Hi all, been mia for a while as ive been mega busy but felt the need to ask you all. Is this normal..........
I have just been sorting through the laundry that has piled up recently and actually could not believe the amount of socks belonging to my lovely hubby that i found! Ive just taken everything upstairs and commented about the socks to hubby and laughed, but upon placing said socks neatly away i decided that for some bizarre reason i would just see how many pairs there were..........OMG! 36!!!?
This is not counting the unpaired ones in the sock bucket (yes we have a bucket for rogues lol)
I promptly went and told hubby that i think he has some kind of sock fetish and he really should join the secret sock society, and if there isnt one he needs to start one!! To which he said "yeah i could start one and have things like sock of the week!"
I am really seriously worried ? Please tell me this is not normal?!
FYI all the socks are the brightest, most garish, socks you ever did see ?