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Beginner April 2014

Too many bridesmaids?

Jader123, 18 of December of 2012 at 18:57 Posted on Planning 0 39


I have 2 definite bridesmaids, however, I am really close to four friends I met when at uni. Do you think 6 bridesmaids is too many? How many bridesmaids did you have and what did you think about it on the day?

Thanks, I am probably fussing over nothing Smiley smile

39 replies

Latest activity by rachd03, 4 of January of 2013 at 13:59
  • SuperDuff
    Beginner November 2013
    SuperDuff ·
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    I have two, which seems to be the norm amongst my friends when I think about it. However, one had 6 and didn't seem to have any issues with it. She did make sure she shopped around for good deals on the dresses etc though. I personally couldn't afford to have that many, but it is personal preference really.

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  • T
    Teal ·
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    Unless you are getting married in a cathedral, I personally think 6 is too much.

    I had one MOH. Partly the cost, but also my OH only had 1 close friend as a best man at the wedding as we got married abroad where I am from. If I'd had say 2-3 BM's, it would have looked uneven with only 1 man on his side.

    Do you have 5-6 men to be on your OH's side?

    Can you afford the suit hire/dresses or at least contribute to ALL these?

    Could you friends do a reading or something else instead?

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  • Chickster
    Beginner August 2013
    Chickster ·
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    I'm having 7 bridesmaids and all but two of them are family. Have as many as you want - although I will say, it is costing us a small fortune to have 7 of them (around £1,500) which is starting to sting a little...

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  • C
    Beginner March 2013
    Chedi ·
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    I'm having one MOH and 3 girls (8-11yrs). This is more than enough for me, and I did umm and uhh about about having a MOH. I could have had another 3 childhood friends - but I decided I didnt want that many more, and its enough of an honour to be invited to the day of the wedding.

    You have to keep in mind 3 more is not only 3 more dresses to buy, thats more accessories, more shoes, more gifts, more flower bouquets, more people for make up, more people for hair. More people having to get ready in the same place, more people to transport to the venue or between venues if your receptions not at the same place. Its a drastic increase in costs in everything.

    If you have the budget for the increase and you want the extra company, then I think it is nice to include friends. I just couldnt justify the extra costs and I didnt want a flustered morning - and I get stressed when I'm surrounded by loads of people.

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  • B
    Beginner October 2013
    Bex 320 ·
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    I have 5 bridesmaids and haven't found a problem so far. I say have as many as you want, it's not up to anyone else it's your day Smiley smile

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  • E
    Beginner August 2013
    Elodia ·
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    I am having 7, 1 MOH, 3 older bridesmaids, 3 junior bridesmaids. I would have had less but it was hard to leave anyone out. As my daughter is a bridesmaid and my OH daughter, then my 2 sisters. So, then I had to have my OH sister and then i felt really bad not asking my two neices.

    Also my OH has two son's and really wanted to involve them so there been ushers. LOL....... It is expensive though. I've paid for the dresses, well mum has. The bridesmaid will get own shoes and jewellery.

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  • Nutella
    Beginner March 2013
    Nutella ·
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    Personally yes I think 6 is too many, regardless of the size of venue or how much money you have. Please don't make any hasty decisions.

    Consider as individuals what each of them will bring to your wedding, as in will they be a support to you in the planning? Be on hand when it all gets too much? Say the right words on the day when you suddenly freak out?

    Or will they end up causing you more hassle? being awkward about choosing dresses, or going to fittings?

    Not saying everyone chooses BM's on this basis, and I probably would have chosen the same ones anyway but I wish I had considered it more so at least I would be more realistic in my expections starting out.

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  • DaffodilWaves
    DaffodilWaves ·
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    I love loads of Adult bridesmaids. The pictures are fun. Have them all ?

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  • Sam&Louise
    Beginner September 2015
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    As above! The group shots are super fun when there's lots of you.

    What is "too many" is entirely up to you. If they all mean something special to you, you'd feel comfortable with 6 (and cost isn't a huge issue if you're paying) then why not?

    The most we've ever had was 8 adult Bridesmaids and that wasn't a problem at all on the day itself. In fact, it was great- they all looked beautiful, shared roles and took turns doing things like keeping an eye on the kiddies.

    Go for it, just be prepared for the possibility of a bit of extra leg work when it comes to things like finding dresses etc Smiley smile

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  • Kylie541
    Beginner February 2013
    Kylie541 ·
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    I have 7! 4 adults and 3 little uns. It's easy for people to say it's too many but if they mean something to you and you can afford it then why not!

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  • clarehj
    Beginner April 2012
    clarehj ·
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    I would have all 6 provided you can afford it. They are really expensive.

    I had 4 in rather a grand setting, but probably would not have been able to afford many more - think dresses, hair and make up, jewellery, gifts etc.

    It's not about what they bring to your wedding, or offer you, but *who* they are to you and what they mean. My bridesmaids were my sister and my besties, and oh's sister as well.

    If you can afford it, definitely have the ones you want....doesn't matter if 2,4 or 6 or whatever.

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  • clarehj
    Beginner April 2012
    clarehj ·
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    Although saying above, I add the caveat that finding 6 identical dresses that everyone is happy with is probably a bit of a nightmare. I found it a nightmare with 4, as two of them went a bit funny (think tears and strops), but well worth it in the end.

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  • *gnashers*
    Beginner October 2013
    *gnashers* ·
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    I personally couldn't think of anything worse than having 6 bridesmaids!

    But then I'm an only child so don't have siblings (or family for that matter) to worry about, and then I have lots of close friends from different circles and if id have chosen from them too, i would have just ended up spending a fortune.

    Im just having my two best friends I've had from school, it was just easier and cheaper that way.

    But if you can afford it, and it's what you want, go for it.

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  • Unlikley Bride
    Rockstar July 2013
    Unlikley Bride ·
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    This has made me want to ask all my friends!

    I'm having 3 of my best friends so far. I have another 2 friends who I would love to have too, but there's OH's 2 sisters to consider so I've stuck with the 3 to keep the peace. Plus I'm not made of money lol!

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  • Chris Giles Photography
    Chris Giles Photography ·
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    Pfft, 6 Bridesmaids, nothing to worry about and more to dance with in the evening.

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  • J
    Beginner April 2014
    Jader123 ·
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    Thank you everyone for your replies! There is quite an equal 'battle' between the two sides Smiley smile I enjoyed reading all of your opinions x

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  • F
    fatihgg ·
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    Don't worry, in my opinion, bride can have as many bridesmaids as she wants. It's up to you and if you want them all - then do it! It's your big day. When I was a bridesmaid in my firend's wedding I was one of 6 as well, so no panic Smiley winking

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  • mandspice
    Beginner September 2013
    mandspice ·
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    I had two plus a pageboy originally but they have multiplied! I now have 3, plus pageboy and flower girl and man of honour.

    The aisle at our venue is really small but I don't mind. The people coming with me are all close friends and family and it feels right for them to play a role. Plus the photos will look fab. I would have more if I could afford the dresses!

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  • I
    Beginner October 2013
    Irisbride ·
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    I think it depends on how many guests you are having. If you were only having 50 or 60 it might look a bit strange is 10% of your guests were bms. I have 3 which seems ideal for me, but I agree that if you want more then go for it. I would echo the advice about ensuring you can afford it- the bms have costed me so much more than I originally anticipated

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  • Peter
    Peter ·
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    I once had 12 adult bridesmaids leaving from a one bedroom flat in Sawbridgeworth......Have as many as you personally feel comfortable with....

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  • Pinky6
    Beginner June 2012
    Pinky6 ·
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    If you can afford it then go for it. I personally think 6 is a lot and like Claire said, trying to get a dress that will suit and please them all will be hard work. Also, if I had 6 bridesmaids then I would have to have 6 ushers (inc best men) to even the photos out as it would just bother me otherwise.

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  • BlueBow
    Beginner December 2013
    BlueBow ·
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    I'm having 5 definitely possibly 6 (the sixth is family whereas the 5 are friends) Couldn't choose just a couple from my friends and want to have my cousin - if you care about them all and want them involved do it. So far we havent had any issues with dresses or anything else - theyre also planning an amazing hen by the sounds of it. I say go for it!

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  • Wedding Photography By Bill Haddon
    Wedding Photography By Bill Haddon ·
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    There is no right or wrong amount - just whatever is right for you. I have shot weddings from 0 to 10 bridesmaids.

    Here is what 6 looks like

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  • AmnesiaCustard
    Beginner June 2011
    AmnesiaCustard ·
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    I had no bridesmaids and liked it very well that way. H did not have a best man/ ushers either.

    However, I once sung at a wedding with 15 bridesmaids and it was awful. It looked like a school outing of the rowdiest class.

    So somewhere in between is possibly best. I admit I prefer no more than three, or the bride and groom look a bit outnumbered and overwhelmed.

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  • BowlingBride
    Beginner September 2012
    BowlingBride ·
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    I had 6, i didnt expect them to do anything I had their dresses made from a pattern they all agreed on (tho none of them cared what they wore). It depends on your bridesmaids there are ways round any issues. Having 6 caused no stress for me we had a sing and dance whilst we were hanging around and having so many of us gave it a fun party feel. You only get married once do what you want dont regret not have everyone you want involved.

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  • vintagedreams
    Beginner August 2013
    vintagedreams ·
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    I have 5, 4 friends and my future stepdaughter who will be 13. That said I asked them 2 years ago when we first get engaged and I have grown apart from one of them just due to life circumstance such as working hours. I would never I bridesmaid someone but I do wonder if I had waited longer to ask them and realised how much it was going to cost I woul have had so many.

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  • J
    Beginner April 2014
    Jader123 ·
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    Thank you for all the comments from both sides. I am still completely torn although nudging towards 6...does that matter that we having a small wedding with roughly 50 for day and 50 more in the evening?

    Thanks again x

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  • <3FutureMrsN<3
    Beginner March 2016
    <3FutureMrsN<3 ·
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    I'm having 4 BM and 2 PB. My OH is having 2 BMen and 3 maybe 4 Ushers can't remember exactly.

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  • Katianne
    Beginner February 2014
    Katianne ·
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    I am having 6 - 4 of my closest friends who I've been friends with since school, my sister and my niece. I wasn't sure if it would be too many, but then someone on the forum asked if I would look back and regret not having them all. My answer was yes so that decided it! Plus the photos will look fab Smiley smile I have 85 guests, for the day and night.

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  • J
    Beginner April 2014
    Jader123 ·
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    FutureMrsH - if you don't mind me asking, how many guests you having?

    Thanks...yea I think I would look back and regret it tbh!

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  • <3FutureMrsN<3
    Beginner March 2016
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    Erm ..... 80 at most I think. OH's family is huge so it may be more but not sure which members he's actually inviting.

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
    *Mini* ·
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    ballsacks, we had 4 BM's and no Ushers!

    Have as many as you want OP, if you can afford it then do it.

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