their post from their other neighbours while I'm at it.

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  • Knees
    VIP August 2012
    Knees ·
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    There's an empty house to one side of me and a little old lady the other side. She takes in all of my parcels that arrive when I'm out at work, but always insists on having a 10 minute chat when I go and collect them. Could be worse.

    Some of my neighbours put a traffic cone out when they take their car out. Parking is quite scarce as it is so this annoys the hell out of me, but I'm too scared to move them for fear of upsetting them!

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  • Cookie Galore
    Beginner November 2009
    Cookie Galore ·
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    One of my neighbours doesn't park his car he just abandons it wherever it comes to a halt, usually taking up at least 2 bays in the process. the "bays" aren't marked but if people were to park properly you could fit 8 normal size cars in the wee parking area. As it is we're lucky if we can fit 5 in and if Audi-*** is at home it's closer to 4 because of the atrocious parking.

    My neighbours on either side however are all lovely and the local kids are nice too (the feral kids that's roam around the next street over and occassionally spill into ours are another story though).

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  • D
    darkivy ·
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    Loud thumping music at stupid times i.e 6am on a Saturday morning, Sunday during the day, most evenings grrrrrr.

    Constant banging about, we are a semi so I would expect to hear sounds but honestly they sound like they are taking running jumps at the wall most of the time!

    Parking right opposite my driveway so I can't back out properly. Leaving their wheelie bin in my driveway so I nearly flatten it when I come home.

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  • cookiekat
    Beginner August 2012
    cookiekat ·
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    lots of very load sex!!! when mr neighbour isnt home there is lots of very load masturbating. Mrs neighbour needs to learn to scream quiter.

    They also have a banshee - I would say child but it isnt a child its a banshee - scream scream, scream. 3 years now the kid banshee has not stopped screaming I think she is going for a world record.

    So in essence though my paper thin walls I have day time banshee screams night time mother screams

    I would like to move.

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  • navychick
    Beginner August 2011
    navychick ·
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    We're very lucky, we have an elderly couple on one side who do quite a lot for us, and we for them. Although when the old boy comes round to ours for anything, he'll ring the bell, we answer the door and he just walks straight in, he does't wait to be invited in or anything. then he chats for a good 15 mins or so before he finally leaves. But we don't mind really.
    When i lived in my own house on my own, I used to work nights for the Police. next door used to leave his TV on all day in the bedroom before he went to work and as the walls were quite thin I used to have literally no sleep all day. Then the people at the back of my house used to lob things over into the garden, the kids would climb all over the fence and about three of them all had trampolines, so every 2 mins in the summer there would be a kid bouncing above all three rear garden fences. Added to that loud music blasting out at all hours, I can honestly say I was pleased to leave. At times I feel sorry for my tenant who still lives there.

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
    ajdown ·
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    Same problem with noisy neighbours, doesn't matter if it's a weeknight or weekend there is no excuse for having loud outdoor parties till 3am in a densly built area. There's no excuse for it.

    Just as bad is the summer barbecues, when they all have their music playing (and it's all crap) and they turn up their stereos to drown out their neighbours music, who then turn theirs up... repeat until they're all blasting out full volume. This can go on till gone midnight.

    Plus there's all the 'shanty shacks' they've built on out the back as extensions or shelter for these barbecues, that are built with plywood and tarpaulins, look very unstable, and most likely contravene all sorts of planning regulations - the way they wobble in the wind makes me think it's only a matter of time until I wake up one morning and find one in my garden.

    Unfortunately nobody wants to know about it - council, police or whatever - as it's only classed as 'minor' so they don't want to come out and deal with it as there are more important things to deal with, according to them.

    I hate living in London. Can't wait to move somewhere nicer next year.

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  • HatTrick
    Beginner September 2010
    HatTrick ·
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    Where do I start...

    Our neighbour from hell lets her rabbits run freely in her garden. Our boundary is a hedge so very easy for the rabbits to come into our garden when they are let out. We have a dog... I always check to see if there are any rabbits in the garden before I let him out but one day one of them was hiding in the bush and I didn't spot him. I let the dog out and he chased the rabbit, grabbed him and shook him so vigourously the poor little thing didn't stand a chance. Cue a huge argument with neighbour who balmed me for letting my dog out in my own garden. Who on earth lets their rabbit runs freely around a garden that is not securely fenced off? The rabbits continued to come into our garden even after one had been killed, it got to the point where we were having to let the dog out in our back garden on a lead!

    There's also the playing loud music till silly o'clock, smoking drugs, shouting and swearing at her kids, leaving her bin bags right outside out front garden etc.

    I can't wait to move!

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    Mine too has VERY loud sex! Ant late at night too, as I crawled up to bed around midnight last night they were, well, I don't even know what the right word is, squarking. They also play music, non stop! Never loud, but just enough so that if your in the quiet you can hear it, so you strain your hears listening - arrrgh!

    The otherside always let their toddler sing, loudly in the bath as I am trying to have a lie in.

    That said, they are much better than previous neighbours. Those to the left always wanted to know what we were doing and hated us parking both cars on our garage front, while the other side was a complete physcho who regularly woke me and my best mate up any time between 11pm and 6am to banging, screaming and chants of "Get out, get out, get out" along with other phychotic musings and other rude and sometimes sexually explicit rants, and things being thrown.

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  • celticgoddess
    Beginner March 2012
    celticgoddess ·
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    Only moved in in June and so far nothing. We're in a detached house and our back garden has high fencing so we aren't bothered by either neighbour. It's very quiet in our street.

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  • Houdini
    Beginner August 2010
    Houdini ·
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    Seems I have it lucky then! We're in a flat; downstairs neighbour can be noisy, but it tends to be during the day so can't really complain there. And it's very rare it's noisy enough to actually annoy me.

    She's moving out next week. I dread to think who will move in but luckily we've sold so hopefully won't be too far behind her!

    Next door to me we barely see. Maybe once a fortnight. She leaves early morning and comes back late at night.

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  • Mrs Whippy
    Beginner September 2012
    Mrs Whippy ·
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    We live in a flat. Ours are mostly lovely. Although the bad ones are AWFUL! The man living upstairs plays his music really loud, and it's beyond crap. Why would a 30ish single guy play ANASTACIA??!
    There's a bit of drug dealing going on in the area, that the police do nothing about. And, I'm sure I've posted about it before, we share a communal garden and one group of tenants own a Staffy. As far as I can tell, the poor little thing is never walked. It hangs out of the window all day, until they let it into the garden to sh1t everywhere and don't clean it up. It's favourite place to 'go' is right under the washing lines too! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    I'm lucky, my next door neighbours are a retired couple who are really friendly. She puts my bins out every Wednesday night as I work late and has given me 2 almost brand new rugs while I await some new flooring in my diner. I don't see the man very often, he's not very mobile.

    The house on the other side of me is empty and has been for months.

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  • Sparkles82
    Beginner April 2013
    Sparkles82 ·
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    Mine insist on coming in my garden and taking my wheely bin out every bloody week, and the recycling bins..... ?

    Oh, and they even have the bloody cheek to trimour hedge and cut our grass.......... honestly.....


    (I do hope the sarcasm is obvious! lol)

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  • spikeygoodness
    spikeygoodness ·
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    I live in a semi detached, and the neighbour on the attached side is a lady in her 60s who lives on her own. She's really lovely, and makes zero noise. I hope we don't annoy her too much (hopefully not, we don't play loud music and the bedroom is 3 rooms width away from her house, and neither of us "squark".)

    The neighbours on he other side are also really nice, they came and mowed our lawn or us while we were on honeymoon. Though we have a semi-shared drive, and their visitors seem to think its fine to park right at the end of their drive completely blocking us in. Can't really blame the neighbours for it though!

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
    pandorasbox ·
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    Until I read your last line I wondered if you were near me backing onto the horrible party people/shanty-builders we have to confront at the weekend!

    I envy all the people with nice neighbours. To be fair someone does keep putting our bins right back up our drive so I don't have the same problem I did at the old house, get almost into the drive and nearly crash into it! If I knew who it was I would make them a cake and say thanks!

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  • freckles87
    Beginner May 2013
    freckles87 ·
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    It seems we're very lucky. We live in a block of newly built apartments, and when they first moved everyone in, they used to let them to tenants who they basically couldn't find anywhere else for. I'm guessing they'd been kicked out of their previous places. The corridors smelled of drugs constantly and the guy upstairs used to have loud parties going on until all hours. People were always hanging out of the windows and shouting. And all of the postboxes were always punched in. Over the past 6 months they've kicked out all of the trouble causers and the worst we get is people laughing and talking loudly on our corridor after a night out, which we probably do too so can't be angry!

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  • Little Pixie
    Beginner September 2011
    Little Pixie ·
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    Nothing at all. I love my neightbours. One side is a deaf guy called gordon who is lovely and the other is Mick and Carol who are also awesome. Both sides take all our parcels. Gordon looks after the guinea pigs while we are away and Mick and Carol always invite us to their parties and I swap plants with Carol too.

    Next door to them is Albert and Vi on one side and Christine and Mick on the other. They are also really really nice. We always stop and chat. Me Gordon and Chris quite often stand in our back yards and chat over the fences all with beer/wine etc.

    I NEVER want to move!

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
    *Mini* ·
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    Ours our nice! Next door is "dave" he is a gem, puts our bins out and helps us out with looking after the kids etc. When both of our cars packed up in one week a few years back he lent us his car for the week so we could get to work minus a 2 hour train journey- legend.

    The other side are deaf- because of this they shout- ALOT. but they do take our parcels in for us as they are retired so not all bad.

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  • T
    Trickers ·
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    I'm lucky too.

    Lovely neighbours on both sides.

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  • Rizzo
    Beginner July 2011
    Rizzo ·
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    Our neighbours are lovely! One of them has a cat that keeps pooing in our garden which is a pain, especially when he digs up something the kids have planted first...

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  • luckylola
    Beginner September 2012
    luckylola ·
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    At the moment the most annoying thing our neighbours do is park over our drives! We don't share a wall with anyone at this place, but we are hoping to move soon.

    Fingers crossed the new neighbours will be okay !

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  • *BigBird*
    Beginner April 2013
    *BigBird* ·
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    They let their dog jump over the back fence and do its buisness on our garden. She insits it's from our own springer puppy and that her dog wouldn't do it but she has a rather large lab/staff and there is a clear size difference between their dog and ours.Then in a different conversation she will comment on how her garden is always clear. So tempted to get OH to throw it back over...

    Then there is the way they have let all of their garden shrubs and bushes grow out of control in the back and front garden. Every week we are getting rid of bramble that makes its way over the fence. OH wants to cut them all down and make it a bit more respectable but we know it just won't be appreciated or looked after.

    Im at the end of the road in a semi so don't have anyone the other side.

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  • ebony_rose
    ebony_rose ·
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    My new neighbours are nice and quiet. The most annoying thing is the woman next door who thinks she's better than everyone else. She walks around with her nose stuck up in the air. The look on her face when my Dad pulled up on his motorbike just after we moved in was amazing. All my other neighbours are elderly, and keep themselves to themselves. I think i'm probably the "annoying" neighbour, as i'm the only one with kids... Although I don't let them play out the front.

    Couldn't be more different from my old neighbours. One of them beat a man up and nearly killed him right outside my house. The lads uncle came for "revenge" and thought my window was my neighbours, so smashed it in with a golf club. Loud music, shouting, fighting...

    Just after I moved out a man further down the row of houses stabbed someone right outside my old front window. Nice!!!

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