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Beginner July 2011

Naughty Things You Did As A Kid

Rizzo, 6 December, 2011 at 13:59 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 31

My mum insisted on buying me disgusting Clarks shoes (you could get them in red or blue and they had the same style out every springtime) even though I wanted shoes like the other kids wore. One year, we went for a walk in the country and as an act of rebellion, I marched my brand new Clarks shoes through some very deep mud. I can still hear my mum shouting now. *sniggers*

I was round my friend's house one time and we were playing with plaster of paris and the molds were so boring that we decided that his mother's tights, which were hanging over the shower rail, would be so much better. We made such a mess!

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Latest activity by Vanilla Pod, 7 December, 2011 at 21:50
  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    I put my brother's hand in a fire.

    I drank bleach.

    All in the name of scientific curiosity, you understand.

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  • Arquard
    Beginner May 2011
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    On December 3rd 1990 I ate all the chocolates from mine and my brother's advent calendars... and let him take the blame for the following 12 years. When I finally 'fessed up to my mum, she went ballistic and tried to ground me even though I'd moved out!

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  • kathryn2010
    Beginner September 2015
    kathryn2010 ·
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    We were so naughty! when we were kids. we used take a trolley out of local supermarket and push each other down a hill.had to stop coz my brother broke his arm

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
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    One year, my mum got a box of very 'spensive chocolate truffles for her birthday. I scoffed the lot!! I had one, then wanted another, then just one more... until they were all gone!

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
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    I don't remember this, because I was only about 18 months old, but I somehow managed to get the top off the bleach bottle and poured the whole lot down me. My sister was supposed to be keeping an eye on me while my mum was doing something. My mum came into the kitchen to find my sister watching TV and me with bleach all down me!!

    She rushed me to hospital but I don't think I'd drank any.

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  • Flowmojo
    Flowmojo ·
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    I was an evikl cowbag when i was little brother got the brunt of it!

    - i pushed my brother who was strapped into his buggy down concrete steps...

    - i threw a rakeover a gate at him

    -i used to put him in toyboxes and sit on the lid so he coudlnt get out

    - my mum used to do make up parties when we were little, like 3and 4 and one day, whilst we were in the bath, she took a phone call. I took it upon mysefl to empty the lipstick box that was stored in bathroom and drew EVERYWHEre, over my brother, the white tiles, inside the loo...needless to say she want impressed, but i apparently blamed my brother, even tho i had NO lipstick on me

    hes now 6ft odd and built so had got his own back onme many a time!!

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  • Knees
    VIP August 2012
    Knees ·
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    I was generally a pretty good kid and my sister was very naughty. One year, my mum had made and iced a cake and, curiosity getting the better of me, I stuck my finger in the icing and made a big smudge. Naturally, I blamed my sister and mum believed me.

    I still haven't owned up to it, even though it's still mentioned. I have a sneaking suspicion my mum knows it was me.

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  • ebony_rose
    ebony_rose ·
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    I used to get my younger sister to take money out of her money box to buy me sweets.

    I hit my sister in the face with a tennis racket, badly chipped her tooth, and hid up a tree for 2 hours incasse I got told off.

    If my Mum put me in clothes I hated, i'd cut a hole in them with scissors so I didn't have to wear it. My Mum caught on and started hiding the scissors.

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    I hit my best friend over the head with a shovel cos he wouldn't give me back my shoe (We had one of each of our shoes on). I then ran home (A few doors down) and put myself to bed cos his Mum was scary and I knew she'd tell me off.

    Threw a plum stone at a neighbours car and dented it. I was aiming for one of the neighbourhood kids, in my defence. Ran home, put myself to bed again.

    I was a bit of a complete brat and did many naughty things.

    Although, my older sister broke my arm when I was 6 by picking me up and throwing me on the floor. I got the blame!! My Cousin stabbed her older sister through the hand with scissors, so I wasn't the naughtiest kid in the family.

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
    ATB ·
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    I used to write my name on the windows when they were steamed up, then blame my brother. Claiming he had done it to get me into trouble, as I'd not be daft enough to write my own name!

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  • Panjita
    Beginner May 2011
    Panjita ·
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    I got the naughty kid at school to go over and kick a girl who I had broken friends with.

    We used to order pizza's and taxi's to be delivered to a boy down the street and we'd give names like Ben Dover.

    We didn't realise we were being naughty, but a few of us decided to play maypole one day and tied loads of ribbons around the skinny girls neck and almost strangled her.

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  • D
    darkivy ·
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    I was a complete little git as a child!

    I put my own hand in the fire apparently whilst grinning at Mum who was screaming at me not to...

    I made my then 2 year old sister walk in front of a car to go and get me an ice cream

    I used to throw all of Mum's books everywhere then blame my sister and laugh while she got smacked and sent to her room

    I had my My Little Ponies taken from me at school because I kept hitting other kids on the head with them.

    *disclaimer I am truly ashamed of the above and am nice now!!

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  • Little Pixie
    Beginner September 2011
    Little Pixie ·
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    There used to be a horrid boy next door but one to me, he broke my swing. My best friend and me said we would both be his girlfriend if he went down the hill on his skate board stood up. Needless to say he fell off and lost an adult tooth. He spend the remainder of his childhood and adolesence wearing a fake tooth and then had to pay to have a permanent replacement when he finished growing!

    I was very mean to my sister too and I remember flicking paint water all over the dining room walls with my cousin and it was so bad my parents had to replace all the wallpaper.

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  • Missus S
    Missus S ·
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    I used to pinch my brother when he was a baby and I thought my mum and dad weren't looking- I was 3!

    I sprinkled mud on top of an ice cream and told a little boy in my close it was flake and made him eat it ?

    Me and my cousin smashed the windows of an empty house on our estate and had the police called on us. I have never been more terrified and learnt my lesson!

    The ice cream incident still haunts me today and I wish I could find the little boy and apologise. I have cried with guilt as an adult!

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  • Pinky6
    Beginner June 2012
    Pinky6 ·
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    I think I was a pretty good kid actually. When I was really little I used to do things them blame them on my little sister. Also, when I was about 10 and lived in Germany, me and my mates used to use the telephone boxes and ring sex lines and put on funny accents!! haha how sad.

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  • 1234ABC
    1234ABC ·
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    I was actually a pretty good kid. It was all circumstances!

    Like the time i ran away from my mum, fell and split my head open....or the time i put my hands in a tub of creosote and burnt my hands....or the time my older brother pushed past me at the top of the stairs and i grabbed his jumper and wouldn't let go....then i did and he fell down the stairs.

    All of the above i was only little when these happened and can't be held entirely for my actions.....

    I used to throw food i didn't like under the table so that it looked like one of my siblings had done it. I also used to throw it behind the fridge, and under the dishwasher (was not a plesant discovery when they were eventually found)

    I have owned up to all of the above, and my parents say that they knew i was the culprit all along.

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  • Sparkles82
    Beginner April 2013
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    Only a couple of things stand out, I was generally very shy and well behaved.

    I used to share a room with my sister, she is 7 years older than me. One day, I was playing weddings and needed some confetti (I was about 8 at the time) and had no paper in my room to cut up. The only thing I could find was my sisters vinyl record collection - she had 2 cases of singles and 3 cases of albums. Well, all I can is that the corners of the sleeves made wonderful confetti, and I do believe my mum locked me in the bathroom for my own good when my sister found out!

    I also once smashed a neighbours car window (by accident, I was trying to hit the lampost with a stone and missed spectacularly)and as my brother was a little sh!t I legged it and blamed him, and he got grounded for a month! teeeheeeee!

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  • Mrs Bass
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs Bass ·
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    I made a friend at nursery when we were 2 and our families became really friendly.

    we once flooded her parents apartment by putting all the plugs in the sink and bath and turing on the taps, then wandering off for lunch.

    also she gave me a massage once with super glue!

    our parents love to remind us of all the things we got up to when we were little, we are still very good friends now and some of the stories even made it into her dad's father of the bride speach! ?

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  • HatTrick
    Beginner September 2010
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    I was very naughty, I was suspended from senior school 4 times!!

    One time I was in science doing something with circuit boards with my friends and we thought it would be very clever to put the hot resistor on each other's hands and burn each other ? Needless to say, I was the one who got caught. And suspended.

    When my brothers were little they had bunk beds. Mum always used to put the Christmas presents on the end of our bed in the middle of the night when we were asleep. One year my elder brother got up before the rest of us and opened all his presents. Then went on to open all of my little brothers presents too! My poor little bro had hardly anything to open on Christmas day.

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    Science was the best lesson to play up in. I used to turn the gas taps on in Chemistry so that it made the teacher panic and we had to leave the room. In biology we used to roll test tubes off the desk and let them smash on the floor.

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  • HatTrick
    Beginner September 2010
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    I think we'd have been great friends at school ?

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  • (Claire)
    Beginner July 2011
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    I was a little sh1t

    I shot a brick at my youger brothers head for not giving me a fruit salad chew (i didnt think it would hit him)

    Me and my sister blamed younger brother for alot of sruff he got away with it though because he was the youngest.

    I ate mums xmas present that sis had bought her, it was a box of walnut whips I wrapped them back up and put them back under the tree.

    I booted the door in temper and put my foot straight through the glass!

    I ran away when I was about 12, only over the hill but I got lost!

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  • HatTrick
    Beginner September 2010
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  • judeclarke
    Beginner October 2011
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    I feel sorry for all the little brothers and sisters out there!

    I too made my little sister's life hell - but she deserved it. I once put soap on her toothbrush, I cut her dolls' hair, I broke or hid her stuff. I once ripped up her homework. But the best (?) one was when I opened half the back door - we had a split stable back door - so that the bottom opened but the top didn't. I then went doewn the garden to tell my sister that there was a boy on the phone for her. She ran up the garden, and when she went to open the back door only the bottom half opened - and she went face first into the top half, splitting her lip and making her nose bleed. I got grounded for 2 weeks for that one.

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    My older Sister tried to force feed me a bacon sandwich when I was a couple of weeks old. I was in my crib and my parents were in another room, apparently my sister went running in to them shouting "She didn't choke, she didn't choke!!" cue them wondering what she was talking about. They found me covered in bacon and crumbs!

    Any wonder I'm vegetarian after that ordeal!!

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  • Panjita
    Beginner May 2011
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    Remembered another one, I was about 6 and was too scared to go upstairs on my own to the loo (it was dark but I am not sure why I never put the light on? Maybe I couldn't reach) so i clambered up the kitchen units and weed in a sink full of dishes.

    I also vaguely remember drawing some nice pictures/scribbles on the wallpaper at the bottom of the stairs.

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  • S
    Beginner October 2011
    SuperSpud ·
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    I appearently had a tendancy to pick things up off shelves when I was in my pram without anyone noticing - mum once walked out of a shop not realising I had three packets of (unpaid for) balloons in my hands!

    I also broke a boy's nose on the school bus - he was always picking on me, calling me "Nigel" etc (I looked pretty boyish during my teens) and I snapped. It all sounds pretty pathetic now, and I deeply regret it.

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  • HatTrick
    Beginner September 2010
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    I wouldn't beat yourself up over that FB. He shouldn't have picked on you in the first place!

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  • Vanilla Pod
    Beginner September 2011
    Vanilla Pod ·
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    On Easter Sunday when I was about 7 my Mum had me dressed up all in white white dress with a navy trim, white buckskin shoes, white ribbons in my hair and white cardi she had knitted herself. I had half an hour to go and play before we had to go to my nans. I went on the field with the boys who were making a raft for the river alt which is a fithy cess pit of a river... You can guess the rest. I got on the raft and fell in. Totally ruined my new clothes but was too scared to go home so my mum had half the street looking for me and I was hiding under the bridge. I wasnt allowed out for weeks and got my eggs took off me.

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